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Posts posted by Haystack15

  1. Also, here's some good news:

    Added: CH-67 Huron

    Added: Huron black variant

    Added: Huron cargo container

    Added: Huron medical container

    Added: Huron repair container

    Added: Huron fuel container

    Added: Huron ammo container

    Added: Mi-290 Taru

    Added: Taru black variants (not accessible without scripting)

    Added: Taru with transport pod

    Added: Taru with special-purpose bench pod

    Added: Taru with medical pod

    Added: Taru with cargo pod

    Added: Taru with repair pod

    Added: Taru with fuel pod

    Added: Taru with ammo pod

    Added: M-900

    Added: P-30 Orca black / white weapon variant

    Added: Flexible tank (2 items)

    Added: Cargo net with crates (5 items)

    Added: Smaller containers (12 items)

    Added: Portable helipad lights (5 items)

    Added: Helicopter big cover bag

    Added: Water and fuel bladder (4 items)

    Added: Secondary containment (4 items)

    Added: Wheel pull device (2 items)

    Added: Discharge stick

    Added: Rigging rope

    Added: Intake plug (5 items)

    Added: Pitot cover

    Added: Pressure washer

    Added: Wheeled scaffolding

    Added: Wheeled tool kart

    Added: Portable engine crane

    Added: Diesel Ground Power Unit

    Added: Jet Engine Air Start Unit

    Added: Water pump

    Added: Wheel chocks

    Added: Windsock

    Added: Landing platform

    Added: Welding cart

    Added: Welding tank

    Added: Gas tank (3 items)

    Added: Wheelie Bin

    Added: Aircon (‘Outside part’)

    Added: Transport boxes (6 items)

    Added: Pallet trolley

    Added: Office table (2 items)

    Added: Office chair

    Added: Office cabinet

    Added: Rattan table and chair (2 items)

    Added: Refrigerator

    Added: Tableware (9 items)

    Added: Microwave

    Added: Workbench

    Added: Flat-screen TV

    Added: Camera

    Added: Desktop PC (4 items)

    Added: PC printer

    Added: Projector

    Added: Portable speaker(s)

    Added: Game console (4 items)

    Added: HDMI cable

    Added: Tablet

    Added: Sport balls (5 items)

    Added: Baseball mitt

    This is all the paid content for the DLC. The M-900 is a civilian variant (WITH DOORS YAY!) of the xh-9 family, and we get a new variant for the orca (it is armed). Then you also get a lot of sandbox content (which I particulary enjoy...because I've spend hours putting racks in shops with zeus and mcc before...). Then we also have the missions and showcases which haven't been released on dev-branch. So that is what you're paying for.

    Yes, because the #1 thing I need in my Arma DLC's is a HDMI Cable

  2. It seems when people talk about what map is better, theres always a bias in their reasons.


    Chenerus you get in a firefight in a town and its basically the same as getting in a firefight in any other town

    How does that differ from Altis?

    Is every building in Altis unique? No Copy and Paste? Because I could find the same chapel in 5 different towns on the map. Same goes for Arma 2. I can also do the same with houses and stores in both games.

    Get in a firefight in a forest and it feels the same for any other forested area. Basically there is very little variation between the alike terrains.

    How is that so too? What you see the same tree pattern in every forest? How can one forest be different from another?

    On altis, unless its the exact same place, everywhere is different, whether it be in a town a forest, the mountains or the open. There is always some rock or ridge or structure that makes an encounter unique even if its technically in the same terrain type, if that makes sense.

    I don't see how that works too...

    Some "rock" or "Ridge" changing the way encounters are happening. If that's true, then it seems placing "rocks" in the middle of your encounters will remedy everything.

    Atlis and Chernaurs are both great maps. But no matter what it comes down to, both maps have copied and pasted buildings & objects, and a few really "unique" ones.

  3. Not really a remake with the frostbite engine. It just needed a new chapter. What it had technically was great.

    That video could be just an tech demo if you ask me, gameplay wise it's just idiotic. Everything always must be way over the top, it's not even funny anymore.

    Then you read this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-03-28-the-big-battlefield-4-interview-dice-leaves-technology-behind

    Really, read the whole answer after the question "Then, what is different about Battlefield 4 that improves the overall experience, as you describe it? What exactly have you done to change it for the better?"

    It really got me confused.

    Difficulty level set to "Showcase" mode

  4. Am I the only one who's had it up to here with those self glorifying, out of touch computer nerds?

    Nope, I agree. What they're planning to do is nothing more but adding more fuel to the fire. Grant it my only hope is the N. Koreans don't understand what is going on and just ignores it.

    If even a single North Korean acts on that, those Anonymous dicks all deserve to get executed by the regime along with that poor fellow.

    Isn't there some kind of charge you can bring up for this? Conspiracy to start a war, or something like that? Considering the thought that we caught those that is doing this. Either way will death be sentenced?

  5. Once again froggyluv completely misunderstands how DICE works, they are in fact perfectly good developers who are earning their keep by doing exactly what EA is paying them to... the nature of what DICE is paying them to do is the problem. :p

    But how exactly do we know exactly if what the direction battlefield 4 is going to isn't the original DICE team? Is there an interview of one of their original team members about it? All I know they could be just doing the orders making another battlefield, with no specifics on what to do or add.

  6. Actually, I never insulted you, I stated a fact - your grammar was hard to understand.

    In which, I told you the reason why it was hard to understand. Which is why I suggested you stay out of it.

    It would make sense to most people for someone to not respond to what they don't understand. If you're not like one of those people to do such, (Which there is no doubt in my mind you aren't) You would ask what it meant instead of trying to belittle the person by telling everyone to not take him seriously.

    You came into it from a bad angle to began with. Then furthered yourself by saying you can't understand it when it wasn't directed to you from the start.

    Now in the interests of keeping this on topic and as I said before, lets just leave it here, shall we?

    If you wanted to keep it on topic, then you should of said something different from the start.

  7. The facepalm should be directed at your grammar because what you wrote doesn't really make sense.

    I simply stated a fact - there was no belittling involved.

    Let's just leave it there shall we ;)

    And now you resort to insulting grammar, which goes to show, you don't know what the heck is going on, and should of stayed out it from the start. froggyluv understands it, so in terms It's not my grammar, it's because you can't read things that go beyond 5 sentences, let alone your own post...

    I simply stated a fact - there was no belittling involved.

    Wrong, but you also stated

    At any rate, FL was not trying to belittle anyone

    And If i read that sentence correctly, you basically said: "froggyluv was not trying to belittle anyone"

    Unless the "FL" means something else, then please... elaborate on what it means. Or is it a habit of yours to randomly stick capital characters in your sentence? Because that doesn't say proper grammar aswell...


    Just lol. I'll shun whomever the hell i like thank you very much :)

    Actually I'd use worse language but Im afraid you may spontaneously combust. Shunning is indeed a very serious sentence...in either the Amish community or certain parts of Indonesia and now hopefully I can bring the full brunt of it to force errant software developers back into the light. Thank you for reinforcing it's brutal nature.

    No problem. I think anyone would hate to be shunned in today's modern world.

    You've missed the entirety of the point -it doesn't matter if YOU are interested in those exact topics -it was a rhetorical question for society.

    The 'authority' are the consumers. No matter how much you may not like it -we're going to both praise and blame the product delivered and may also *gasp* criticise the latest developer trends!

    Like I said, it's completely fine for you to say you don't like this game for such and such reasons. By all means call the game trash if it best fits your thoughts about it. I even said myself battlefield 3 wasn't a great game for me when talking to others about it. But putting all game developers in a ditch and burying them just because they chosen scripted bots over AI is something that shouldn't happen. The programming world is a free world and developers shouldn't have to be told to use this and this because its what some people would like.

    Your grasp of the obtuse is riveting! Again this was a statement directed at the current trend of AAA titles ignoring the progression of AI.

    Which there is nothing wrong with them doing that. There are plenty more working fields that are developing AI. The gaming industry isn't the only one lending a hand. It wasn't the one that created the topic too. So why should the be forced to keep pursuing it or be punished if they don't?

  8. All Most of that doesn't make sense :confused:

    Obviously it didn't to you, that will explain what you said next.

    At any rate, FL was not trying to belittle anyone,

    FPDR I never stated he was trying to belittle someone. It was you I stated it to. This is the second time you've misread my post.

  9. You seem to have an obsession with telling people what they can and can't do.

    Not a good attitude for this forum ;)

    And because you 'don't care for something', doesn't make it an irrelevant argument.

    That's pretty pompous tbh.

    If you are going to post on public forums, you should learn to deal with criticism :D

    Of course it does - he is the customer and he can say what he wants. It's up to the individual to decide if what he is saying has merit.

    Who are you to tell people what they can say?

    Seriously :rolleyes:

    Telling people not to take others so seriously isn't criticism. It's an attempt to belittle another.

    And for you, yourself to say "not to take me seriously" you sure did jump in...

  10. LOL, you don't have to be part of a company to criticise their practice.

    Still doesn't give you the right to say developers who choose what they've chosen should be shunned.

    If that were the case, you could never criticise your favorite sports team as you were never in management.

    Bad example to use... I don't watch any sports...

    You could not belittle the practices of your favorite burger joints as you were never on their Board of Directors.

    Whats there to belittle? You get in, grab a burger and eat. If you didn't like the way the food tasted, find something else.

    Even if I've found something to belittle about, I don't go to other people and say their cook should be put in jail for choosing to cook with a wooden or plastic spatula than a metal one.

    Smack talking your politicians? Forbidden as you have never drafted legislature with them.

    Don't care for politics too much as well...

    That makes little sense really.

    Same for "choosing non-scripting bots is something that should be shunned for"

    What if BI decided they didn't want to bother with AI anymore as they can make plenty of cash off of limited AI games like DayZ -would the community have no legitimate right to voice their displeasure?

    My goodness, I've never stated you don't have the right to say if it is a bad thing or a good thing. However acting as if you're the programming police and saying people or developers whom choose scripted bots over AI is something that should be shunned for, is something you shouldn't do.

    There is no authority in the world of programming, so quit trying to get those whom choose scripted bot punished socially.

    See above -one only need read between the lines. If you think about it, as wonky as BI AI may seem they are really on the cutting edge of the technology. They can drive, fly, scuba, run and fight vast distances or even crawl under a small hole in a fence with very little 'coding' needed by the mission designer and this done in the hundreds or even thousands. What other game Dev's are pushing AI to these limits? When's the last time a bot crawled under a hole or did anything remotely interesting in a game like Skyrim? They don't -they're very basic chase the player until's he's dead -type drones. Of course autonomous AI can also utterly ruin a scene or kill immersion with their unpredictability and if you look at current AAA titles -one thing they really don't like is unpredictablity in their scenes.

    Again, Skyrim is a different game from Arma. Causal Arcade vs Simulator.

    So on this level, it's pretty easy to see what AAA titles are going for -high visual impact in a very constrained environment with bot-like actors to give the player a sense of companionship, propel the story and create a shooting gallery for. The autonomous bot that can be controlled enough for their purposes is outside of the scope and abilities of their programmers and probably budget/interests. BI leads the pack here and I doubt many if any of the other developers have the skill to match them.

    So in terms Causal Arcade devoplers will rather choose scripted bots because they might see no need to use them in a causal game while when it comes to simulators, developers will rather choose to create AI.

    A very understanding trend there.

    Edit: ..or use metalcraze's erhm *cough*, more illustrious example below ;)

    I have... it was a childish and revolting example.


    You went to a restaurant. You ordered something. When your order was delivered you found out that the cook took a dump in it. So you call a manager and tell him "WTF is this?"

    And the manager is like "have you ever worked as a cook? No? You have no right to criticize so better get down to eating".

    Guess what I've ate today. Homemade Shrimp scampi with some broccoli and had water as my drink.

    Even though I've never worked as a cook, I have and still do continue to cook for myself. There is a fine line between cooking and using the restroom.

    If you ever come to a problem like that in the U.S, you report it to both your local Law Enforcement, and to your Local Health Department. They will take of it.

    Quit with the childish examples


    I wouldn't take a guy who has chosen to defend a company that holds the dubious title of 'Worst company in America' for 2012 and is again in the running for 2013, too seriously :D

    Re-read the two pages again... You obviously don't now what I'm targeting, and therefor should stay out of it.

  11. The reason i say they are taking the poor programmers way out is because they had a semblance of autonomy in their BF2 bots

    Have you ever worked for EA?

    Have you ever been part of the Battlefield project?

    If no, Then you really can't say they're choice on dropping it should be shunned for. How do you know if it was a benefit or draw back on what they wanted to do with the series?

    and i expected them to advance in what these bots could do in the future yet they took the low road. The easier road. Autonomous AI are extremely hard to program as the potential amount of variables infinite so its always easier to just create hollywoodish scripted sequences or forgo AI altogether and purely offer MP -a trend in which many game developers prefer.

    There must be a very good reason for that trend, one of which you can't really know for sure because you never been part of those teams to work on the projects.

    Its sad for old gamers like myself who expected that AI would be leaps and bounds better than they once were yet the opposite has occured save BI games -and that is why I support them so strongly.

    Good to know you do, but you're forgetting the kind of game BIS is making is completely different from the game EA is making. There is a very fine difference between a Simulator and the Casual Arcade.

    I've un-installed Bf3 a while ago but Im tempted to reinstall just to show you some raw footage of how fake the bots in BF3 really are - they aren't AI at all but merely an illusion of one. Ill stick with the red pill thanks.

    I have battlefield 3 sitting in the top drawer to the left of me...

  12. It's the cheap,poor programmers way out of trying to develop free roaming, autonomous AI and they should be shunned for that.

    Why should they? It's their game. Why are they in the wrong if preferred scripted NPC's then non-scripted? There are pro's and con's to using either or, there should be nothing wrong going with solution B then A.

    I agree with you choosing scripted bots over non ruins the fun, however for it being a "poor" programming tactic and that it should be "shunned" on is something I strongly disagree for.

    I was watching one of my friends playing SP campaign in one of these games, cant remember which but it was an interactive movie. The problem for me that made me completely uninterested in it was two things:

    1 - it was boring gameplay. Very limited options what he could do if any, and nothing but a shooting gallery and if any "puzzle" they made sure to guide him through it.

    2 - the "movie" was boring.

    So if you like interrupted shooting gallery or a bad interrupted movie, sure why not.

    I guess you weren't buying the story, because if you think about it, that what the campaign is mainly good for. To getting people to buy the game to find out what happens to those characters.

  13. I think they've change a bit. Primarily from MP only game to an Action packed SP interactive movie

    It's a good change in my personal beliefs. I remember playing single player in battlefield 2 for like a month before getting online. The game will be a little dull after an hour of playing. Though it'll be a good thing to still have that feature included still for those who just want to mess around and/or practice something. (Flying, stupid stunts ect...)

  14. Haystack15, I'm sure Chortles replied to the discussion before your post. It was only 4 minutes in between so he probably didn't see your post until he hit reply. Happens all the time.

    Ah, thanks for clearing it up.

    In reply to your comment; yes the arma game has changed alot since OFP but it's still the same concept. As it looks BF has changed concept and game mechanics. It's a difference there.

    I personally dont know much about BF as I never played it, so I base that on what I read in this threads and the links given. Thats the way I understand this discussion and why old players and some developers are not happy.

    No difference, the same is true for Battlefield.

    Battlefield originally was a first person shooter from the start. It's primary game style hasn't change at all. It's still the same arcade-ish first person shooter that is based on immediate action.

  15. After looking at the 17 minutes game play video, I was impressed. Granted it looked like Battlefield 3 with the graphics, the movie like action they've put into it made me want to see what happens. Might buy it. I would like to see the bots buffed up to hard as hell. Like they run from cover to cover ans do suppressive fire on the player. But I guess they can't do that on their own. It's seems like their difficulty is one "showcase" mode.

    As for battlefield not being the same as what it used to be, pfff... what game hasn't changed? Grab a time machine and get someone who loves playing ArmA and take him to when ARMA III is released, then see if he notices if it's the same game.

    One thing is for sure, the music... My god... I thought my speakers were going to blowup. Sounded like they're trying to play the bass out of my speakers and the sounds through my bass. Someone needs to tell their sound engineer they're doing it backwards.

  16. Oh man, good to know that there are other people using Microsoft Security Essentials. I've always had the impression that people and big time PC users think of it as cheap crap you shouldn't use.

    Though its the only thing I use, But it doesn't matter much since I always reinstall my OS for clean feeling every month :p
