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About maddiebrad

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  1. maddiebrad

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    I was able to reduce the mouse lag massively by downloading the ArmA II Patch that adds the SLI Profile. Also I am on a 30" screen thats native resolutioj is 3120X1600. I reduced my res down to 1680X1050- and that also helped a bit. (Even thought I am running 280's overclocked in SLI!!!)
  2. maddiebrad

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    Hey guys, I joined this forum just to post up that I too am suffering from this problem. I CANNOT believe that this is a "Game Feature". If programmers use delay to simulate anything that is just plain lazy. I find this game completely unplayable and I am not a quake or UR player. I am a combat sim player. I have tried all the things listed here as far as VSync, and rendered frames and all that jazz. But it is bad. I have a smoking system as well so there is NO WAY that it is a pergormance issue for me. MY RIG: i7 965 Extreme OC'd to 4.2 ASUS Rampage II Extreme Dual GTX 280's SSC OC'd 6 Gigs of DDR3 2000 all watercooled and running sweeet. So... tell me again this is an FPS issue. Has Anyone from Bohemia even bothered to address this post? I read through 15 pages before I joined so i didnt read the last 6 pages. Regards, Brad