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Everything posted by HateDread

  1. Wow, looks sweet. Few questions that'll save me cluttering that thread: - Has the dedicated server requirement been removed? - Does it handle JIP players well, if they tasks are slowly added in a COOP mission with a storyline - I.e. if Tasks 1-4 are done, out of 6 tasks, when a player joins in, will he instantly see tasks 1-4 done, and be up to task 5 with everyone else, or will he have to start from the start? (In the above example, imagine they were created one by one during the mission). Other than that, looks sweet!
  2. So all of the tasks can be run only on the server, but be set for each player? --Checks http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createSimpleTask-- Hey, you're right! Awesome. Also, regarding the code I entered, I can't seem to get it to work: ((player distance MulladostMarker) < 50) It will never fire/return true, it seems, no matter where I stand. I can get it to work if MulladostMarker is the name of a game logic/location/object, etc, but not a marker. Is there a way to determine distance to a marker, for use via this script?
  3. It'd help if you were able to provide some other information, such as the scripts within which the tasks are being created/assigned, etc, as well as how the game is hosted - i.e. are you running a dedicated server, or just off your machine, etc. That is important, too.
  4. HateDread

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76711

    It asks if I want to update to OA 1.57? Does this beta force a change in the main patch classification, so we can't go online with it, again?
  5. Hey all, As I wrote on the Domination thread in 'User Missions': Followed by: Looking for a time-acceleration script for my attempt at an RPG mission. It seems the domination version is the most suitable, but I can't seem to find it in the mission's scripts/files. Cheers, guys :)
  6. Thanks AZC for this. Just wondering, guys, is there a way to make it so that if all units specified go down at once, the mission fails (Like L4D's system), as nobody can patch anybody else up? I.e. if it spits out a variable that can be checked, one could just run a trigger with condition Unit1 --Incapacitated variable here-- && Unit2 --Incapacitated variable here- etc, etc. Any ideas? :)
  7. When you're writing something in a unit's init field, click the command, i.e. click in the middle of 'moveincargo' in an init field (just an example), then press 'F1'. You'll get an info box explaining the command :)
  8. HateDread

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Do you know if the one in Domination has the cloud-skipping problem, where each change of time/date moves the clouds suddenly? I can't remember seeing it in Domination, and it's quite immersion breaking :( Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I never knew that about 'F1'! Thank you! :D
  10. HateDread

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Just out curiousity: How does one take the 'fast time' parameter and apply it to a separate mission? I can probably move the actual parameter itself across via description.ext, but how is the fast time actually executed? Is there something deep in the code? Thank you :)
  11. Haha I know how to do that - it was my suggestions after all. I meant what solutions you've got for the time acceleration. I.e. what you wrote below;
  12. For number 2; Helicopter setcaptive true Where you have the helicopter's name in there, above. This prevents the AI from reacting to you as an enemy, or shooting at you. Hope that helps :)
  13. Re. the campaign idea - thank you for the example. I'll check it out and see how I go :) And regarding that command (playScriptedMission), the biki page speaks as if it's featured in a particular credits scene... does anyone know where that is? End of OA, PMC, etc? Might be able to see it in action there. Cheers. EDIT: It's entered as an ArmA 2 1.00 command, but the example goes to the OA Desert :/
  14. Hey all, Like the title suggests, I am wondering if it's possible to link multiple maps together, meaning; When the player, for example, escapes a certain boundry/trigger, they are loaded to a new map (i.e. from Takistan to Zarghabad). Would it be possible using some of the campaign-style scripting, whereby info is retained from mission to mission, and therefore the player's 'stuff' could be remembered? The only problem is how would they return (i.e. go 'back' through a campaign?) And, as well, is it possible, if this is the best course of action, to 'force' a jump to the next mission? Cheers, - HateDread.
  15. HateDread

    Post Apocalypse Units

    Actually, what I'm after, as well: - In addition to the current faction, a similar one that's slightly more military-orientated, just to be the 'bad guys'. - A distinct model or two on each side, to use as the important characters in the RPG story. - Would it be possible to also get post-apoc. civilians? Then I could add them to ALICE, and use them as ambient :) Any addition items, vehicles, etc, would make my mission much easier/better :) Either way, nice work.
  16. Hey all, As the title suggests, I'm trying to get a smooth animation transition from a player lying on their back, to standing. The problem is that I can't seem to find a way that's compatible with the lack of weapons. I'm currently using AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback, at mission start, so player begins on their back. On queue (as a result of an addaction), I want the player to stand. I tried using AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront to get the player into a position from which he can normally stand, but the animation requires a weapon - in my attempts, the player is holding an invisible rifle. Does anybody have any ideas? Cheers, - HateDread. EDIT: Using the animation viewer ( ), I have managed to find some useful animations. (Namely AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_rolltofront instead of AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltofront, etc. Now I i'm wondering how to tell via script commands when the rolling to front is completed, so I can execute a stand. How does one determine when the animation is finished? Is it Animationstate? And if so, how does it determine the animation has ended? I thought the animation continues until told to stop? Cheers.
  17. Deadfast, you're a digital god. Thank you. Now my question is, what is the anim for 'standing' once lying on stomach via AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed. Is there a player playmove "stand" or something I can use? Cheers.
  18. Okay, how about... How do I tell the player has stood up? :)
  19. HateDread

    Ai defending camp

    And on that problem, how does one smoothly flow out of an action/animation, such as weapon raised, to walking away? (And does playaction do the same as playmoves, i.e. takes the same imput)? Sorry to hijack.
  20. Howdy all, completely unrelated to previous posts... Does anyone have a suggestion for an effect one would see if dehydrated/dazed, in the desert? I'm talking like, for example, you're dumped in the desert by the enemy, and your vision fades in for a moment to see them walking away, only for it to fade back out again (then fade to black). So; - How do I get this effect? And; - How would would modify is on the fly, so that it smoothly shifts as dictated throughout a mission/scene? Thanks in advance :)
  21. HateDread

    Post Apocalypse Units

    It features an idea of mine that may be unique... swapping to different maps, just like in a typical RPG like Fallout 3. Trying to get it to work ;) Well, any updates to these guys would be lovely. I got one error; Also, I'm after some rag-tag models that are non-military, in a way. Like, I want the mission to start with the player on the ground in the dust, abandoned. They wouldn't leave you with a backpack and supplies, would they? :p Just a request. I can make-do if not :) Would love to see more units of any of these styles. They're all good :D Thanks a lot! EDIT: Just saw the skoda. WOW! Why can't it work, again, sorry? I don't understand the MLOD issue.
  22. Hey all, Just wondering if I can increase the intensity/feel of the sandstorm function? I mean so that it's raging around you and you can't see very far. At present it's an occasional puff of sand floating by. Also, I recall running across in many missions an option to set the camera to one of five settings, from 'FX 1' to 'FX 5'. I believe I've seen it in domination, warfare, and VTS (at least one of these, then). I'm looking for the desert-style one. Is there a list of these 5? I think maybe it was FX 2, but not 100% sure, nor do I know how to actually implement it. Cheers, - HateDread.
  23. Yeah spot on :) Actually, if you've found a way to do it, please post it for people like me :D You've also inspired me to start an RPG, too, possibly :) And I'd be very interested in your results!