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Posts posted by dale

  1. Well for the most part if the mission the server is hosting is any good, you can press map and then help, this will bring info up for you to read about that mission and what to do in it.

    For the most part have a look online for custom control setups, if you plan to get serious into MP then there are certain things you can do such as swapping your V and K controls as calling out a target is much more frequent than stepping over items (and you wouldnt want to do that during a firefight anyway and also reduces accidental pushing).

    A lot of players also reassign their push to talk keys so that they can talk in different channels without the need to cycle.

    As an overall try to find groups who aren't going to press gang you into service, iOGC is a good group to play with as they don't hold you accountable if you decide you want a break like so many people do, a lot of clans will feel hurt if you decide to go somewhere else also :D its silly really because your just trying to find the best MP experience.

    Thats why we at RGG get on with them because they aren't in your face about joining or merging just because you said you wanted to be friends :)

    So yeah give iOGC a try :o

  2. You need a dedicated server

    Then you need permission off the Takistan Life mission makers to host their mission (they defend this stuff)

    Then read this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Dedicated_Server

    Then once you've done that go here http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?140-ARMA-2-amp-OA-Servers-amp-Administration

    Because that place is where you should've asked the question ^^^^^^^^^^

  3. Hey BIS

    Recently with the latest patch update I have been finding it more difficult to switch channels in game and identify them correctly, before due to the colour I could tell in the corner of my eye what channel I was on, now I have to try and figure out what my squad mates are saying.

    As you can imagine I am playing mostly on Desert maps where the pastel coloured writing is incredibly difficult to see (especially early morning where the in-game sun shines right on the writing) due to the mods and game modes I play I hardly ever sit around so changing channels, admining the server, commanding people and in general trying to read what people have put has become very difficult in the midst of a fire fight.

    If I was playing DayZ all the time I could understand the need to not have obtrusive writing as its all about the experience, but for me leading 50 people around a battlefield I need communications to be clear and concise.

    I am also man enough to admit that I talked on global for about 10 minutes about our tactics before someone on the opposite team was kind enough to say shut up :j:

    Im not asking for the writing to be reverted as I know DayZ is now your main income, what I am asking for is the ability for the user to change the colour of the writing themselves easily either mission based or from the options control panel.

    Otherwise for me im going to have to revert to teamspeak which I really do not want to do as I enjoy using your ingame von, for its PvP aspects it really does bring in a massive difference as I can hear enemies talking nearby and its better for communications between grunts, squads and commanders (respectively direct, group and command), and it removes the need for a third party client which would just increase the difficulty of players joining the server.

    Best Regards


  4. it really depends on what your looking for, at RGG we are very PvP orientated so id say we've got a few suggestions, Project Reality Being our first.

    Project reality is mainly an everyday PvP mod, less focused on events and more focused on enjoying after a days work, the general tactics of the groups who play are higher than event based mods but because you play more of it it can become boring.

    the second id say would be the 160th's, no mods just vanilla, they take stuff light hearted and just enjoy the game how it was made :)

    other PvP based mods are a bit more long winded and require patience such as UO's PvP, they are one life based and are more orientated to milsim, they use ACRE and ACE which are great mods also.

  5. generally product keys have no bearing on LAN connections(thats why people use them to bypass buying the game), I also had this issue a while back, turns out I had Hamachi on the other computer turned on, so naturally it can still connect but its base IP4 is different.

    I would suggest also checking what connection you are using, if you are connecting through a router are they hard wired or wireless, also are you connecting them directly via ethernet?

  6. Okay so you enjoy flying and you don't like the AI, so you need PvP, the only mod around which is consistent PvP (as in not just weekends) is Project Reality.

    Its only helicopters at the moment, but will be Aircraft sometime soon, and its very easy for new users to install (same as installing a game).

    and does not get in the way of other mods.


    If that does not float your boat then try Wasteland as this is also PvP orientated.

  7. Okay so did you by any chance delete you existing profile in the Arma 2 Profile in Documents?

    It might be incompatible in some way due to Arma 2 free carrying over the profile to your new install?

    Try deleting your profile completely, then allow the game to make a new profile (remember to save your previous profile in a folder on the desktop in case this doesnt work) then place your XML url back in the profile and see what happens.

  8. Please bear in mind im very inexperienced (still learning myself :))

    okay so my answer to the first question is that you need to put your mod in your priority game folder (arma 2 if youve got just arma 2 and OA if youve got combined ops) so it should be in this directory (for example) C:/program files/Arma 2/@MyMod

    Then you activate your mod by going into the Arma 2.exe and typing -mod=@MyMod in the target and see if it works first by testing it.

    As for making it work in the dedicated server you should have a server.cfg which will have the mods= line and you just enter your mods after this so for example mods=@MyMod (btw try to use lowercase where possible/specially if using linux)

    As for the scripting.sqf you need to ensure you put it into the mission that you are planning to use, so in each mission you make you need to put this script with an event handler(I think)

    Apart from all that I believe you should check out here (http://www.armaholic.com/) this will answer more questions and has much more qualified persons

  9. You should get the game based on what you enjoy, and not on the sole purpose of playing one mod, Arma 2 has massive opportunities more so than just a zombie simulator.

    I would be more than happy to show you the ropes and suggest an appropriate clan/team depending on your timezone and what you enjoy :)

    I would also take a look at Arma 3 as this is the third evolution of Arma.

    You will likely find everything a bit overly complex at first but with the right guidance it will become the norm for you :)

  10. If you don't travel much then have fun with your 500+ games on CD/DVD, I'll go on vacation and play my games on my laptop without bringing/inserting the disc and without using illegal CD cracks on the exe. If I leave my laptop at home I can install a small 100MB game on a friends PC with my steam account (for internet issues/reliability) or something amazing if their rig can stand it.

    I don't know how old you are or what your relationship status is but introducing a woman to mountain of games you collected since you were 10 isn't very appealing to said woman, unless she shares the same interests.

    you've obviously never heard of demon tools lite and gamecopyworld.

    Also if said woman doesn't like you for who you are, so you have to hide from that fact means she most probably wasn't worth the time or your lying to yourself ;)

  11. Regiment of the Grenadier Guards

    [RGG] DayZ Event (27/05/2012)


    Hey all, this weekends event is on Sunday at 10:00 GMT till 22:00 GMT. (Time Zone Helper) The idea for this event is to get players together and working in groups so that you can meet new people who play DayZ, this will mean you can form groups that you know and get contact information from potential players, its also a great way for new players to the game to learn things off veterans.

    There is no need to sign up, you can put your name down though so people can see your attending or your wanting to form a group etc, all you need to do is turn up on our teamspeak and get playing/talking :).

    If you would like to get in contact with me to ask questions then you can add me on steam at: thejackalkernel or send me an email to dale@rggprclan.com

    You can find the event here: [RGG] DayZ Event (27/05/2012)

    The Teamspeak IP is: (This teamspeak is public and open to anyone at all times)

    You can also find us here at: RGG Steam Group

  12. Event Post template

    Regiment of the Grenadier Guards


    Operation Iron Hammer (19/05/2012)


    Hey all, this weekends event is on Saturday at 19:00 PRT*. (Time Zone Helper) The pre squad-leader meeting is at 18:00 PRT*, where we will have two commanders set up, and a battle plan which the commanders will have formulated. Squad-leaders (and members if desired) must also have this prepared and noted beforehand.

    The enlistment format to participate is below. (You are required to signup on the forums beforehand.)

    In-game Name:
    Preferred Role:

    Best Regards,


    Operational Information:

    Commanding Officers: TBA

    Maps: TBA

    Other Details: TBA

    Team Rosters:

    In Progress
    In Progress

    If you would like to get in contact with me to ask questions then you can add me on steam at: thejackalkernel or send me an email to dale@rggprclan.com

    You can find the event here: Operation Iron Hammer Link

    *PRT=Project Reality Time (Check the forums at Project Reality: Realistic Gaming Redefined)

    .....................\/ This is a Separate event hosted by Tactical Gamer \/.....................

    Unkl]Operation Tactical Take-Over 6

    Please read this ENTIRE post before asking any questions!

    Its back at last!

    Tactical gamers and PR:ArmA lovers will square off in battle for this enhanced leadership event. There will be an admin at base for each side and the chain of command will be enforced. All players must be in a squad and following their leader.

    Roll Call on TS:

    Sat MAY 26th 2012

    3:00 pm EST (EDT) Toronto time

    Step off:

    3:30 pm EST (EDT) Toronto time

    This event is open to ALL players. Supporting Members will get preference.

    ALL PLAYERS are requesed for TeamSpeak roll call 30 minutes before step-off. We will use TeamSpeak as the admin net.


    How this works:

    We will have an admin for each side. Post here:to volunteer for Commander or Squad Leader spots. Once we get closer to the date and have guess at how many players we have, we will choose the mission & the planning may begin.

    Squad leads will observe that everyone in their squad is following the orders they have been given and the server rules are met. Any disruptive players to this process will be dealt with by a quick report to the admin so this will be a tacticool time for all.

    The goal:

    Have a great time. Also, show how much fun and immersive good coordinated play can be.

    Sign up Link: Tactical Take-Over 5 Link

    Commander/Squad Leader Sign up Link: Tactical Take-Over 5 CO/SQL Link
