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Everything posted by sxp2high

  1. sxp2high

    Arma 3 Repsawn Issues

    Hi there :) You need to add this to the description.ext: respawnOnStart = 0; Edit: Sorry, you already got that, I overlooked it. Maybe respawnOnStart must come after respawnTemplates? With respawnOnStart = 0 you should start where placed in the editor.
  2. Recently created for a mission, maybe useful for some people too. :D BTK Gasmask Function (SQF) for ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead (lastest) + ACE This function simulates contaminated areas. Being inside a contaminated area without wearing a Gaskmask will harm the player. He gets damage in intervals and dies after some time, if the does not exit the area or equip his gasmask. Works in singleplayer and multiplayer. Only players are affected, not AI. Also included: Gasmask.sqf Add and/or use gasmask. Works for both player and AI. To activate the function put this into your init.sqf file. [font="Fixedsys"]BTK = execVM "BTK\Gasmask\Start.sqf";[/font] To define a conterminated area, create a Game Logic , give it a name and edit the Start.sqf file. You can also move the areas at any time (setPos). This file contains the most important settings. [font="Fixedsys"]BTK_Gasmask_Area1 = [color="Blue"]MyGameLogicName[/color]; // - Object (if not used, set to objNull) BTK_Gasmask_Area1Radius = [color="Blue"]123[/color]; // - Radiation area around the object (in meter) BTK_Gasmask_Area2 = [color="Blue"]MySecondArea[/color]; // - Object (if not used, set to objNull) BTK_Gasmask_Area2Radius = [color="Blue"]666[/color]; // - Radiation area around the object (in meter) [color="Red"][...][/color] BTK_Gasmask_Damage = 0.2; // - How many damage from conterminated air? (in %) BTK_Gasmask_DamageInterval = 30; // - Interval for the damage while not protected (in seconds) BTK_Gasmask_EnableSound = 1; // - Play sound? 1 = yes / 0 = no (Sound must be defined as BTK_Gasmask_Geiger in description.ext) BTK_Gasmask_EnableFX = 1; // - Enable visual effects while not protected? 1 = yes / 0 = no BTK_Gasmask_EnableHints = 1; // - Enable hints when entering a conterminated area? 1 = yes / 0 = no BTK_Gasmask_GasmasksqfType = "ACE_GlassesGasMask_US"; // - Gasmask type for the add function (Gasmask.sqf) [color="Red"][...][/color][/font] Changelog Known issues Download Demo Mission Mirror Armaholic Feel free to ask for changes or report problems.
  3. Hello. After playing a couple of missions hat involved clearing mines, I came to the conclusion that the vanilla mine detector is absolute garbage. The whole system makes no sense and is plain immersion breaking. I'm trying to improve that. Here is a quick test I did to see what is actually possible with vanilla content. Maybe not very realistic like this, but i think it's a lot more fun and immersive: Any suggestions or ideas? Also, I could use some help. Making the mine detector an actual weapon that can be equipped. If someone knows how that works please let me know. I suck at config stuff :)
  4. sxp2high

    BTK Immersive Mine Detector

    Some good ideas again, thanks! Alduric, that's looking real good, I've added you in Steam. :)
  5. sxp2high

    VanhA's A3 thread

    Perfect, thanks!
  6. sxp2high

    VanhA's A3 thread

    Glad to see you in Arma 3, always enjoyed your Arma 2 missions. Especially the Thirsk ones. I remember shooting a lot of aggressive dogs. :D It would be much appreciated if you could provide some direct links though. Workshop is very inconvenient for dedicated server admins. :(
  7. sxp2high

    BTK Immersive Mine Detector

    Good point, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads up. Absolutely not my area of expertise, so I guess I'll just stick with attachTo for now. Yup, getVariable/setVariable would be the easiest way. It would be perfect if you could also nil the setVariable, once the IED is disabled. Thanks! ;) I'm experimenting with some HUD methods at the moment. I see why BIS added that mine icon, it's very, very difficult to find mines in tall grass without it. Hopefully I can find a solution that makes it doable. I'm testing with a customized version of BIS_fnc_dirIndicator right now, which gives you a vague idea of the direction: If anyone has a better idea please let me know :)
  8. sxp2high

    BTK Immersive Mine Detector

    Thanks Tinter I appreciate that, but the hint was just for testing purposes, it will be removed later. :) Nice work brians200, I'm looking at your script right now. I can check for the possible IED objects in addition to mines, and then check the object for getVariable to determine if it is an IED: _isIed = if (!(isNil {_object getVariable "_sectionName"})) then { true } else { false }; Seems to be working. Let me know if you think there is a better way.
  9. sxp2high

    BTK Immersive Mine Detector

    Thanks, good point. Should be no problem. I will look into some IED scripts and make sure it's compatible.
  10. sxp2high

    BTK Immersive Mine Detector

    Thanks. Good questions. The hint in the top right was just for testing, ignore that. :) No idea how these things work in real-life, but for interface I think a simple indicator would be the best. Like this: The more red dots, the closer you are. Simple and effective. As for multiple mines, you're right, it will just react to the closest one. Once disabled it will "jump" to the next one.
  11. Yes, it should work this way. Keep in mind though, allowFunctionsRecompile is a serious security risk. Do not release your mission to the public with it enabled. Host it on public server at your own risk. I wouldn't.
  12. Here's a temporary fix, reintroducing the option to disable respawnOnStart: GLT Respawn Template Fix
  13. sxp2high

    GLT Respawn Template Fix

    According to Moricky on the bug tracker this was made by choice because of Zeus: I think this was a bad decision, because it broke many many missions and forcing respawn on mission start is probably undesirable for most people. So I propose reintroducing the respawnOnStart parameter and defaulting it to 0 like it was before. Zeus can then simply use respawnOnStart = 1 to get the desired effect.
  14. No that won't work unfortunately. The mission config file (description.ext) values can't be set or manipulated by scripting during the mission. Unless there is a specific command to do so.
  15. Very annoying. Nothing we can do for now. Vote here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18359
  16. sxp2high

    AMD Mantle Support possible?

    Mantle is awesome :) http://www.golem.de/news/amds-mantle-api-im-test-der-prozessor-katalysator-1402-104261-3.html (German)
  17. sxp2high

    Name and chat not showing

    It's an Arma 3 bug. It's also happening with no mods running at all. Very randomly, some people see chat, others don't. We tested it specifically and played around with showChat. I've added this to our server side addon (client injection) to fix it: // Chat fix [] spawn { player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", { [] spawn { sleep 2; showChat true; }; }]; showChat true; sleep 1; showChat true; sleep 5; showChat true; }; The list of such workaround fixes is getting longer and longer :(
  18. This is pretty awesome, I've been trying to get rid of that as well. Thanks for posting! :)
  19. That would be text :) _m setMarkerText format["%1", (text _x)];
  20. Just add it to the array as well, this should work: _chemlight = _lightType createVehicle [getPos _helitarget select 0, getPos _helitarget select 1,1]; //is defined also as chemlight hlight_array set [(count hlight_array), _light]; hlight_array set [(count hlight_array), _chemlight];
  21. The (count hlight_array) will have the same effect as an isNil check. In the delete code it removes them from the array, so after that the array will be empty. { hlight_array = hlight_array - [_x]; // Remove each light from the array deleteVehicle _x; // And delete it } forEach hlight_array; Imagine it like: if ((count hlight_array) == 0) then { hint "no lights!"; } else { hint "lights are already spawned!"; }; Edit: Yep you got it, looks alright too. :) ---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ---------- Now your using setVariable, so you have a bit of unneeded code in there. Here this is cleaner and makes proper use of set and get variable: if (isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "hlight"}) then { _array = []; _ang = 0; _rad = 6.5; //radius _bcount = 6; //number of lights _inc = 360/_bcount; for "_i" from 0 to _bcount do { _a = (_target_pos select 0)+(sin(_ang)*_rad); _b = (_target_pos select 1)+(cos(_ang)*_rad); _pos = [_a,_b,_target_pos select 2]; _ang = _ang + _inc; _light = "Land_runway_edgelight" createVehicle _pos; _light setPos _pos; _array set [(count _array), _light]; // Add to array }; missionNamespace setVariable ["hlight", _array]; }; if (!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "hlight"}) then { _array = missionNamespace getVariable "hlight"; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _array; missionNamespace setVariable ["hlight", nil]; };
  22. Hey there, no need to bother with missionNamespace, just use an array. [color="#FF0000"]hlight_array = []; // Define once[/color] if ([color="#FF0000"](count hlight_array) == 0[/color]) then { _ang = 0; _rad = 6.5; //radius _bcount = 6; //number of lights _inc = 360/_bcount; for "_i" from 0 to _bcount do { _a = (_target_pos select 0)+(sin(_ang)*_rad); _b = (_target_pos select 1)+(cos(_ang)*_rad); _pos = [_a,_b,_target_pos select 2]; _ang = _ang + _inc; _light = "Land_runway_edgelight" createVehicle _pos; _light setPos _pos; // lights set[_i, _light]; //only commented works for spawning [color="#FF0000"]hlight_array set [(count hlight_array), _light]; // Add to array[/color] };}; Then you can delete them: [color="#FF0000"]{ hlight_array = hlight_array - [_x]; deleteVehicle _x; } forEach hlight_array;[/color] The hlight_array = []; // Define once part should be done somewhere else though, in your init.sqf for example. We just need to create the array once per mission.
  23. Surprisingly I couldn't find a thread on this?! Did I miss it? This is one of the worst bugs in the game and it has been there since Alpha! Please fix it. Not much else to say really.... Tickets: 0008658: Changing terrain details causes strange "anomalies" in the distance. 0010699: Requesting "objectViewDistance" and "terrainGrid" commands
  24. I think kju's suggestion would be the best. Separate terrain grid and clutter distance settings. I do notice a small performance impact in some dense areas (just a few FPS but still), and seeing clutter further is not really what I wanted to archive or need/want. I'm sure the performance drop will be even more noticeable on some older rigs. I think and hope there is room for improvement to the situation on Bohemias part. But for now it is a solution, yes.