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Everything posted by Haystack15

  1. Haystack15

    Animation Improvements in ArmA 3

    +1 :D + 5 Characters
  2. Haystack15

    Is ArmA 3 Futuristic? Yes. Realistic? Maybe.

    +1 for maionaze I don't understand that as well. War seemed to be the same sense the word was first invented, People still die or get injured, Things get blown up or destroyed. If that still happens in ARMA III then whats the problem? The only thing that change are the weapons and vehicles that get the job done. Unless BIS makes the player some "Rambo Bunny" with eyes that shoot slushies then, "Yea", I see a reason why to say "Its going to lack realism". If if people still feel that A3 weapons and vehicles are unrealistic, Well there is a reason why this simulator is Moddable. + 5 Characters
  3. Also the M-16 + M-4 Series Weapons.
  4. Haystack15

    Gamespot Reader's Choice, vote for ARMA 3

    Welcome to the 21st Century. :) _______________________________ One reason why I stopped reading game reviews. The Reviewers don't know what they are talking about half the time.
  5. Haystack15

    High resolution wallpapers

    Some For Mobile to, Sizes like: 960 x 800 Thanks, Your fits my desktop perfectly!
  6. Haystack15

    Want a T-Shirt? Yes, please!

    Have any of them in a small size?
  7. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    Man, You guys would do something like this when I don't have my Joystick. Its like Karma is just sleeping at my door.
  8. Haystack15

    Detailed component-driven damage modeling.

    This is a feature that I always wanted to see. Adding this into A3 will make armored warfare much more interesting. This could be possible to put into A3, it might extend the release of A3 to a different quarter. But, I sure wouldn't mind waiting longer just for this feature. :) Do you know how funny it is to hear from a person who just started ArmA says "My tank was owned by 5 HMG's"
  9. Haystack15

    What do you think off the "future" setting

    I somewhat agree, I'm tired of getting killed by AK's. I think its time to start dyeing by something else. :cc::cc::cc:
  10. Haystack15

    Bohemia's realism.

    +1 for OP +1 for maionaze I don't understand that as well. War seemed to be the same sense the word was first invented, People still die or get injured, Things get blown up or destroyed. If that still happens in ARMA III then whats the problem? The only thing that change are the weapons and vehicles that get the job done. Unless BIS makes the player some "Rambo Bunny" with eyes that shoot slushies then, "Yea", I see a reason why to say "Its going to lack realism". If if people still feel that A3 weapons and vehicles are unrealistic, Well there is a reason why this simulator is Moddable.
  11. Haystack15

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    I'm wondering, What is the point of these "Stealth Hawks"? Sounds like something Hollywood would make up. :rolleyes:
  12. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I agree with what your saying, You basically want a improvement on the current model. Majority of the ArmA players does, Including myself.
  13. Haystack15


    +1 :D I've played some games where it had a radial menu. It was nice to be able to just hit Q or some key, and move the mouse to the option you want to select. It seemed to make the quick action menu alot more organized as well.
  14. Haystack15

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    Was this really said? If so this is great news for me. But do we know if its confirmed? :confused:
  15. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    Then if that is true, Then this is were my Repeated quote comes in. I see what your saying there, That's something you will like to see, Lets also look at it like this too, Not everyone wants a realistic flight model in A3. The ArmA Series was never suppose to simulate flight controls. Here, a user by the name ThudBlunderQ8 pretty much explains how I feel about Realistic flight controls in ArmA. To be honest with you, Yes, it would be nice to see improved flight models in ArmA, and Yes there will be some people that would like to have a Realistic Flight model in ArmA. But at the same time, There will be people that don't want to take the time to learn how to fly a helicopter just to drop some troops off an X amount of distance away and be done with the helicopter. I'm totally getting what your trying to say, But I'm also looking at it from a negative stand point of what "I" "myself" Think about it.
  16. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I think you forgot that fact that reason why I was comparing TOH to A3 was because of hypothetical thoughts. :rolleyes:, Plus I never did say that "(because "hypothetically" A3 has the same flight model as TOH, it will cancel out TOH.)" What I "Did" say is "If A3 does have the same flight model as TOH, people might be more tempted about buying A3 because it has a Realistic Helicopter Flight model with a fully featured combat sim. But I want to re-quote myself on something I said earlier That also includes my entire hypothetical situation as well ;)
  17. Haystack15

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    Well that's the best part about it, if Australia or any other country doesn't have a part in A3, then won't it be nice for a Storyline and a Map to be made along with an opposing force included into a expansion or DLC? Yea they might not have a part in what Happening in the current Island of where A3 is taking place but somewhere else is a difference story. The only down side is that I don't see BIS including a new complete opposing force just to introduce one army.
  18. I want to thank you for asking this question, And Thanks to the people that answered it. and showing us the possibilities.
  19. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I'm also sorry for what you took offense of, I would also like to see improvements in the flight model in Arma. But just not a import of TOH. I'm a big fan of Arma and Flight simulators, I have High hopes for TOH. I just don't want to see a copy paste action from TOH that could mess up the audience interest in it. If that happens then I will have less people to talk about how sweet it is. Correct, If i'm not mistaken, Bell Helicopters has an autopilot that will do the auto-hover and that tends to correct a few things,
  20. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    What a meany head, I wasn't using such profane language on you. I'm sorry, but after a statement like that I think I'll just let you count to ten and go cool down. Have a nice day Sir, :) You could be right, Pufu Also said something somewhat similar to you, Said here Continuing from what I'm saying Because of TOH requires a fully working cockpit (Usable buttons), They could be dumbed down. But the Standard US Layout Keyboard has over 101 keys, Plus you can do some Combo's. So it might not be dumbed down as much. I Can't predict the future Though. :(
  21. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    ;) FPDR The point of TOH is for players to experience a realistic helicopter flight model. If that was Incorporated into ArmA then yes they will lose sales because ArmA will have what TOH is really trying to give to the player. So Yes TOH will still have the "Realistic Flight Model" to offer to the players, But what I'm saying is People might be more tempted into Buying Arma instead of TOH if it has the "Realistic Flight Model" and a "fully featured combat simulation".
  22. Haystack15

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    Not entirely pointless. And yea BIS don't have the time to make an DLC for all 195 countries in the world, But they do have the time to make "some" I wouldn't mind if there was only 5 or 7 nations to choose from.
  23. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    Everything before that can go to my post, But everything stated there is pretty much not targeting anything I said, I never stated "by jumping into a chopper in TOH, suddenly your playing A3". Your came out of the blue with all that. And The word "Suddenly" is marked in red because your not suppose to type in all caps, unless it stands for something. Please read my post correctly.
  24. Haystack15

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    I don't Think I will ever approve myself shooting naked people on the battlefield. :rolleyes: P.S : How did this thread get onto radial menus? Is that part of the soldier customization?
  25. Haystack15

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    That's Pretty much the reason why I voted "No". Also lets say that they did import the flight model from TOH into ArmA, Then won't that mean that if you wanted to play TOH all you have to do is get into a helicopter in Arma? Doing this could reduce the sales in TOH. No point in buying TOH if Arma has what TOH has plus a fully featured combat simulator. BTW I could be wrong. TOH Say Count : 5