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Everything posted by Haystack15

  1. Haystack15

    You know when you have played too much ArmA

    crap, Honestly man that is really me, 9 out of 10 times I play arma is in the editor. Very sad. Im a true loner. To much ARMA when you get mad at yourself because there is no 3rd person view.
  2. you've walked into the light my friend :D
  3. Haystack15

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    Yea, Each time I try. I end up lifting off, but Going forward a bit also.
  4. Haystack15

    Gamersgate Expansion for DVD???

    I was wondering who will be publishing this?:confused:
  5. Haystack15

    Why are you playing BIS games?

    True, the ArmA Series is the only military simulator for the average realism Joe.
  6. only reason why it keeps going is because people fail to see that BIS would not throw away a engine they have worked on for 10 years.
  7. Haystack15

    Gamersgate Expansion for DVD???

    Sweet then, So now I will buy them. Only reason why I didn't buy them at first Is because I still don't trust digital download for anything but music. DVD FTW.
  8. Don't put out cards that you don't know how to use. I Have Used A Mac Before my friend. Reason why I hate Mac's or Apple in general is because What they think. They feel that "computers should be easier to use", when the problems that everything is easy you just need knowledge on how to use it. Yes True, but this is a poll therefor when people vote they will say the reason why they pick that answer. I've Pick no because I dislike mac's. I Voted and Displayed my answer. Now only if you wouldn't have said anything, We could of just kept this going without any fires.
  9. You can still have nice thing's, Just not ARMA II on a mac :p
  10. Haystack15

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    Might want to cut out the survive part. Its now much harder to hide if FLIR is on the battlefield But in the end. Most of what the people are asking is just proper Thermal maps for the A2 Content and FLIR on them. (for the Vehicles that have FLIR in Reality that is).
  11. Every engine should be able to add that now. RV just got to it early.
  12. You did say the word "Troll", And I take it you are calling me a troll. This is a troll - "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion." Your reply is the last thing that a troll equation will need . While my last post is simply saying that I hate mac's. How about just keeping your fingers of the keyboard PuFu, and Keep your smart a$$ remarks to yourself.
  13. Haystack15

    BIS community is steadily growing!

    Bing didn't exist back in 07, Sadly :(
  14. Read one of my signature banners
  15. Haystack15

    BIS community is steadily growing!

    The way I got into the community was a simple yet stupid way. I did a search on arma with google and at the bottom where it gives you the other related searches it said "arma mod" then I got a lot of modding websites. So Basically I got into the community by Google. Damn you Google!!!!
  16. Haystack15

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    Not True on all points, By Definition Standalone Expansion means that you will be able to play the content without original or "Base" Content needed, But If the Original or "Base" has been acquired then the Standalone Expansion will Update the Base content as well. In some standalone packs if you do not have the original or other packs you can't use certain units or races contained in the other games in multiplayer nor single-player. ARMA II Operation Arrowhead follows these rules. ARMA II Operation Arrowhead By Definition is a "Stand-Alone Expansion" I Totally Agree with you, I think that BIS didn't want to have the same kind of problems with ArmA when they made "Queen's Gambit". So many people said that it was not worth buying. So I guess that they didn't want to make the same mistake. But you are right on them not making it an Expansion instead of a standalone. ARMA II was great and they only reason why Alot more people are now really playing ARMA to begin with is because of OA got more Attention. That would of help ARMA II sales. But Can't Change History until we have a Time Machine....
  17. Haha, Makes me wish games where this intense in the real game. Keep it up
  18. Right, Most of the people that are requesting an engine change keep saying something like CryEngine or Outerra. When they don't even simulate the basic thing the Real Virtuality Engine has. My guessing is because they want some good looking physics. Once again that's something that can be added over time like everything else. I mean for those of you who don't see anything this engine brought. Go look at some videos of Operation Flashpoint (Not Dragons Rising) and then look at ARMA II. Big Changes there right? Or better yet Look at this PDF Here. A good reminder.
  19. Haystack15

    ArmA II & OA crash to desktop/blue screen

    If your just having that issue than you should'nt have to worry about going to other beta drivers. (It's you Choice though) Just got to turn a few setting down bit.
  20. Haystack15

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    The Marines have used Woodland in desert before, Although its rare but it does happen. So far the only item I've seen with woodland camo in the desert was an Abrams tank.
  21. Haystack15

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    can't really see much to do with a drug war theme. It's not a bad Idea for a mission that the community can make though
  22. Haystack15

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    I can some what agree but also disagree with that, The plus side of having a stand-alone expansion is....................... Give me a few day to think of a reason. brb I Also wanted a official version of the USMC in the Desert cami's, I was hoping BIS will include that in OA but they didn't, So I went in the corner for a for a little bit to cry. I still want to see an update to fix the problem with UH-1Y folded blades bug. It still show some geometry problems.
  23. To be honest, I Will not want the Engine to change at all. Why? Because BIS has been working on the current one their using for 10 years. Why Throw 10 years of their lives away when you can just keep adding improvements. That will be like Microsoft Throwing out windows and Saying Fu%^ it, We will make something new. And the problem with that is nothing will be compatible with that new OS. The Plus side of staying with their current engine is that they know it like a mother knows here children. Working on a new one will be stepping into unfamiliar territory.
  24. Most of ARMA movements are animations. So we might have to wait for the 3rd ARMA (if there will be one) for there to be a more flexible movement. But your not alone about that problem man....:D This post = The Ultimate Flame post. -"I Self Proclaim that" Reason? The Title. When people read something that sometime miss the letter "I" they rant and cry......
  25. Haystack15

    CAWheeled2_BTR90 problem....

    The Russians now have stealth technology your friend can't counter lol. Sorry for the Joke Did your friend try re-installing the game? If so ask him if does he have both ARMA 2 and OA and also ask him how does he install them, Like what does he install first?