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Everything posted by TAW_T-Bone

  1. TAW_T-Bone

    Server Admins and Hosts Please Read

    The Art of Warfare - TAW a worldwide gaming community We are recruiting - visit the website at taw.net TAW servers: [TAW] The Art of Warfare - EU [TAW] The Art of Warfare - NA server Both running the Addons - RH Heli Sound mod 1.01; VopSound 2.1; TRSM Tracked Vehicles; F-16 Fighting Falcon by VXR and Myke.
  2. TAW_T-Bone

    Looking for "realistic" server

    You ca also just choice not to use it your self - as most mature gamers do.
  3. TAW_T-Bone

    Server Admins and Hosts Please Read

    Read me signature whisper
  4. TAW_T-Bone

    Car Radio

    Great stuff Clayman, This is an Addon from my thoughts working very good had a go yesterday - not hard at all to install. The feature to use the car radio on a server would be the best, i already see me flying my chopper to transport the troops so that everybody can listing to my radio. I hope you are able to create this - sorry i can't help you cause i really have no idea, but if i could i would for 100%.
  5. TAW_T-Bone

    Sound Of War v1.0

    Funny that was the first thing i thought of when i started to read this topic. So the sound files for SOW are the same as for VOP? If so which one is better. did anybody tested that?
  6. TAW_T-Bone

    Enemy_of_my_Enemy 1.4

    Is there a minimum of player you need to play this mission.
  7. TAW_T-Bone

    Hunt Waldo 2 v1.0 beta

    Haa thats funny you are right i had indeed 1.1 and not 1.1.03. It is very strange cause i downloaded it after you post about the fix for 1.03. But doesn't matter we can have another go on it.
  8. TAW_T-Bone

    VXR Addons

    Ok thanks, Cause how am i to see this F16 now then? Might be a stupid question but i really have no clue.
  9. TAW_T-Bone

    Hunt Waldo 2 v1.0 beta

    Yes we had the same problem last night in our training. i uploaded the new version 1.1 and waldo kept dying in the ocean. The mission was unplayable. I hope you can fix it cause we really want to play this mission.
  10. TAW_T-Bone

    VXR Addons

    Are there special mission for the addons aswell?
  11. TAW_T-Bone

    Hunt Waldo 2 v1.0 beta

    So the old version isn't compatible with 1.03 patch. Then that should be the issue we had last Training - hunt waldo 2 crashed the server twice. We will give v1.1 a shot. Thanks for the update.
  12. TAW_T-Bone

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    All 3 Addons on our servers are running great. Look in signature for the details.
  13. TAW_T-Bone

    VopSound 2.1

    Great Addon - Good job guys
  14. It seems to work - i didn't thought it would make an difference. So i got the .pbo and .bisign on the client side in the same folder called @Tracked_Vehicles/Addons. And i got the .bikey file on the server side in the Keys folder.
  15. For some reason the .bisign and the .bikey don't work - i placed them on the server and its telling me that the 2 pbo files need a signature. are they wrong or should i do something else.
  16. TAW_T-Bone

    Server Admin Rcon

    Any update on this. Cause i keep getting to change the server.cfg file. I did find a server admin tool but that was for a dedicated server. so not remoted to bad.
  17. TAW_T-Bone

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    Ok thanks - i was starting to worry
  18. TAW_T-Bone

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    What should we do with that config doesn't load anything for me.
  19. I have been looking for a similar software - but also no success. I was thinking as TrackIR is compatible with x64 is there a way to use their program to make the Wii (what i want to use) compatible as a device for the TrackIR software
  20. You most be running XP cause i can't get it to work on vista 64
  21. Squad name - TAW - The Art of Warfare Timezone/location - World Wide Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - both PvP as Coop Contact email - TBone@theartofwarfare.net Website address - taw.net Join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!