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Posts posted by HateDread

  1. Hey all,

    I'm running some BeCTI 0.96 (Warfare, lots of AI) for my own uses on a LAN network, with just me as a player. I'm wondering if having the dedicated server and my client on an i7 3770k @ 4.3ghz would be better, performance-wise, than a dedicated Q6600 @ 3.0ghz.

    I realise that the i7 is obviously more powerful, and uses hyperthreading, but just wondering if the power is offset by having both aspects run at once, in which case the older processor would be better as a separate server.


    - HateDread.

    • Like 1

  2. Hey all,

    Arma 3 Alpha says 'Update required'. I hit play, it comes up with the 'Updating Arma 3 Alpha' window - it says 'Preparing to launch ArmA 3 Alpha...' above the empty update bar. This hangs for a minute, then I get;

    'An error occured while updating Arma 3 Alpha (connection time out)'.

    Steam connects and updates other games, so Steam IS connected.

    I've deleted Appcache folder and restarted PC, then Steam, and it made no change, nor did deleting ClientRegistry.blob and restarting Steam.

    This happens in both the normal and development streams.

    Any ideas?

    - HateDread.

  3. Hmm, I've tried the following;

    act = this addAction["Change for land combat","Scripts\DiverGearChange.sqf",this,1,false,false," surfaceiswater [getpos this select 0, getpost this select 1]"];

    But it works whether I'm in water or not. What am I doing wrong?

    Also, using SetVariable, if I've got the unit named in my .sqf, i.e. _diver = _this select 0, can I do the following?

    _diver setVariable ["ChangedToLand", true, true];

    Just not sure if I can pass it back like this.

  4. I've tried "!(underwater player)", but the action is still available no matter what. I'd prefer it to not even be available while on top of the water... the player has to be on solid ground. I tried getposASL, but I screwed that up too.

    Can I pass something back into the init space that forms part of the condition for the opposite action? So either the variable passed back into the unit init space is a yes for action 1, or a yes for action 2, and so the appropriate action is shown in the menu. But I feel that this would be inefficient and messy, and I'm not sure if the init space can be changed after game start? (Probably... hence the name).

  5. Hey guys,

    Trying to get some sort of diver weapon storage working, but I can't figure out how to efficiently add some sort of condition that only adds an action to the menu when the player reaches the shore. I want it to disappear once activated, to be replaced by a counter action (i.e. 'retrieve diving gear' when the first one was 'store diving gear').

    Just having trouble conceptualizing how to pass back some of the stuff through an execVM to the unit (as I was calling the diver's .sqf in the init field, but that might not be preferable?)

    Thanks in advance!

    - HateDread.

  6. Sure. Give me a day or two and I'll figure out how to do it.

    So happy to hear you're enjoying the mission.

    Thanks! It's good to just jump in to some combat... I've been trying to make this kind of thing myself, so I appreciate it.

    Gear saving/respawning with the previous equipment would be great - annoying to keep having to re-equip it all.

    That + bags would be good (including spawning in first with a backpack of some sort).


    Oh and have the items replenish in the crates... don't wanna run out of ammo!

  7. Jesus, guys. Let's actually encourage discussion, eh?

    I think the OP might be hoping for something more like, either:

    1. We could nail down appropriate 'defaults' for the default action key, such as always 'get in as driver' on a car, unless driver is full, then get in as gunner, etc.

    - Including making this default key only work on what you directly look at, as opposed to what you're near, so if there are multiple doors, only the one you look at gets activated/used. This would make the default action key work much better.


    2. Have a specific key just for getting in and out of vehicles. You need to get in under fire. 'Default action' might decide to switch your guns, check the vehicle gear, etc. This is made worse by missions that add extra options, often from the top of the list.

    TL;DR: Relax and discuss this. Add button for enter/exit vehicle.

  8. Hey man, nice work! Does this include AI commanders and what-not? Like, if I play this mission with only one buddy, will it just be one vs one with our AI units, or will each team be filled out with AI units being controlled?

    EDIT: Just saw;

    - AI groups get waypoints so you can play alone against AI. Also AI can get bots at base and oriented on infantry.;

    Guess that answers it :)

  9. Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Version .03

    Good Day, ladies and gentlemen.

    Here I have, as promised, is another version of Dynamic Zombie Sandbox. It includes a major addition, vehicles. I created a new spawning system that will be more efficient. To summarize, it spawns vehicles as you explore the map, instead of right in the beginning. Making a smooth load for the host. Also, I added civilian zombies, a difference between A3 and A2 was causing them not to be included.


    • New vehicle spawn system
    • Adjusted some parameters
    • Included Civilian skins

    Note: This is an alpha version of a mission on an alpha version of a game. Don't expect perfection, play at your own risk. Please don't rate down an unfinished product.

    (Photos on website)


    Hey man, looks good, especially with the physics of the zombies dropping dead!

    However, when I host via listen server on LAN and jump on, I find that the zombies can hardly notice me. I have to shoot one for it to run at me, and the others just ignore me until I fire upon them. I'm walking around watching them moan and roam.

    Any ideas?

  10. Select the server in the other timezone. Ping up to 200ms is not critical in ArmA2.

    Or use flares if you need light. You can carry them in hands and light up the area around you.

    Although I think 1:4 time ratio would've been optimal. I (and I'm sure many others) miss seeing the sun go down and realizing that dangerous night comes and then seeing how the dawn breaks.

    It's impossible now unless you stick around for what? 12 hours straight?


    to me its TOO realistic. the day and night cycles should be in real time IMO.


    The time-scale at the moment is crazy. I get that it's realistic, but whenever there's a local server for Aus/NZ, I'm playing in the night, and when I jump on the US servers, they're in the night as well... I've seen day-time once! ONCE.

    Also, would you consider, at some point, allowing private use of the this mod, i.e. at a LAN party? It'd be a perfect cooperative game for my group.

  11. Hey all,

    I'm searching for books as per the above (including books about the hardware rather than the tactics - i.e. tanks, and with a modern focus (i.e. cold-war to now and into the future)). For example, I have a fantastic book that breaks down some WW2 land battles (although not in the greatest of detail), with some pictures and a map or two. Anything like that would be good too.

    I love a good diagram/image here and there, so no novels, please!

    Any ideas?

    - HateDread.

  12. Cheers Lozz08.

    I'll simplify this down to the core script problem:

    Run 'Code A' if player detected in radius, with 'Code A-2' run when player is not detected. This must be reusable (the current default triggers for this run only once, even if set to 'repeatedly' - they don't check the 'state' of detection, only activating when it actually occurs. If this weren't the case, I would just use the 'On Act' and 'On Deac.' fields of a trigger).

    Would it be possible to do the above, but with only running 'Code A' if the player is detected in the radius AND the enemy is detected by the player.

    Does that make more sense?

    - HateDread.

  13. Glad this was of help to you :)

    I've personally not used it in multiplayer, so good question!

    I would guess that the place/way you actually execute it would affect it - could you post more details on your implementation?

    It might be containing the responses of the AI within the locality of the AI's host.

    However, it would be best if, say, Evil-Echo were to post his thoughts.

    Sorry I couldn't help you out more, but good luck, mate. I'll continue to try and help out.


    - HateDread.

  14. Hey all,

    I'm wondering how I could run some code locally every time a player is detected by any enemies within a certain zone around them (currently achieved by attaching a trigger to the player), with a different set of code when they're not.

    Think of it as playing a random playlist of 'Explore' music, and a list of 'Battle' music - the code for battle music would run when the player is detected by any enemies in that zone, otherwise the Explore music would be on.

    Also, as another condition - if the enemy is within X, regardless of detection, play the 'Battle' type music, otherwise Explore. Or (and this is getting a bit far-fetched) run a third set of music if this is the case (i.e. 'suspense'/pre-battle music).

    I know that sounds a bit odd, but I have no idea how to combine these. It seems the default selectable options of a trigger are not enough.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    - HateDread.

  15. Cheers, mate :)

    Okay, so it's safe to use triggers/while statements that execute the script continuously? I.e. it won't just keep restarting the song at 0 each time?

    And, when playing random songs, there's a significant pause before them. I know raising the time you mentioned earlier should increase the time of the fadeout, but not cause a silence between them? Also happens when starting a track randomly for the first time, i.e. with nothing before it - there is a pause of a few seconds. Any way around this?

    I tried using the code the following way, but had no sound:

    _Explore = '[2,["mx_explore_1",0,185,1],["mx_explore_2",0,186,1],["mx_explore_3",0,195,1],["mx_explore_4",0,196,1]] exec "cly_jukebox.sqs"';

    _ExploreMusic = compile _Explore;

    _Battle = '[2,["MWbattle1",0,127,1],["MWbattle2",0,125,1],["MWbattle3",0,134,1],["MWbattle4",0,154,1]] exec "cly_jukebox.sqs"';

    _BattleMusic = compile _Battle;

    While {true} do


    if ((player distance Campfire1) > 75) then

    {call _ExploreMusic;}

    else {call _BattleMusic;};

    Sleep 1;


    I have checked the script itself, and hints fire when in place of the call command. Does this just not like being called?

    Anyways, thanks a lot!
