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Everything posted by Tonci87

  1. Tonci87

    A US CAG heading to Korean peninsula

    Naivety. You really think Russia is Serbias ally and doesn´t want to spread separatism in the area? When war broke out in Croatia the Croatian defense forces didn´t have almost anything in Weapons and supplies. You know who was one of the major parties that supplied Croatia with all kinds of wonderful stuff? Russia Weapon transports from Russia where landing daily in Croatia, ignoring the embargo. Delivering such juicy things like MI-24 attack helicopters, MIG 21 fighters, Guided AT weapons, missiles, rockets, and millions of bullets. Croatia also received an S-300 AA system at the end of the war. It is considered that the presence of this system was the main reason why the Serbian Airforce didn´t intervene in operation storm. Russia was careful not to advertise this involvement, only focusing on their help for Serbia. Russia only has its own interest in mind, and their interest at the time, together with the US and other European countries was to destabilize and to get rid of Yugoslavia. I as a Croatian think that this worked very well, but I can see that Serbians might not agree. So do not think that Russia is any different from the countries you do not like so much.
  2. Tonci87

    A US CAG heading to Korean peninsula

    No it´s not okay, I personally despise the Saudi government and their ideologies and I hate how western governments are kissing their ass because of oil and arms deals. I actually believe that a lot of the problems the world currently has with radical islam originate in Saudi Arabia and their Ideology. But you see, that is the difference between me and you. I do not support any dictatorship, regardless of who it is allied with.
  3. Tonci87

    Escape from Tarkov

    Sounds like what I suspected it will be. I´m really sad that they didn´t develop a proper campaign. The backstory sounds interesting enough :( A new Stalker like game would be amazing....
  4. Tonci87

    A US CAG heading to Korean peninsula

    You know, most likely the only reason why NK hasn´t done anything like that is because they are aware that they would get punished so hard that there wouldn´t be any chance to recover. Also they do not have the transport capabilities to participate in any war outside of their own borders. But hey, if someone is against the west he has to be a good guy, right?
  5. Tonci87

    Free Games

    They will actually release Starcraft remastered in summer, I´m looking forward to it :)
  6. Tonci87

    Vacation in Czech Republic / Prague

    Uh, that would be nice to know. I´m planning a Prague trip myself :)
  7. Oh my.... And then this: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/03/14/mass-effect-andromeda-review-opening-hours/ Seems like we have another underwhelming Bioware game ahead of us..... A shame, I really enjoyed the mass effect series (up until the ending of 3), but this just looks shit. I also enjoyed Dragon Age...well the first one, since everything after was shit as well.... It really looks as if Bioware has forgotten how to make good RPGs... This is just sad really.... Thankfully there is still Obsidian, CDPR and others.
  8. Tonci87

    Free Games

    Thank you, nice find :)
  9. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    I was actually there with my girlfriend a few weeks ago. It´s sad to see a place you remember so fondly to experience something like this :(
  10. Tonci87

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    They will never be able to fix all the important issues. They would have to rewrite much of the dialogue, make new voice recordings, etc. I don´t see them doing that... I´m sure they will attempt to fix the technical issues, but they are not really what makes this game so mediocre...
  11. Tonci87

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    And that is what you call a fanboy, or somebody with very low standards.... He will figure it out eventually.
  12. Tonci87

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    Oh, now I understand, :D Eurogamer called it Biowares worst game so far. Considering how awful Dragon Age 2 was, this is really saying something.....
  13. Tonci87

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    How was he wrong then? He said its shit :D It is receiving pretty negative reviews from all sides......
  14. Tonci87

    Steel Division: Normandy 44

    If you have not had a look at Graviteam Operation Star and Mius Front, you definitely should. I think you might like it very much :D
  15. Tonci87

    Steel Division: Normandy 44

    And I feel the same. I don´t want to play MP all the time, sometimes you really do not have the nerve to search for a good MP Lobby and just want to play a quick skirmish against the AI. Or you want to play COOP with a friend, and maybe show him how the game works, and this simply has not been possible so far. The AI in wargame has always been basically brain dead. Literally the only thing it can do is to attack move towards you. That is it. There is nothing else. And I feel this game will be the same. You can not compare BF2 to this. I remember playing BF1942 SP back in the days. That was also SP vs. Bots, but it was decent fun because the AI was challenging. If it doesn´t have at least a decent matchmaking system, then it is a no buy for me. I understand that you Pan are looking forward to it, good for you. I hope you can enjoy it. I seem to have different requirements that a game has to meet before I buy it, but that should not lower your enjoyment of it.
  16. Tonci87

    Steel Division: Normandy 44

    In a competitive MP game it definitely is and I think we all can agree that the balancing in Red Dragon is quite bad. Then consider that Red Dragon is still an unfinished game. (Naval says hi) Consider that Wargame does not have a much needed matchmaking system. Also consider that they did promise they would never introduce paid DLC into Red Dragon, a promise they broke. Not to mention that the nations from the paid DLCs are absurdly strong compared to the normal ones. Oh why might that be? Red Dragon is basically unplayable in Single player or Coop because they did not care to program an AI that can do anything else than rush you. Yes it literally attack moves all its units into your direction. To remedy that the AI starts with a huge point advantage. So you spend the first minutes desperately defending because you are outnumbered, and then you steamroll through anything that remains. Mostly ammo trucks and artillery. That is literally how every game vs the AI looks. Add to that numerous dubious design decisions. And then add numerous abhorrently stupid business decisions. They stopped all post release support (apart from minor patches) for Red Dragon to concentrate all their resources on Act of Aggression. Only after that game bombed catastrophically did they start to care about Red Dragon again. I simply do not trust them to make a game that is worth my time, and I will stick to that opinion until the game is released and I see some much needed improvements. Red Dragon is a truly awesome game when you get a good MP game going. But for every good game you get 10 shit ones, not to mention the time you have to spend to search for proper games. Either you get constantly kicked from Lobbies because of your stats, or you only find Lobbies with a team that is on TS waiting to roflstomp a few randoms. And then there are the ragequitters, the spammers and other kinds of people.... I can not trust Eugen to release the game in a good state, I can not trust them on their post release plan, and if they do not introduce a proper matchmaker, or some decent AI in this game, then it is simply not worth my time anyway.
  17. Tonci87

    Steel Division: Normandy 44

    So this is basically wargame with a WW2 setting. I´m not interested until I see if Eugen has fixed the glaring issues that Wargame suffered from. Graviteam games are actually better, they just do not have multiplayer (yet)
  18. Thank you guys. I think I really should look into both games. Unfortunately at least the second one was released during a time when my PC was simply not good enough, that is why I have missed them so far. Got some catching up to do :)
  19. So, what is so special about these games? I never played them....
  20. Tonci87

    Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

    Oh no, not WWise... That sound engine was mainly used for console games in the past and their ports and my system always had some weird problems with it. Like sound being too quiet, and unbalanced......
  21. Tonci87

    USA election 2016

    Honestly that guy is taking all his knowledge about world issues from Fox News, Breitbart, and other such sources. Safe to say that this is not good......
  22. Tonci87

    USA election 2016

  23. Tonci87

    Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

    I think the thing that is shown in the video I posted, where enemies simply disappear when you are too far away, is the strangest thing you can have in a game about sniping. It´s just sooo stupid. Honestly I do not think that they can fix the problems until release. The game might become decent after a few patches though.
  24. Tonci87

    Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

    To be honest, it kinda looks like a Far Cry game with a higher focus on stealth.... am I the only one with that impression? Very disappointing that you can´t lean, absolute no go in such a game.... I smell a console port....