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Everything posted by Machinist

  1. Machinist

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    It isn't beta issue. It happens sometimes with 1.56 too (soundmod related maybe? im using JSRS) Thanks for beta and chopper fix and merry x-mas to bis and other armaholics.
  2. If i remember right i had same thing happening sometimes when i had 4850. Maybe it's low video memory or some kind of memory fragmentation thing... who knows. Also might wanna try new 10.12 drivers too. Seems to reduce these z-fighting/lod problems with other games too. Atleast for my hd4890.
  3. I replayed the 05 mission several times without luck, then one try i completed objectives as always but on landing damaged my chopper badly. After that 06 changed from hell to sandstorms. Another thing was that the campaign jumped 07 mission to 09 mission. Strange things...
  4. I have same problem, except nobody was shot down in 05 mission. I destroyed aa's and landed safely.
  5. Machinist

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Great stuff. Chopper flyovers sounds awesome
  6. Machinist

    Server list gone

    Gamespy is down or something... my game stopped responding several times when i clicked multiplayer. Now i can get in, but list is empty.
  7. Machinist

    New beta build 71548 up

    I also got same error, when playing campaign manhattan mission. (q9400, 4gb, win7 64bit)
  8. Uninstaller works fine here. I have used uninstaller since 1.03 betas and never had any problems with it. @Wolfrug was the uninstaller in the arma 2\beta folder when you run it?
  9. Machinist

    Thirsk Island

    wow, awesome looking map. You have really catched finnish scenery.
  10. Hellsss yeaaah that was fast response... nice work. Other game developers should take a note how it's done. Enjoy your beer/weekend BIS staff, and other players too. That's an order :D
  11. Machinist

    Vsynch Test: Plz check.

    No idea why is that. 9.4 to 9.7 all works for me.
  12. Machinist

    Memory leak?

    You sure it's memory issue? During these lag periods my gpu usage drops to 30-0%. Wonder what causing this?
  13. Machinist

    Vsynch Test: Plz check.

    Getting rid of input lag is why i use it. 60fps is more than enough. Hell... even constant 24fps is smooth and playable in arma2.
  14. It can't be the drivers... between 9.4 and 9.7 all works. You guys sure you're doing it right? make game profile-> direct3d tweaks and force vsync off-> save profile. I tested with xp 32bit. It worked without -winxp
  15. ccc vsync thing doesn't work (at least in arma2). Att works for me... not sure if rivaturner or similar works too. I also noticed that att force vsync off doesn't work if i don't use -winxp parameter.
  16. Make att game profile and force vsync off then add -winxp to game own shortcut. No need to go through att. Works for me hd4890 + win7 64bit.