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Everything posted by sweep

  1. It's the greatest, you can try it out now. So many possibilities. Once I have a few months off, I'm sitting down and making the Vietnam campaign I have always dreamed out.
  2. thanks for sharing! looks great so far, and obviously the simple plug and play format is always an achievement in itself. a bit too scary to play on my own, looks like I'll need to find some buddies to help out.
  3. thanks, that helps a lot! I had been reading about a Campaigns folder, but I did not have that folder anywhere as this is my first downloaded campaign. So I just made a Campaigns folder within my main Arma2 folder and dropped the pbo into it.
  4. this looks amazing, thanks for sharing. How do I install a campaign? I created a mod folder, and put in the required add ons which start up just fine. And I put the key in the keys folder. But then I have the campaign pbo file, which I'm not sure what to do with. I put it into my Missions folder in OA & Arma 2 (tested both), and it doesn't appear under scenarios or campaigns.
  5. Here's a mission by Nomad using DAC3 on SEA, works great : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=113515&highlight=sweep
  6. There is an actual campaign within the mod? Or do you mean all the different scenarios? I haven't been able to find a campaign. When I open up the campaign section of the game with the Mod running it only has Harvest Red, Arrowhead, Operation Black Gauntlet, and EW.
  7. page 103 of this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=108476&page=103
  8. you can't just copy and paste from the handbook because of formatting or something. So just copy and paste from the handbook, whatever shoulder patch you want, into a blank note pad. Then copy and paste from the notepad into the unit's initialization.
  9. thanks for sharing EggBeast. Just so I understand...does this Dynamic sound for VietCong AI replace the Russian voices, so that when VietCong are nearby you hear their voices?:bounce3: And the GITS fixepack is in relation to the thrown weapon error and other various issues?
  10. If you are using vanilla arma2, then navigate to your Arma2 base folder under Program Files. Create a folder there and name it: @UNS Create a folder within the new folder and name it: addons Put all files except UNS_.bikey (that goes into your Keys folder), into the new addons folder. (also, put the mission files into the correct folders as described above, but it sounds like you did that OK) Now right click on arma2.exe, and create a shortcut. Drag the new shortcut to your desktop (or wherever) and right click it, go to Properties. Under the Shortcut tab go to 'Target'. Add one space, then copy and paste this to the end of 'Target': -exThreads=0 "-mod=@UNS;" Click on the newly created shortcut and you should be playing UnSung.
  11. I believe portions of ACE do work, while other features do not (like the radio module). You'd just have to test it out. At some point I believe I did see an Addon that makes it all work, but not sure what came of that. Your first step would be to simply verify that the files you downloaded are within the @UNS/addons folder -- many times you can put them in there and they will create their own folders. Second step, make sure you put the Single Player missions you downloaded into your MISSIONS folder. Then make sure you put the Multiplayer missions into the MPMissions folder. Then put the UNS_.bikey into your KEYS folder. Are you running ARMA2 or Combined Operations or Arrowhead? Using Steam? If you are using Steam with Combined Operations, there is _runA2CO.cmd within your Arrowhead folder.... throw that into notepad and scroll down until you see the following line and that is where you should change the target line, then make a shortcut for it on your desktop: "%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 -nosplash -showScriptErrors -exThreads=0 "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;@CBA;@UNS;@DAC;@CLAY_CarRadio;" I bolded optional commands I'm using, you'll definitely want to add the -exThreads=0 so your maps load quick.
  12. that's everything, you are all good
  13. I'm currently waiting on my ArmedAssault download to complete. I just grabbed CSJ's addons to fix his map errors, and noticed the link for the R2 SP/MP missions..... Is that a new download, or is that mission download listed on ARMANAM also included within the big download I'm getting from ArmedAssault? thanks!
  14. sweep

    GITS Evolution Vietnam

    looks amazing, thanks for sharing. Are those support scripts (airstrike/mortars) something I can use on my own missions? Or are they custom for Vietnam Evo?
  15. woot! can't wait. Any updates on the sound front? My biggest hope was VietCong voices replacing the Russian ones.
  16. LOL, the suspense is killing me. :) I was hoping the previous post was a signal that the update was at any moment. I've got a week off and I'm ready to build a mission(s) with UnSung!
  17. thanks for the info, videos are displaying just fine. I finally got Unsung running with CO, and edited my previous post to reflect that. I also checked out SEA, which is just incredible. Look forward to the next release.
  18. sweep

    [Coop] Village Sweep v2

    thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it. Now I've got UnSung running with CO, and just loaded up Village Sweep for the first time!
  19. sweep

    [Coop] Village Sweep v2

    thanks a lot, that's definitely the issue. I'm actually just running UnSung with Arma2. I first attempted to run UnSung from within the Arrowhead folder but was unable to do it without errors. I moved it to Arma2 and it works fine....but now your mission requires CO, so now I'm confused. I guess I'm not quite sure how to run a mod with Combined Operations. The only way I know how to start Combined Operations is through a Steam popup, since there isn't an exe within my folder for it. Usually I just make a shortcut from the exe and edit the target.
  20. sweep

    [Coop] Village Sweep v2

    Thanks for sharing your mission. I have the Unsung Mod, and it's been working great with SP missions. But when I load up your mission in Multi I get this error: "You cannot play/edit this mission it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. ca_modules_e_weather, cacharacters_e, camisc_e"
  21. wow, what a Mod. If anybody was thinking about installing this and just hasn't gotten around to it ---- DO IT. Even the missions included are incredible! Few thoughts: 1. I would edit the first post as I don't think it does this MOD justice, nor does it provide all required information. A future Unsung player would need to read this entire thread to pick up on the fact that there has been a patch.....and after they see that information they will read an extra hour to just make sure they haven't missed anything else. 2. I'm an above average Arma nut, and it took me a number of hours to get this setup correctly. (albeit I was an 8 the entire time) The main problem I had was that it does not appear to be compatible with Combined Operations via Steam (or in some cases). I saw other people having the exact same problem (Ben Endless post #378), where single units were not available in the editor, etc; and these are the problems I have unless I simply run the mod through Arma2 stand alone -- which is just fine by me. But it would have been sweet to know that before all of the trial and error. EDIT: Unsung works perfectly fine with Combined Operations. 3. This mod is awesome. 4. I have searched and searched for a Multiplayer mission comparable to SP Operation Lowlands for this mod -- since that mission is exactly what I want to do with my buddy tomorrow night (our weekly Arma2 Night). Suggestions? Is there any chance that the Unsung team has converted that to Multiplayer and just hasn't shared it yet? I have begun my own attempt at converting this mission, but I'm not an advanced mission maker and I have a feeling this is beyond me; plus I won't be finished by tomorrow night.
  22. awesome, thanks. I had the exact same problem and it now works like a charm.
  23. PVP06 or COOP03 Special Forces Utes Russia vs USA ACE2 Details: 0420 mission start Mission Summary: The small island of Utes has fallen into political chaos. The United States and Russia have deployed Special Forces within the region. Two weeks ago Neo-Nationalists took control in an attempt to ransom off this mineral rich island to the highest bidder. Powerful armies now converge upon these thugs. The prize : which rich nation comes out the savior and starts drilling for oil. Tasks: #1 Insertion The early morning hours should provide for light resistance. Attempt stealth operations or expect to be hunted. RUSSIA - Rally point is marked in red. Once beached proceed with your team towards the rally point. Additional gear has already been brought ashore via operatives. USA - Rally point is marked in blue. Board your designated chopper (via waypoint) and insert with your team. Empty MH-6s also standy by. #2 Avoid Detection If either team is detected enemy forces throughout Utes will go on alert. If both teams are detected the effect increases. #3 Locate Documents Intelligence has uncovered an abnormal number of power generators throughout the island. HQ requires a closer inspection. Find documents revealing the Neo-Nationalists true intentions. As the entire island is under their control, any enterable building may have the documents sought. All possible locations are marked. Homes, Barns, Barracks, -- the documents could be anywhere, but some places more often then not. Beware that should your opposition find the documents first, they will be a step ahead towards claiming victory. Multiple sets of documents are likely, however only one is required. Any team member carrying documents will drop them upon death. #4 Destroy Generators The documents display a loosely bonded group of mercenaries and locals. Knocking the power out will probably quickly end this revolution. In order to deactivate the system knockout the mainframe. HQ has marked the three prime generators within the grid. Destroy them. Until your team locates a set of plans, blindly destroying all generators remains the only option, which isn't. HQ has deemed that operation unfeasible and inadvisable. Victory Conditions: Intended use: PVP or COOP. USA (3 slots) vs Russia (3 slots). RUSSIA and USA: Recover documents in order locate the three main power generators and destroy them. The team which knocks out the power grid first will claim victory. If your team cannot find any documents : track the opposing team, eliminate them, recover documents from any dead player. Features: ACE Stamina ON ACE Wound System ON Bon's Touchbuddy Bon's Advanced Artillery (Spetnaz w/rangefinder only) Kronzky's UPS Script Addons Required: ACE2 (@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM) Credits: ACE2 Team Bon for his cool art system & touchbuddy Kronzky for his UPS script Re-playability: The documents can always be in different spots based on percentages. All generator locations are random upon mission start. All enemy patrols are random. Number of patrols, number of vehicles; there are many random variables throughout. Re-playability should be fairly high. Feedback: It's welcome. I'll make any additions, fixes, or subtractions within my power. Not part of a squad so I was not able to test this in multiplayer as much as I had hoped. Any errors please let me know. I've never actually played it 3v3 so I'm expecting some issues, but also expect it to be pretty darn fun. JIP probably isn't perfect. Download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10255 ALTERNATE REVIVE VERSION WITH NO AI TEAMMATES Download Revive version: Armaholic mirror: - Special Forces Utes Russia vs USA -Revive (PvP-06 - Co-03) (@) Required addons - Advanced Combat Environment 2 - Core - Advanced Combat Environment 2 - eXtras - Advanced Combat Environment 2 - SM - Community Base addons *added revive *removed AI teammates
  24. happy to hear you enjoyed it. I think I used a revive version that was all set for multi-player, but it's an older version and didn't have that issue fixed yet. I'll look into it and try and fix it. Was sad to take away my AI landing on the beach :) - fun little things like the interior light changing, etc - but yes it was a mess with the revive version and wasn't going to work.