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Everything posted by Meatball0311

  1. I am working on my F/A-18 project and one of the bugs is the AI doesnt raise the landing gear on takeoff. It flies around with the landing gear down. I have been trying to script telling it something like _f18 = _this select 0; _pilot = driver _f18; _speed = speed _f18; _initheight = getTerrainHeightASL [position _f18]; if ((_initheight > 100) && ( _speed > 100)) then { _f18 animate ["frontgear",1]; _f18 animate ["rear_ndoor",1]; _f18 animate ["leftgear",1]; _f18 animate ["rightgear",1]; _f18 animate ["rgear_rot",1]; _f18 animate ["lgear_rot",1]; _f18 animate ["f_nrdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["lgdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["rgdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["rou_lgdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["rou_rgdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["rin_lgdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["rin_rgdoor",0]; _f18 animate ["f_ndoor",0]; _f18 animate ["f_ndoor2",0]; _f18 animate ["r_ndoor",0]; [_f18] execVM "\fz_f18\init_fa18f_aw_sqf"; }; if ((_initheight < 100) && ( _speed > 100)) then { _f18 animate ["lgdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["rgdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["rou_lgdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["rou_rgdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["rin_lgdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["rin_rgdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["f_ndoor",1]; _f18 animate ["f_ndoor2",1]; _f18 animate ["r_ndoor",1]; _f18 animate ["f_nrdoor",1]; _f18 animate ["leftgear",0]; _f18 animate ["rightgear",0]; _f18 animate ["rgear_rot",0]; _f18 animate ["lgear_rot",0]; _f18 animate ["frontgear",0]; _f18 animate ["rear_ndoor",0]; }; }; I am using my own landing Gear scripts and useractions, can AI use the gears this way?
  2. SOCMOD WIP THREAD After a very long absence, I could not fight the urge any longer and decided to tackle the task of creating material for ARMA once again. It has always been a joy doing stuff for ARMA and even though it has been a while, I have learned new things that I believe will help me achieve the results I am looking for. Main areas that I feel I have improved on is modeling and texturing. Currently the team only consists of myself, but hopefully, I can build on that someday. I am always looking for members of the community that would like to help out with the projects that SOCMOD pursues. Always looking for texture artists, so if you would like to take part in this feel free to PM me. Now, the main focus of SOCMOD at least in the initial stages will primarily be focused on the United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) units. I am a Marine and will always have loyalty to the Corps and want to focus on them. However, I do have wishes to show love to all of the forces in the community. This thread will be used to announce, update, and discuss current projects. I am always looking for heartfelt responses and suggestions. At times I may need help with certain areas of modding and will try and ask you guys for pointers or suggestions. This post will be updated. It is good to be back and hopefully, I will see some of you old guys soon!!!
  3. Meatball0311


    Working on the combat shirt. Have to add a little more details.
  4. Meatball0311


    Hopefully I can get this fire started and I plan on doing other units. Thanks for the scoop on the uniforms, do plan on making G3 for the digitals. These drifires will be woodland.
  5. Meatball0311


    So, I battle with motivation at times and took sometime off. Hopefully, I am back and will complete this. When I take these breaks I always learn more and improve. I redid the uniform and actually have figured out the correct uniform. Seems MARSOC is using the Drifire FORTREX FR Combat Pants. Pretty happy how it is turning out. https://gyazo.com/38be57d7a9cdf498742afa0e08a314a4
  6. Meatball0311


  7. Meatball0311


  8. Meatball0311


    Working on a model with the inner kneepads...
  9. Meatball0311


    Roger... I have gathered that they are using the Crye/Drifire stuff. The references that I have seen of the Crye/Drifire stuff seems to be a little different than the reference pics I have of actual MARSOC. The reference pics of MARSOC look like they are wearing pants similar to the G3 Field Pants, but the pockets are different. The pockets look to be squared and the exact ones of the old BDU's. Kinda looks like some sort of RAID MOD using G3 Field Pants...
  10. Meatball0311


    UPDATE 12JUN19: Working on the uniform... TBH having trouble determining the correct brand of uniform used by MARSOC. A lot of research and really not a clear answer out there, so I am basing my work off of reference pics. Love to hear any comments you may have...
  11. Meatball0311


    The first project is going to be a uniform. I just completed the Merrell MOAB 2 MID VENTILATOR that I will be starting with. I am planning on doing the Woodland uniform first. Here is the start of the MOAB...
  12. http://i.imgur.com/ArgeUEz.png http://i.imgur.com/1sBnlq9.png http://i.imgur.com/wpjJMlD.png http://i.imgur.com/wpjJMlD.png /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SOC_GEAR VERSION 1.0 Author: SOCMOD RELEASED 28OCT14 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ====================== REQUIRED ADDONS ====================== CBA ====================== CREDITS AND THANKS ====================== Even though we may not have used some of these peoples contributions in the final product, they still need special mentioning. -StalkerGB for his initial support for weighing Models in O2 -Bad Benson for further support in weighing Models -Sabre for his standin as texture artist -Yokhanan for creating our Mod Logo -3P0X1, MikeTim, Ei8ght, Ckrauslo, Papanowel and everyone we forgot for Moral support - Our dogs: Rerun Van Pelt, Nemo -warden_2 for forum MVP ;) -DaSquade for arm bracket on GPNVG-18 - SOCMOD team ====================== DESCRIPTION ====================== soc_gear - main pbo of the SOCMOD. All gear, uniforms, helmets, and vests are located here and will be required for our SOC units. soc_weapons - contains all weapons made by SOCMOD. soc_marsoc - contains MARSOC config and is dependant on soc_gear and soc_weapons. ====================== COMMENTS ====================== This is the first of several planned updates. We wanted to get this out to the public and build on it from here. There will be some tweaks that will be needed, but in all this is at a place that we feel comfortable releasing. ============================== CONTENT/CLASSNAMES ============================== ====== SOC GEAR ====== BASE VEHICLES ------------- C_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_02_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_03_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_04_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_02_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_03_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_04_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_02_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_03_BASE C_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_04_BASE WEAPON UNIFORMS --------------- U_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP U_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_02 U_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_03 U_SOC_G3_WDL_AKP_04 U_SOC_G3_WDL U_SOC_G3_WDL_02 U_SOC_G3_WDL_03 U_SOC_G3_WDL_04 U_SOC_G3_WDL_GT U_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_02 U_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_03 U_SOC_G3_WDL_GT_04 WEAPON VESTS ------------ V_SOC_LV_MBAV V_SOC_LV_MBAV_02 V_SOC_LV_MBAV_03 V_SOC_LV_MBAV_04 WEAPON HELMETS -------------- H_SOC_MARITIME H_SOC_MARITIME_AOR H_SOC_MARITIME_GRY H_SOC_MARITIME_MCM H_SOC_MARITIME_OD H_SOC_MARITIME_ODB H_SOC_MARITIME_DES H_SOC_MARITIME_01 H_SOC_MARITIME_01AOR H_SOC_MARITIME_01GRY H_SOC_MARITIME_01MCM H_SOC_MARITIME_01OD H_SOC_MARITIME_01ODB H_SOC_MARITIME_01DES ========= SOC WEAPONS ========= W_SOC_M4A1_SOPMOD W_SOC_M4A1_SOPMOD_ARCO W_SOC_M4A1_SOPMOD_HOLO W_SOC_MK18_SOPMOD W_SOC_MK18_SOPMOD_ARCO W_SOC_MK18_SOPMOD_HOLO ======== SOC MARSOC ======== B_SOC_MARSOC_TLDR B_SOC_MARSOC_TMCHIEF B_SOC_MARSOC_OPSNCO B_SOC_MARSOC_ELM_LDR1A B_SOC_MARSOC_ELM_LDR1B B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO2A B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO3A B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO4A B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO5A B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO2B B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO3B B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO4B B_SOC_MARSOC_CSO5B B_SOC_MARSOC_SARC ============================== CHANGELOG/BUGS/KNOWN ISSUES: ============================== 28OCT14 - RELEASED 28OCT14 - CHANGED weapon reload animation 29OCT14 - REWORKED tro2 texture 29OCT14 - FIXED Values for helmets, vests 29OCT14 - ADDED INSIGNIA 29OCT14 - IMPLEMENTED ASDG 01NOV14 - ADDED ANPVS-15, ANVIS-9, GPNVG-18 01NOV14 - ADDED BOONIE and RECON BOONIE 01NOV14 - ADDED MARSOC RAIDERS insignia and IRFLAG insignia 01NOV14 - IMPROVED on Combat Shirt textures ====================== INSTALLATION : ====================== Extract into the ArmA 3 Directory, by default this is located in: 32-Bit - C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/ 64-Bit - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/ After extraction it should look like this: Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/@mod_name You can also use the "Arma 3" folder in your "My Documents" folder. Your folder setup could than look like for example this: mydocuments\Arma3\@your_mod_folder_name\ Place the "userconfig" (if present) folder into your game install folder, usually: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3". You'll also need add a Launch Parameter to Steam, in order to do so right-click on ArmA 3 Alpha and click Properties and then Set Launch Options. In the window that opens enter in: -mod=@mod_name For using multiple mods you would then do so like this: -mod=@mod_name;@mod_name2;@mod_name3;@mod_name4;@mod_name5 ====================== DISCLAIMER : ====================== This add-on is released under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs We take no responsibility for (im)possible damage to your game/system that may be caused by installation of this Addon. This Addon is also prohibited to be used in any commercial product. We do not grant permission to retexture, modify, and or add third party content to original release. ***AUTHOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ISSUE TAKEDOWN NOTICE IN THE EVENT OF ACTUAL OR PERCEIVED VIOLATION OF THE LICENSE*** SOCMOD v1.0 Community Base addons A3
  13. Meatball0311

    Enhanced Movement

    Getting an error when I try to send some troopies over a wall. I am using C2 and when I give them a EM command as they are stacked on a wall an error pops up. They sometimes sink into the ground and do an animation. I do know that it says the error is file fn_handleEHS.sqf line 20. This only happens when I am ordering AI (there is no issues with the players ability). Thanks.
  14. Meatball0311

    C2 -Command And Control

    I am still having issues with getting units to climb over obstacles. I did notice that an error pops up and it seems to be the Enhanced Movement mod by Bad Benson. Are there others having the same problem? Does anyone else get an error when trying to send units over walls?
  15. Meatball0311

    C2 -Command And Control

    Thanks, but I already checked this one out several times. What I am doing is setting a little barrier wall on the VR map. I am selecting unit (using voice command "Unit Two"). Then, I use the HUD to send the unit next to wall and I set a EM formation. Then I hold ctrl and press the RMB. The unit goes to the wall and just says "standing by" and does not climb the wall. The only problem I see is that the direction the unit is facing is away from the wall, but I cannot set a EM formation that is looking at the wall.
  16. Meatball0311

    C2 -Command And Control

    Great MOD. I am using Enhanced Movement with C2 and have a question on how do you make your units climb obstacles?
  17. Meatball0311

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    I added the new armor value setting to the helmets and vests and it will be included in the next update.
  18. Meatball0311

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    We will have custom sounds
  19. Meatball0311

    Custom GPS

    I have the players position marked on the GPS now. How do I make it accessible by RT CTRL + M
  20. Meatball0311

    Custom GPS

    I am wanting to make a custom GPS and am having difficulties of finding the correct config to inherit from. From what I am understanding, it looks like I have to find the RscMiniMap config. I do not know where that would be located? I need help in getting started. How do I change the ingame gps picture to a custom picture? My bad for creating another thread with the same name...
  21. Meatball0311

    Custom GPS

    At the moment I am doing my testing in a mission so the path would be "acc_soc_garmin401_dialog.paa". It is working, but I had to use a different method. I used this mission as an example: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/180960-minimap-ui-display/?p=2855078 Basically it is creating the satellite map and placing it on top of an image. I would still like for the GPS to replace the RT CTRL + M, and the player's current position is not being displayed.
  22. Meatball0311

    Custom GPS

    Hmmm... still not working. I placed this in the init.sqf ["acc_soc_garmin401_dialog.paa"] call BIS_fnc_customGPS; and the BI GPS shows when i click RT CTRL + M
  23. Meatball0311

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    Thanks a lot.. this mod will not die.