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Everything posted by mrcurry

  1. I see 2 things that could be the cause of the issue. 1. Depending when you execute the server code, players which haven't fully loaded yet are not included in the playableUnits array. I believe it would work if you have AI enabled for the playable slots, but otherwise the player object is created when a player connects in that slot. If that happens after you execute the server code it would not save the data because the object isn't there. As barbolani suggested, if possible use something like a gamelogic placed in editor and use that to broadcast the value to other clients. That should, if I'm not mistaken, cut down on network traffic as well. 2. isNil requires either a string or code. I wouldn't be surprised your non-JIP clients printing tons of errors in the log. Use: waitUntil{ !isNil {player getVariable "myTestVar"} }; //{} instead of ()
  2. Subscribed to thread. This is a great mission idea Kingsley and I can't wait to try it out.
  3. I've been looking on the Dialog Control on the Biki, trying to create a simpe working listBox or combobox... Could anyone gimme any pointers to a couple of good tutorials? Or possibly post a working listbox or combobox for me take a look at? Here's the one I've managed to piece together from that Biki site (which isn't very good tbh). class WeaponsList { idc = WO_WEAPLIST_ID; type = CT_COMBO; style = 0; x = 0.1; y = 0.2; w = 0.9; h = 0.3; font = "TahomaB"; sizeEx = 0.025; rowHeight = 0.025; wholeHeight = 0.025; color[] = {0,0.5,0,1}; colorText[] = {0.6, 0.5, 0, 1}; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorSelect[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorSelectBackground[] = {0,1,0,1}; soundSelect[] = {"", 0.0, 1}; soundExpand[] = {"", 0.0, 1}; soundCollapse[] = {"", 0.0, 1}; autoScrollSpeed = -1; autoScrollDelay = 5; autoScrollRewind = 0; maxHistoryDelay = 10; arrowEmpty = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,1,1,1)"; arrowFull = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,1,1,1)"; class ScrollBar { color[] = {0.5,0.5,0.5,0}; colorActive[] = {0.5,0.5,1,0}; colorDisabled[] = {1,0.5,0.5,0}; thumb = "#(argb,8,2,3)color(0.5,1,1,1)"; arrowEmpty = "#(argb,6,4,3)color(0.5,1,1,1)"; arrowFull = "#(argb,4,6,3)color(0.5,1,1,1)"; border = "#(argb,2,8,3)color(0.5,1,1,1)"; }; };
  4. Great read, this should be stickied.
  5. mrcurry

    Time Acceleration

    The easiest way to this I find is: Description.ext class Params { class timeAcc { title = "Time acceleration"; values[] = {1, 2, 3, 12}; texts[] = { "1x", "2x", "3x", "12x" }; default = 1; }; }; Init.sqf if(isServer) then { _param = if(isMultiplayer) then { paramsArray select 0 //Change the 0 to whichever index fits your description.ext } else { 1 //Default value for singleplayer can also be used for previewing in the editor, good for debug. }; setTimeMultiplier _param; }; Hope that helps. Edit: Too slow, glad it worked out!
  6. mrcurry

    Bird problem

    Share your description.ext and/or other relevant code. From the info you have given us we can only guess.
  7. At a glance it looks like the second trigger is deleting the first trigger (and itself). Try adding a check to ignore triggerclasses into the forEach loop. I think !(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector") should do it. Not sure about the classname for it though... I'll take a closer look tonight after I get off work.
  8. The problem is on this line: _wp = drop2 addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1]; First of all its missing a _ to point to the vehicle (since you saved that into _drop2). Secondly addWaypoint expects a group as the preceeding parameter. So the correct way to use it in your script would be: _wp = (group driver _drop2) addWaypoint [markerPos "mkr2", 1];
  9. AFAIK you cannot lock slots in the lobby. You can however check if the player is allowed to play that character once your in the game. A basic setup for this would be to set up something like this: 1. Assign names in the editor to the units you want locked. 2. In init.sqf determine if the player is allowed to play as that character. Once you know this you can kick the player out to lobby using endMission. This method can use either player names, player UID, or anything else you can think off that is "unique" to that client.
  10. Also make sure the lift cargo waypoint is attached to the vehicle in question. To do this place the vehicle first then create the waypoint by doubleclicking the vehicle while in waypoint mode. If that doesn't help I'll give it a repro when I'm back from work. What vehicles are involved?
  11. Have you made sure your parameters are correct? Cause at a glance that looks to be the problem. If you have post some code plz.
  12. mrcurry

    FoxFort Camo Pack

    Just a quick check, is anyone else having trouble running the latest version on dedicated server? Our players keep getting kicked for wrong signature on both files. It seems the BI-key included in the download on Armaholic (downloaded here) is not matching the one used to sign the .pbos. I have tried a fresh redownload/reinstall of the mod on both our server and my client but keep getting kicked. When not loading the mod (but others) no one gets kicked. /Cheers Curry
  13. mrcurry

    execVM within event handler

    To clarify createUnit array is the one you need.
  14. mrcurry

    execVM within event handler

    From a quick glance your second example should be working fine. Are you sure there are no errors in trial.sqf, How do you know it's not running? Does trial.sqf need any parameters? If all else fails try posting the contents of trial.sqf edit: F2K is right, the syntax you're using for createUnit doesn't return anything. Hence the eventhandler is never applied cause _leadUnit doesn't point to the created unit. Edit 2: stupid spelling mistakes while on stupid phone.
  15. I once accidently reset my userprofile using this method so yeah it works alright, just be careful with what you use it for :)
  16. To find out the variables you can read them using allVariables. Code that output the variablenames to log: With a little bit of work it should be possible to figure out what most does. I recommend using in a read-only fashion though.
  17. That's some nice stuff, does it handle damage when you get to close or is it only a visual effect?
  18. You can also use: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_secondsToString Example: _bStr = [_curBombtime, "MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString;
  19. First off, credits to Tonic for making a great load-out script. I tip my virtual hat to you, good sir. The other week I wrote together a short script for my clan's internal scripting library to make it easier to use VAS in ZGM missions. It turned out to work pretty sweet for all mission types so I thought why keep it to ourselves, might as well share it here. See description below on how it works. At the bottom you find the entire file. If you got any questions or find any bugs, fire away. Note: Script does not come with VAS, but VAS is required. Link: VAS on Armaholic /[EVO]Curry Description: Code:
  20. If anyone is interested I wrote a small script to make the use of VAS easier when using it with Zeus. It scans near the player for objects that are logical sources of gear and enables the VAS action if any are nearby. Thread here: link
  21. Oke here's the deal... I've written a function that uses BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle to create a generic vehicle in a new group, add a waypoint to the group and return it. I also got a similar function for generic infantry groups. (Henceforth called spawn_vec and spawn_inf respectively) I tested with separate triggers calling the functions and they both work flawlessly, both infantry and vehicles (with crew) spawned and moved towards the waypoint. Trigger 1: Infgrp = [getPos inf1, infantry_groups, getPos fb_hill, east] call SPAWN_INF; Trigger 2: Vecgrp = [getPos vec1, l_vehicles, getPos fb_hill, east] call SPAWN_VEC; executing Script: script=[ 20, 5, wave_number, 1, [3,1], enemy_spawns, infantry_groups, l_vehicles, h_vehicles, getPos fb_hill,east] spawn SCRIPT; Calling the functions in script: _grp = [getPos _spawn, _infArray, _target, _side] call SPAWN_INF; _grp = [getPos _spawn, _lVehiclesArray, _target] call SPAWN_VEC; _grp = [getPos _spawn, _hVehiclesArray, _target] call SPAWN_VEC; Then I wrote a script calling both functions... and here's where the problem began. When calling only spawn_inf it works fine, but when I try to call spawn_vec as well, the whole thing is terminated when its supposed to spawn the vehicle and I get the following in the arma2.rpt I could easily fix this by writing my own spawnVehicleWithCrew function but it would be a pain when there is all ready one defined that should work ;)
  22. *Bump* I would like to know this as well. The value must be saved somewhere otherwise it wouldn't show up in the mission lobby, right? Anyone know how to access it? /Cheers
  23. Cheers kylania, Search-fu fail... I can't believe I missed that. Disregard topic!
  24. Hey! I was wondering if any of you guys have any ideas on the following scenario. For some reason you want to move the player from point A to point B (player setPos pointB). The points are pretty far apart so on most machines the game will struggle with LOD artifacts as you load in the new area. If you would want to make sure that the player doesn't have to experience this, how would you go about doing that? One solution that could work is the dreaded loading screen: fade to black, sleep x seconds, fade back in. titleText ["Loading...", "BLACK", 0.5]; player setPos pointB; sleep someNumber; titleText ["Loading...", "BLACK IN", 0.5]; However this is a really blunt tool. Players with a high-end rig suffer for it and low-end PC users might still experience the artifacts. Could you make it smarter? Preferably we would have a waitFor3D or finalize3D command that pauses scripts until things are properly loaded to allow for better control. That however might be trickier than it seems. Games have been plagued with LOD issues as long as I can remember, the arma series in particular. Thoughts?
  25. Cheers Sealife, that did the trick. Turns out getNumber returns 0 when the supplied config entry is not valid so the inheritance issue sorts itself out, at least for my purposes. For anyone interested here's the result: