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Everything posted by Haystack15

  1. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    Well unfortunately' date=' You haven't done enough. Because I'm still hearing women and children are dieing. To mind you they don't even have a damn gun in there hands. Try harder.... ------------------------------- You know what they say, Sometimes its a good time to tell jokes, while at other times, It is not a good time. And when people get offended, You will make yourself look better if you just say sorry and move on instead of insulting them even further. Or could it be that Rye's comment was another joke just like yours? And if it was, look at how you get offended.
  2. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    Well guess what ArmA 3 is about.. The same thing but in the future' date=' A time where anything can change. :rolleyes: Call for backup, and help him/her out then. Problem solved It does in this discussion' date=' that's why this topic was created. [b']Over a Game[/b], If anything, what happens in real life shouldn't matter.
  3. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    And you've asked here on the internet and people answered with a different answer. :rolleyes: And let's say that if your just that one person standing there trying to choose who to save. Like I said, I doesn't matter. I don't care if you go to help the female solider first, But you better not forget about the male that is also sitting there in pain. And I'm going to also go ahead and say that, I think who ever asked that question is an idiot. Even if you where in that situation. When people are injured, you should never ask "who should I save" as if you where only able to save one person. If your by yourself, save as much as you can.... If your with someone, Ask for there help in trying to save them all. Also, Since you where saying that letting a women die is "Immoral" Let me ask you this question, "How is it every single time people try to play the "Immoral" card, they seem to forget the fact that men dieing is immoral as well"?
  4. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    I'm a bit confused here, Was there any official announcement about, We having the ability to kick down doors? If there was no said about that officially, then i see no point in discussing women having trouble kicking down doors. You bringing it off topic...
  5. Haystack15

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Great, I've always enjoyed driving around in the country side running over hillbillies.
  6. +1:) Plus Another Word.
  7. Haystack15

    ARMA3 on Mac?

    Why not just bootcamp windows xp, vista, or 7? If I recall, I remember seeing an image where BIS had a Mac.
  8. Haystack15

    Future Price options for ARMA games...

    Because I want to be poorer.
  9. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    Nope. But I see where your getting at.
  10. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    That or use the "Amy" voice that was featured in ArmA. And have a feature where players can change some settings on the voices like "How deep the voice box is" and things relating to it. Almost like giving the ability to make one voice change into 30 different ones by adjusting some "Voice Box" settings with sliders.
  11. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    It not really the fact that many people want to see some rumps bouncing when soldiers walk. It's more on the side of them saying, "men walk differently". I'm not to picky on animations and things like that. A model will do fine for me. Although the only thing I can see where time is put into is the voices.
  12. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    My dear sir, I praise you for that input. Majority of the people that think it’s not alright to shoot females in a video game feel perfectly fine shooting males. I don’t know why they seem to feel that way, but it only goes to show that there is a mix up in what they think is moral. I would love to read someone’s input on why it’s perfectly okay to kill only males in games, and not females.
  13. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    A comment like that is also ridiculous, I suggest you keep comments like that to yourself. Tell me about it.
  14. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    Someone might be able to provide you a legitimate argument when they also provide one on why its okay to kill only men in video games. :rolleyes:
  15. Haystack15

    Battlefield 3 Simulator

    Question(s)! 1.) What would happen if you were to be shot by a Tank? Do they have a Giant Paint ball for that? 2.) What About if you get hit by a Minigun?
  16. Haystack15

    Singleplayer with epic plot

    I take it when you bought Arma they never said "Combat or Military Simulator" on the cover? :confused:
  17. Haystack15

    Improved Command System

    Hay You! Those commands might seem like a "rarely used" command to you, but for me, its a must have. Anyways, If they do add more commands to the menu, I hope ARMA III will come with free Tylenol.
  18. Haystack15

    US Drone fleet infected with keylogger virus

    Looks like the military's one year virus protection subscription needs to be renewed. But, why am I not surprised to hear news like this...
  19. Very good work I'm seeing from this project. Keep it up.
  20. Haystack15

    Apple says Steve Jobs has died

    :depressed: R.I.P Mr. Jobs, You will be missed :depressed:
  21. Haystack15

    Future Price options for ARMA games...

    I voted 100USD, Help make me poor please!
  22. Haystack15

    ITV fakes terrorist footage using ARMA II

    But of course if your an optimist like me, you will see the one good thing of this. ARMA II has such great graphics, Some people can't even tell if it real life or not. YAY!
  23. Haystack15

    More accessible mission design

    :o I feel quite embarrassed reading this thread OP.