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About Shifty1776

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  1. Shifty1776

    Annoying issue

    Well, so far i've tried the following... - extracting the mission to the editor and changing my rank to Colonel in an attempt to make the AI gunner not disobey me... No luck - Booting the gunner before takeoff... Fixes the switching weapons issue, but I am far less effective without a gunner to point the cannon at selected targets. Anyone know any other way of forcing the gunner to stop being an idiot and choosing hellfire missiles every 10 seconds?
  2. Shifty1776

    Annoying issue

    But won't making my gunner eject not allow me to use the cannon effectively? Like how even on manual fire, when you target an enemy, the gunner will point the cannon at them, but you still pull the trigger. Sorry for the newbie question, but I just got this 2 days ago :/
  3. Shifty1776

    Annoying issue

    Thats what I thought at first, maybe I hit a button I wasn't aware of when I was customizing my Joystick controls, but i've checked and triple checked all the commands and I can't narrow it down :(
  4. Shifty1776

    Annoying issue

    I'm not sure if its just the AH-1Z Viper Helicopter, but it is the only instance of this problem showing up for me, and here is the problem... I'm flying along, heading to the target area to kill some tanks / apcs / cars, and I turn on manual fire and target the nearest enemy. I decide to go for the cannon since I'm a little close, and in the middle of firing I suddenly switch to Hellfire missiles and launch one. Thinking it was a mistake on my part (bumping the button or something) I just cycle through the weapons back to cannon again and resume. After a few rounds it switched to Hellfire again! I then thought it could be something like my gunner is choosing the appropriate weapon for me (was targeting an apc), but then when I target an enemy chopper and shoot off a sidewinder, it switches back to Hellfire! This is extremely annoying and makes using the Viper almost impossible because you'll be out of Hellfires by the time you are in desperate need of one. Anyone know wth is going on? :confused: