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Everything posted by Haystack15

  1. Haystack15

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    You're not invited to the DirectX 11 Party with that kind of attitude. That's to bad, we're giving out tessellation gift bags.
  2. Haystack15

    Gamepad Friendly Controls in Arma 3!!!

    This is what I play ArmA with Moving left and right like a boss. :blues:
  3. Haystack15

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    DirectX 11 is the new way to party.
  4. Haystack15

    What Are Your Favorite Programs/Applications?

    KMPlayer I have a Media Center PC with alot of videos. This player can play just about anything you throw it. It's like VLC Player 3.0 :p
  5. Haystack15

    Environment Destruction

    When you bring that to light it makes it sound so funny. Keep the bushes falling over for good times sake please!
  6. Admins decide that bro. Don't try to close it when I'm so close to showing the world what BIS is really up to.
  7. Haystack15

    ARMA 3 Building Destruction

    Arma III will have more dynamic building destruction. In fact I think I remember seeing a video that talks about BIS hiring Michael Bay to make them explode when the begin to crack. But seriously, It was was possible to destroy parts of a building without blowing it to smithereens. Though they where like pre-made destruction stages.
  8. I had more theories, but I think I deleted one of my folders that has alot of my word documents that talks about BIS and their conspiracies. Five of them talks about what they might do if Iran get defeated. Either way, I dug this sometime ago. Papa John’s looking to enter Czech Republic This only further confirms that BIS has something to do with Papa John's going to the Czech Republic. Now, the only thing I need to give my second theory some validation is someone posting news about a building under the Atlantic Ocean. The Jig is up BIS! Tell us where you third secret headquarters is at!
  9. Two things, I won't be getting Windows 8, and I also order my games from Amazon or buy them from the store. So when it comes to me, it's a "I don't care"/"I don't care" situation. But I can't wait to see how many copies of Windows 8 Microsoft sells. I would love to see the pie chart go unchanged.
  10. Haystack15

    End of Nokia is near??

    Umm, Nokia! Uhhh, They made those one things. I will miss those things!
  11. Here's my theory to what BIS has in place just in case Iran does get defeated. They have this one secret suit case that houses a phone and a green button. Which Ivan Buchta takes to Marek Å panÄ›l to which he then makes a call to a secret headquarters that is disguised as a Papa John’s. Once he made the call to the secret headquarters, they will then deliver a box that is disguised as a Papa John’s pizza box, housing another larger green button. Once that secret pizza box has reach Marek Å panÄ›l, he will then open the pizza box and push the button in the suit case. That button will then send a wireless signal to the pizza box lighting up a green light, giving the “Okay†signal to push the button inside it. Once it has been pressed, a super computer that has the capability to send a signal to an asteroid that is located in the kuiper belt will receive it in mire seconds. Once that asteroid receives the signal, it shoots a powerful laser beam somewhere close to the earth where it then makes a portal to an alternate dimension where Iran hasn’t been defeated. Once that portal is made, a space ship comes out of it. That space ship then launches a lot of life pods that comes down to earth. When those life pods land on earth, they will then open up and unleash a whole new Iranian army and population that will re-colonize the country of Iran. Or! Ivan Buchta might have a secret button inside his left desk drawer where if it is pressed, A dance dance revolution machine comes out of the wall beside Marek Å panÄ›l’s desk, where he will then have to dance to get a secret score. Once he gets that secret score, the drawer on the very bottom right side of his desk will open up. That drawer houses a keypad where he then has to enter that secret high score code. Once that has been entered, another dance dance revolution machine will pop out the wall beside Ivan Buchta’s desk wall. This time, this machine is specially modified to only play LMFAO's song “I’m sexy and I know itâ€. He will then have to get another secret high score and once that score has been reached. He then makes a phone call to the second headquarters that is disguised as a Papa John’s. An employee will then answer the emergency hotline phone and will receive the code from Ivan Buchta. The employee writes down the code and makes another call from the same phone to a third secret headquarters that is located under the Atlantic Ocean. A worker their will once again answer the emergency hotline phone and will receive the code from the employee at the second secret headquarters. Once he receives that code, he keys it into a super computer that has the capability to send a signal to asteroid that is located in the kuiper belt in mire seconds. A machine on the asteroid receives that signal and shoots a laser beam that creates a death star in two minutes. Once that death star has been created, It will shoot it’s more powerful laser to a make a wormhole right next to the earth where aliens come pouring out of it. Their flag ship then stops in the path way of the sun, blocking the sunlight. Now that the earth is getting no sunlight, they now have the ability to activate their machine where it will create new humans from darkness. Those new humans become an Iranian army where they began to take over Iran and re-colonizing it. Those are my theories.
  12. Haystack15

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Unrelated to topic, but just to make a point. Ask alot of Anime freaks out in the world, would they rather have their shows in a digital format or Physical DVD, most of them will say the DVD. Just because visual media is big on the digital market doesn't mean we should kick the physical market off the bench. Plus some game developers will add a little extra items to the physical DVD of their software. Like maps, posters, tech trees and soundtrack CD's (rare but I have games that came with them). Items like those might not seem like much to some, to me its all the more bragging rights of why I should be owning everyone in the game with a map posted on the wall right next to my monitor. But one question, How does owning an apple device make people vote no?
  13. Computers need the work out these days. My computer is starting to get a bit overweight. :p
  14. Haystack15

    Interactive Smoke

    It would be nice to see the smoke vortex up when the choppas go to “wop wop†around our heads! ;)
  15. I love the idea of invisible vehicles and think it will make a great addition to my list of "101 ways to kill & p*ss me off while in a video game" But I was more on the idea of using that technology as a large mobile video players. I like the rick roll people on the internet, and having this in Arma will take the enjoyment to a whole new level! :cc::cc: But in all things serious, I think just the adaptive thermal camouflage feature is something I would like to see in the game.
  16. Haystack15

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Thank goodness I'm a DVD go-er. But anyways, I Voted "No". I like to have very little running in background while playing. I've even closed down "explorer.exe" when running games half the time. :p
  17. Haystack15

    AMD 6 core Processor

    If your a hardcore sim gamer, those few frames is like an extra year of life. I have friends who still play flight simulator, they will kill anyone for just four more fps.
  18. Haystack15

    Arma 3 lighting

    I have always felt that lighting wasn't quite good to me, But I didn't pay much attention to the lighting when I was playing the original ARMA II, but when BIS went full out on allowing players to enter just about any building they see. That's when I've started to think that lighting and shadows could be worked on a bit. Once again, It isn't something that is needed to make the next ARMA, but it's one of those items I'd love to see improved. Especially since we can enter just about any building. @PuFu: We can see that you don't like how some people speak as if they know of something, And I'm getting the vibe that you wish they will stop speaking as such. But in return, do you think you can be a bit "nicer" in your responses? I've asked you this in the past, but really, "Pretty Please? with a cherry on top cover with cherry flavored whip cream" :o
  19. Haystack15

    music in arma

    Yes! Please! Also have that kind of feature enabled for multiplayer. I would Love to Rick-Roll people on the battlefield!
  20. Haystack15

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    I don't think that it’s should become a new "High Priority" system to work on, but I do consider it something that should be looked at. I've said to myself quite a few times while playing ArmA, "The Lighting isn't very good here". Majority of the time you can see how bad the lighting is when you’re inside an enclosed space such as a building. One thing I can say to help out the question how lighting can help a scene, is this: Although I’m a student in learning 3D computer graphics, I can say when it comes to making your scene realistic, Lighting and shadows will account for 70 – 80 percent of it. If not that much possibly a little more or less. (I could be wrong, any other 3D artist out there please correct me if I am.) But basically saying “Lighting does have a HUGE impact on how your scene will lookâ€. You can even have some of the best geometry and textures/materials created for your scene, but if you had some of the best lighting, It can do that geometry some justice. I highly suggest BIS to consider taking a look at the lighting of the ArmA world and try to improve it a bit. Especially when it comes to enclosed spaces. Please excuse me if I offend
  21. Haystack15

    Physics for vehicles

    I myself would love to see this in ArmA 3. But sadly I also feel that this might never come to the ArmA world. :( Adding this would an automatic polishing for the crash landings of aircraft in the game.
  22. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    Your right there for once.....
  23. Haystack15

    They better have female soldiers...

    (Going off the rest of what you were talking about) It only says that "We as men, will try everything we can to prevent a woman death". It doesn't get any deeper into detail than that. So in your case. You clearly didn't explain whether or not you where talking about Civilian or Military women.
  24. Haystack15

    ARMA3 on Mac?

    FPS? please? Sorry just want to know. :o