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Everything posted by Tonci87

  1. Tonci87

    DNC Leaks

    Amen to that. I honestly reckon it hasn´t been in such a shitty state since the cold war. I mean that in a general sense, not an A vs. B thing
  2. Tonci87

    Germany General

    It was "just" somebody on a rampage. No islamic terror connection here.
  3. Tonci87

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    The aftermath of that "coup" is quite shocking. So far: Teachers: 21'000 suspended People at the ministry of education: 21'783 suspended Police: 7'899 suspended Soldiers, Judges, State prosecutors: 6000 arrested Judges, State prosecutors: 2700 dismissed University Deans: 1577 dismissed People at the ministry of finance: 1500 suspended Gendarmerie and Coastalguard: 1000 suspended Radio- and TV stations: 500 Broadcasting permissions revoked People at the ministry for religious affairs: 492 dismissed Ministry of Familiy and social care: 399 suspended Office of the prime minister: 257 dismissed Ministry of youth and sports: 249 dismissed Admirals and Generals: 103 arrested National intelligence: 100 suspended Provincial Inspektors: 52 suspended Gouverneurs: 30 suspended People who acted "unlawful" on social media: 7 arrested Members of the high council of justice: 5 dismissed Employees at the Universities: They are not allowed to travel Total: 65'649 People affected
  4. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Oh yeah, they do raid homes, but I think you imagine this to be more than it really is. What most likely happened is that the police showed up, and took away the PCs as evidence. Those will be returned after the trial.
  5. Tonci87

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    How can anybopdy still be in favour of him after seeing what he is doing here.....
  6. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Yes it is true, and not concerning at all. Those arrested were running a neonazi facebook group and broke a whole set of german laws. Like for example the usage and possesion of forbidden symbols, incitement of racial hatred, inciting to violence and much more. Just because you are on the internet, does not mean that you are outside the law.
  7. Tonci87

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    If this coup was for real, then it was the most badly planned coup in the history of mankind. Way too few force behind it, not enough focus on the strategic objectives that matter. Then the already prepared lists for the arrest immediatelly after the coup, Erdogan himself praising it as a gift of god to "clean" the country, and openly toying with the idea to introduce the death penalty. This smells like a Turkish version of the Reichstag fire if you ask me....
  8. Tonci87

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    Reports of gunfire in Istanbul and Ankara. The military is disarming the police. Good luck if Erdogan seeks Asylum in Germany. After the stupid shit he pulled here.... If Merkel would accept this, she would have to resign immediatelly.
  9. Tonci87

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    I doubt that the top brass are involved. Erdogan has made sure that those are handpicked. This most likely originates from a bit lower in the chain of command. The military in Turkey has always been tasked with protecting the democracy and secularity of the country. IMHO thats what they are doing right now.
  10. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    A bit of luck? They had more luck than anybody could have asked for....
  11. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    No fucking way, they actually won this.....
  12. Tonci87

    Your favourite war movie

    Germans can make some damn good war movies. Such as: The german Stalingrad movie from 1993 Das Boot (shame on you if you don´t know that movie) Both should be available in english
  13. Tonci87

    Your favourite war movie

    You know, I think that there might be a lot of really good Soviet/Russian war movies. The only thing that puts me off is that they are mostly in russian, and/or are very much propaganda (not to say that western movies aren´t, I just don´t like when they overdo it)
  14. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    Well, the thing is that so far everybody had, on paper, a better team than Portugal. They still won. Luckiest team of the whole tournament....
  15. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    Portugal is actually quite a bad team. I think Wales might be able to beat them.
  16. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    Yeah, Germany made it.....
  17. Tonci87

    Russia General

    Well, this obviously must be photoshop then And this here must be all lies as well damn stupid Kremlin idiots....
  18. Tonci87

    UK leaves Europe

    Oh, and apparently this is now a thing in the UK: http://cheezburger.com/844805/a-girl-created-a-facebook-album-to-bring-awareness-to-post-brexit-racism
  19. Tonci87

    UK leaves Europe

    Well, according to google there was a surprising rise in searches related to potential consequences of the Brexit (or even what the EU is), on the day after the vote. A lot of people who voted to leave do seem to regret it by now. It seems that many have voted leave, just to vote against Cameron, and not to actually leave the EU. Now that they are faced with the potential consequences, they get second thoughts.
  20. Tonci87

    UK leaves Europe

    Oh no, it is not that. So far Britain has had a very privileged status inside the european union, with far more rights and liberties than many other states. From now in it should be treated as every other country outside of the EU. That sudden loss of all those privileges will hurt hard. Although, who is surprised that UKIP has already announced that some of their promiees they made before the referendum are not valid? Not me
  21. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    Croatia played so awfull..... I hate our trainer so much right now.....
  22. Tonci87

    Euro 2016

    Miserable performance from Croatia..... Our trainer is a fucking joke. No idea why he didn´t keep the team as it was when it beat Spain.
  23. Tonci87

    UK leaves Europe

    I´m not sure. England has surprisingly little in terms of actual industry left, and as a market it is also not that large. When english companies suddenly start to face serious import taxes they are gonna feel the pressure and many might go out of business. And the domestic market is not large enough to sustain them. Also you must not forget that every 4th human in england is working in the financial sector. Now that they are leaving the EU, London will loose its status as important financial capital. All Banks (especially the american ones, who so far favoured London because there is no language barrier, and it was in the EU) are significantly going to reduce the size of their business in London and move to places in the EU. Frankfurt in Germany is seriously happy about all this I guess.... That means that one of Englands biggest remaining industries is going to suffer, and suffer hard. Also, just look at what the Brexit did to the pound..... Do ask yourself how many billions have been lost already. Oh and BTW, living in the UK is going to get more expensive, now that the pound is of so little worth. You will have to pay more to import goods (that your domestic industry is unable to provide). And to top it all off, it is quite telling that most of the people who voted to leave belong to two groups. The elderly and the uneducated. Two groups that are very easily influenced by scaremongering, especially when it is about immigrants. In 10 years time, Britain will either seek to get back into the EU, or have very favourable trade agreements in place with the EU. They have no other options.
  24. Tonci87

    UK leaves Europe

    Just a small heads up for all people in eastern europe who constantly bitch about the EU: This is how it is done. You don´t like it? There is the door, you are free to leave. Of course we all know that despite their big talking not a single eastern european country will actually go ahead and attempt to leave the EU. All that EU money is too tasty. And BTW, I feel sorry for the brits. You guys have no idea what a economic downfall is coming your way....
  25. Tonci87

    Escape from Tarkov

    I don´t know, games like this always look nice on paper, however once they go live they basically devolve into a mindless PvP shooter where everybody is shooting on sight. I would prefer a SP game like stalker with a good open world and campaign.