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Everything posted by Eagle911

  1. Eagle911

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    The problems in this game are absolutely ridiculous. This is unacceptable. BIS should have post-poned this game another month or two to polish it out.
  2. Eagle911

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Now if i wanted to take this mod and add F-16s and Littlebirds (LBs as default spawns, F-16s as rewards) how would i go about making the script and then saving and uploading the new edited map? I've never done this
  3. When i get into a game for about 10-20 minutes i get a black screen that is stuck saying 'Receiving...' What is wrong?
  4. Eagle911

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    People say my mic volume is way too low. I have my volume maxed in TS and mic boost is on. Are there any programs that will boost my volume even more?
  5. This is becoming extremely annoying. Along with having to restart my computer because my graphic card seems like it exploded
  6. Yeah, im running Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX
  7. Eagle911

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    DMR SMAW with 2 or 3 missiles One grenade or smoke. Pistol if it's there DMR is the greatest gun in the game imo. I even can use it in close combat lol
  8. Heres mine Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX (GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX) Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 2Gb RAM DDR2 Giga-Byte GA-P35-DS3L (rev. 1.0) Motherboard How high can i run this game with decent fPs?
  9. Eagle911


    Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX (GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX) Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 2Gb RAM DDR2 Giga-Byte GA-P35-DS3L (rev. 1.0) Motherboard Everything normal Fillrate 100% Resolution 1900x1200 Postprocess Effects - low Strange, i got like 2500 when i had some stuff on low. But i had fillrate on 125%
  10. Eagle911

    RTS - Farm Wars

    Am i the only one who noticed the camp is shaped like a pen0r?
  11. Eagle911

    Wheres the MGL-140 Grenade Launcher?

    I never said it looks like a toy To me it looks like a assault rifle but swapped in with grenade launchers. Doesn't look bad at all.
  12. Eagle911

    Wheres the MGL-140 Grenade Launcher?

    Lol, isn't this the weapon in Transformers?
  13. Eagle911


    How do i use this map? Like what folder do i put it in
  14. What would you guys like to see in this game? Whether it is added in the next patch or in two years. Lets share some of our ideas here I'll copy paste my post i suggested ealier Flares - why the hell are they not in the game? Little Birds AC130 Spectre gunships to be used in Coop F-18s F-15s More OPFOR aircraft UAV's being able to actually do Recon. Meaning they can take pictures and send them to all units (maybe the GPS could be re-designed to be able to view pictures.) Ah-64 Apaches M3 Bradleys Make it easier for players in MP to use Arty and motors When you shoot an enemy, he dies then and there.Shooting an enemy then having to wait 5 seconds to see him drop to make sure not to waste ammo is very annoying Warning systems in aircraft. Why when im being locked on im not warned? And why when a missile is heading for me there is no beeping going off inside the aircraft? Im not talking about the warning that rarely goes off in the upper right hand corner, why are there absolutely no alert systems inside the aircraft? The radars on the aircraft display (inside) to actually show things. Like vehicles, missiles, aircraft, etc An eject animation in jets would be AWESOME. Couldn't you imagine having a missile hit you then noticing on radar there's another going to finish you and rushing to eject as fast as you can. While ejecting out you see your plane get blown to absolute bits. Oh reminds me, being able to rearm with different types missiles and bombs would be very very nice. Im sure if i thought longer i could think of many more suggestions :P Electronics help in vehicles and aircraft such as the abrams. Snipers or spotters being able to truly work together. Maybe with they are together the spotter can provide the correct info for a perfect kill. We do not know how to calculate where our round is going to land at 492m with a M24 as a player Amour ballistics Infrared for tanks and helicopters More ships for Russians and US Being able to go inside ships, using their guns, commanding, sending aircraft off the carrier, etc Having massive sea battles Being able to use real time locations in the US ( could you imagine having to take out a Russian force inside Manhattan?) Road side bombs Being able to use ropes in aircraft like blackhawks Chinooks Being able to load vehicles into C-130s
  15. Eagle911

    Flying at Night !!! Can't see jack

    Hmmm... maybe because it's dark and night vision isn't instant perfect vision? Now if you're talking about view distance related problems then thats on your computer
  16. Eagle911

    VopSound 2.1

    Okay so i changed the desktop to F:\Steam\steam.exe -applaunch 33900 -mod=@VopSound_2.1 It doesn't work with i open the game up in steam in minimized mode. How can i fix this
  17. Eagle911

    North America Release / Publisher

    im US and just got it off steam
  18. Well any new game naturally has bugs and errors. Im talking about things being added into the game :)
  19. Eagle911

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Add: Flares - why the hell are they not in the game? Little Birds AC130 Spectre gunships to be used in Coop F-18s F-15s More OPFOR aircraft UAV's being able to actually do Recon. Meaning they can take pictures and send them to all units (maybe the GPS could be re-designed to be able to view pictures.) Ah-64 Apaches M3 Bradleys Make it easier for players in MP to use Arty and motors When you shoot an enemy, he dies then and there.Shooting an enemy then having to wait 5 seconds to see him drop to make sure not to waste ammo is very annoying Warning systems in aircraft. Why when im being locked on im not warned? And why when a missile is heading for me there is no beeping going off inside the aircraft? Im not talking about the warning that rarely goes off in the upper right hand corner, why are there absolutely no alert systems inside the aircraft? The radars on the aircraft display (inside) to actually show things. Like vehicles, missiles, aircraft, etc An eject animation in jets would be AWESOME. Couldn't you imagine having a missile hit you then noticing on radar there's another going to finish you and rushing to eject as fast as you can. While ejecting out you see your plane get blown to absolute bits. Oh reminds me, being able to rearm with different types missiles and bombs would be very very nice. Im sure if i thought longer i could think of many more suggestions :P Hah Electronics help in vehicles and aircraft such as the abrams. Snipers or spotters being able to truly work together. Maybe with they are together the spotter can provide the correct info for a perfect kill. We do not know how to calculate where our round is going to land at 492m with a M24 as a player Amour ballistics Infrared for tanks and helicopters Crazy stuff: More ships for Russians and US Being able to go inside ships, using their guns, commanding, sending aircraft off the carrier, etc Having massive sea battles :)
  20. I have no idea what happened. So while doing campaign i tried to revert to a previous saved checkpoint and my game crashes and tells me "Cannont load C:/Documents and Settings........\campaign\autosave.ArmA2Save" Restarting the game doesn't work. :(
  21. Eagle911

    Unable to play campaign

    Thanks for the reply. So deleting the auto save option wont screw anything up?