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Everything posted by TAW_T-Bone

  1. Hi, i want to know if it possible to set a object like radar that it needs 5 satchels charges to destroy it. Or that it can only be destroy by a maverick from an apache. I was thinking of making a trigger with in the condition something like this == "HandGrenades_West"; and on act: radar SetDamage 1; But this isn't working i hope you get the idea.
  2. TAW_T-Bone

    destroy obj special

    Yeah i saw that but what does it mean. Like the "T=%1 : %2" for in-stand where and how should i put in the maverick. and does 1 mean dead or destroy? Do you know how to use it?
  3. TAW_T-Bone

    destroy obj special

    Sorry Kylania can you explain what all parameters mean? cause i can't figure it out - i am probably thinking i an other direction then the script is.
  4. TAW_T-Bone

    destroy obj special

    I tested it but couldn't get it to work. _this = radar addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",radar,"",3, player,"15Rnd_9x19_M9"]; I place this in a Anti-air radar in the initialization box. the radar in named "radar". To test it i wanted it to take it down with one shot with my M9 so the 15Rnd_9x19_M9 is the class name of the magazine. can you direct me a bit here?
  5. TAW_T-Bone

    Looking for ArmaII OA Clan Ladders...

    A good place to search for PvP is at the PvPscene forums dedicated to multiplayer Team versus Team missions mission making and leagues. check it out !!!!
  6. are the note and tasks shown in this mission?
  7. Ok as i said in my other post i would come back to give a full report. Well we player the mission tonight on the server, first of all it attracted quick good number's that is always good for a mission and a clan server. I will just give a line up here. missing note and tasks missing the blackhawk vehicles like humveys, moters, quad were not respawning only Bradley and stryker respawned sidemission was nowwhere to find objective was nowhere to find These are things that wasn't like written in de description. Specially the Task and notes was bad - if i hadn't read it out from the forums we didn't knew what to do. Transportation needs to be better organized in the mission. It also needs more medic's. Some player like the fact that you didn't knew where to go to find Aziz, but a direction for the sidemission would have been nice. island is very good we liked that. So it isn't all that positive but i do can tell you that we had fun playing it, part form the transport. If you have more questions i'll be checking back here.
  8. We will be giving this a go and off course report back - its still beta right.
  9. TAW_T-Bone

    Dale's Missions.

    Any volunteers?????
  10. TAW_T-Bone

    Dale's Missions.

    Is this a single player mission or can you play it as multi too?
  11. Looking forward playing this mission. We are always looking for good coop mission with a revive script in it. do you have anyidea in what time range this mission could be completed?
  12. TAW_T-Bone

    Dutch Army

    Finally a real army in Arma2 - good job mate.
  13. No ACE is not working with this launcher i heard the earlier version did, somehow it is loading not all things. Also i tried to delete addons but that didn't worked either.
  14. TAW_T-Bone

    MP Mission settings

    I thought i have heard that this will be fixed in patch 1.05, cause i think i have seen this in the beta testing section of the forums.
  15. TAW_T-Bone

    addAction and Trigger

    Thats great shk - working like a charm. Thanks guys for the help.
  16. Hi guys, I couldn't find this and tried it but couldn't get it to work either. Can you use a script with addAction on a flag pole, like you would use it as a trigger. As i would use it on a flag pole: This how it would be in a trigger: The trigger works the flag pole doesn't.
  17. TAW_T-Bone

    addAction and Trigger

    This is how i set it up: //Define variables _type = _this select 0; _location = _this select 1; _side = _this select 2; _wp1 = _this select 3; _wp2 = _this select 4; _wp3 = _this select 5; _paramarray = _this select 3; _type = _paramarray select 0; _location = _paramarray select 1; _side = _paramarray select 2; _wp1 = _paramarray select 3; _wp2 = _paramarray select 4; _wp3 = _paramarray select 5; This is working for the addAction thing like this: this addAction ["start AA", "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf", ["T90", "SP1", East, "WP1", "WP2", "WP3"]]; But if i now try the same thing for the trigger the trigger stopped working: SPvehicle = ["T90", "SP1", East, "WP1", "WP2", "WP3"] execVM "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf"; I fixed this by using the script with _paramarray (spawnvehicle_WP1.sqf) only for flag pole and without _paramarray (spawnvehicle_WP.sqf) for Triggers. If there is a fix so i could use one script for both Trigger and flag pole(addAction) - that would be great.
  18. TAW_T-Bone

    addAction and Trigger

    Ok i still don't get it - the only thing i get is that what i am trying that it is possible. Now this is what i have: SPvehicle = [] execVM "spawnvehicle_WP.sqf" //Define variables _type = _this select 0; _location = _this select 1; _side = _this select 2; _wp1 = _this select 3; _wp2 = _this select 4; _wp3 = _this select 5; The script will spawn any vehicle with AI's and move towards 3 waypoints. I want to start this with the addAction at a flag pole. What do i write?
  19. This is a total other concept then as we played them before. Specially i dislike the fact that only one flag can be attacked and defended. This will make it less fun i think and less strategic. This is probably due to the fact that you are not playing matches with large teams. We will see Kju, need to do some more reading on all other changes you made. New missions are loaded on the European TAW server. I'll get back to you on the rest. Cheers, TBone
  20. TAW_T-Bone

    marker position

    This is exactly what i am looking for - can you explain it a little more. Example: i have 3 locations to teleport to. i add to the init of the flagpole: addAction["teleport - Squad 1","teleport.sqf",["Squad_1"]]; addAction["teleport - Squad 2","teleport.sqf",["Squad_2"]]; addAction["teleport - Squad 3","teleport.sqf",["Squad_3"]]; and then place those 3 marker with the name Squad_1 till 3 on the map. make an teleport.sqf with the script as you writing but where in the script do i put the marker names?
  21. TAW_T-Bone

    Female Fighters?

    You should post this in the addon and mod: discusion forum - maybe some dude or girl would make you an female army addon. From my point of view it wouldn't matter if the soldier is male or female if you play it in first person you don't see anything of it. so why the need.
  22. IP/Name : [TAW.net] (filter on TAW) slots : max 24 Location : UK and US Website : http://taw.net Contact information : see signature type of maps : AAS, Coop Other info : Thursday and Sunday around 21:00 are good time to join.
  23. We should have a look at locations if you like that. Ohh and the team has chosen to use the new CTB mission for the next clanwar.