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Everything posted by AmnesiacJack

  1. AmnesiacJack

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I don't mind them adding new content but I really hope that any engine optimizations and tweaks to make the game run better are free. I'm not going to whine and cry yet though, if I feel like BIS is turning into Activision I'll just fade quietly into the night (with my pocketbook). All I ask BIS is that you don't split the community up with various versions that work and won't work with each other. It's hard enough for me to get people to buy your products with out having to tell them they'll have to buy a bunch of DLC too if they want to be compatible.
  2. Thanks for the quick update it works great now, haven't ran into any thing weird. Been having some great battles in the valleys now :)
  3. I'm still running into the Chernarus dependency, the error pops up and then shows me the menu "How do you want to set it up" but I can't click on any of the options. Can't back out of the menu either, have to do a hard shutdown of the game. I do have Arma 2 but they are both on steam and launching the Combined Operations doesn't work (waiting on a patch from BIS for that!) :P
  4. AmnesiacJack

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    Great work! Having loads of fun with this mission, never know what type of insanity I'll find my self in. Nice change of pace any ways and can't wait to see what you add onto it next (my 2 cents, throw it on another island by chance?) Thanks for the hard work :)
  5. Been using this setup for a few days so far and have to say it's really helped round out some of the rough edges for me that were just annoying. Hope to see some missions made specifically with this set in mind as there is a ton of fun possibilities that I'll never be able to take advantage of in the editor by my self :P So cheers and thanks for the great write up, it helped me get every thing sorted out and working smoothly.
  6. AmnesiacJack

    Helicopter scenerios

    I've tried to make a few missions like this for my self but never have much luck. Some times instead of blowing stuff up I'd like to just pick up some troops from base or a hot LZ and then fly them some where and avoid getting into trouble. 30+ minutes of flying with no shots fired might not be most peoples idea of fun but it'd be like meditation for me.
  7. AmnesiacJack

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Is there a working rocket any where? I'll explain my need I guess might be able to use something other than a rocket. I'm making a scene in my mission where a rocket takes off / launches and the person is just left there watching it fly off into the atmosphere. Is there any thing I can use that will do that? Doesn't need to look like any thing but a fireball flying up into the air though just to simulate the feeling of "goodbye".
  8. So I've been looking around for a model I could place in the editor that would resemble the interior of a space ship but haven't had any luck finding even one. None of the Sci-fi mods here seem to have a finished interior to walk around in. I realize it's a weird request in it's self but I really need one for a few scenes I'm scripting. The dilapidated interiors of all the buildings I've found so far (not to mention windows + being able to see outside) just don't have the right feeling. It doesn't need to move, think, kill, etc: being solid and room for a few AI to stand is good enough. Any one know where I could find a model or something that might be similar that already works with the game? Thanks
  9. AmnesiacJack

    Space Hulk / Stations Interiors?

    Yeah sorry I read this "ArmA 2 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION This forum is for discussing addons or mods that are currently work in progress, as well as for discussing ideas or requests for addons" at the top of the forum and figured I was good to go. Next time I'll look at the stickies too.
  10. AmnesiacJack

    Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

    Great update MrN! My favorite mission on my favorite island, what more could one ask for.
  11. AmnesiacJack

    Albatros D.III

    Wow, honestly. Gonna have some great immersive dog fights in these puppies! Great work and can't wait :)
  12. AmnesiacJack

    co12 Weitmanns Heil @Quesh-Kibrul V2

    Me and a buddy are trying to get this but are being given an invalid download link for the mission file (addon links work fine).
  13. AmnesiacJack

    Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

    Awesome work MrN, been releasing a lot of holiday family "cheer" with this mission!
  14. AmnesiacJack

    Copy My Stance -UPDATED

    Thank you thank you thank you. Another feature I've been waiting to see tackled (AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN STANDARD BIS).
  15. AmnesiacJack

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Thanks Schwab! Will check this update out when I get home from work, still my favorite mod around :)
  16. AmnesiacJack

    Grand Battle missions

    Those are my favorite types of missions and really why I bought ARMA. I like being a small cog in a big machine even if that means my actions don't have a huge effect on the battle. If the battle is awesome and fun enough then I can get sucked into the experience of being insignificant and helpless while at the same time ENJOYING that feeling instead of being annoyed with it. *edit* Talking about grunt type missions.
  17. AmnesiacJack

    SLX Mod WIP

    Any one else having an issue where when you get killed the game just kinda sits there for several minutes? If I let it sit long enough the screen turns blood red for another few minutes then finally I can exit / respawn / change my options what ever. (can't pull up menu to exit game or any thing only alf+f4 gets me out)
  18. AmnesiacJack

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    From Armaholic both times? (i got a corrupt download twice from there the file needs to be reuploaded)
  19. AmnesiacJack

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Freaking awesome! Cheers mate!
  20. AmnesiacJack

    Takko's nuclear bomb [a1 port]

    @halleyelec Thanks, it pretty much allowed me to do what I wanted to do. I set up two triggers, one that goes off when opfor get around the bomb (sends a text msg that the bomb is being armed) and then the 2nd one that goes off when they have been there for a few minutes (and dmgs the bomb enough to start the explosion). Makes it frantic having to push them back out away from the bomb with out blowing it up. Cheers and thanks :)
  21. AmnesiacJack

    Takko's nuclear bomb [a1 port]

    Well basically I'm trying to get the bomb to activate after a random amount of time from mission start. My mission has the player and a buddy trying to reach a location before the bomb (kill the NPC so the arming waypoint can't be triggered) can be armed and if it does get armed they have to make it to an extraction zone. My plan was to use an NPC with waypoints and a variable time but oh well. I'll keep messing around thanks :)
  22. AmnesiacJack

    Takko's nuclear bomb [a1 port]

    Is it possible to get an AI to operate this thing? I've been trying all day to make a mission where an NPC turns on the bomb after a set amount of time (say 10minutes pass in the mission). I can get them to walk up to it and all around it but so far nothing else? Any one able to help? :(
  23. AmnesiacJack

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Is there a way to give the AI commanders money and actually have them buy their own troops / vehicles? This is probably my favorite mod / mission but was wondering if there is some way I can kind of automate the AI squad leaders a bit more. I know that having human players in their place is the ideal way to play but my internet is pretty weak which makes online ARMA 2 not so much fun :( I've tried giving them money through the administration menu but so far haven't notice any of them spend it yet.
  24. AmnesiacJack

    Eki./Laertes' Addons

    Good work here, been able to make some fun little missions for my self with this :) Can't wait for future updates (any chance for a police helicopter / swat copter with fast rope for building top insertion? :P)
  25. AmnesiacJack

    RTS (7vs7vs7) - Kingdoms

    Wow, if BIS would hire some of the scripters / mission makers from this forum to make missions for the retail game ARMA would probably be game of the year. Another release I can't wait for TiGGa :) Have you thought about using any addons like Littlebirds?