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Everything posted by Tonci87

  1. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Possibly because your relative was A: in the party and regarded as a trustworthy person, B:because she still had family back home to wich she had to return. Normal citizens couldn´t travel, that is a historical fact.
  2. Tonci87

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    The Russians are already heavilly involved in the conflict and have been pretty much since the beginning.
  3. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Competition? Against WHAT? You are assuming that Socialism and Communism are the same thing, wich is just wrong. In the west (and most of the east) almost nobody wanted that damn communism. If people could choose they prefer to have a vote and an opinion instead of having one party with a few clueless idiots on top they can´t vote out. The great benefits communism has brought to this world! Bad economy, political opression, cultural opression, religious opression, travel bans, hunger, famine, poverty, ruling elites, state terror, murder! Capitalism isn´t perfect, very far from it, but it is still miles better than what communism had to offer. The fact that people in the Soviet Union and the other states couldn´t travel freely because the authorities feared that they might escape to the west speaks volumes about wich system was better!
  4. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    And what was with the times before that? Russias aim during the imperial and Soviet times was ALWAYS to unite all slavic nations under it´s rule (make them their slaves essentially), no matter if they are willing or not. East Europe was always threatened by Russia. It was always Russia invading them, not the other way around. Pre WW1 there was always the Austrian empire and to some degree the Prussians reliably keeping the Tsars away, when both of those forces were gone after WW2 Russia was free to sweep across half of Europe.
  5. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Oh cut the bullshit. The second world war wasn´t the first time Poland had seen Russian troops on its soil, and Russia was just too happy to start world war 2 together with Germany by invading Poland. Air bag my ass.
  6. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    And it was such a great country that it needed the iron curtain and rigurous travel controls to keep it´s people in that "paradise" Guess what, people in the west could travel where ever they god damn wanted.
  7. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    So if someone asked you two years ago to what country the crimea belongs, what would you have answered?
  8. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Where were they and how many of them?
  9. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    So that were not Russian soldiers on the Crimea?
  10. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    You didn´t see Ukrainian troops invading Russia, I think it´s pretty obvious who the agressor in this conflict was. :rolleyes:
  11. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Yeah the people there finally regained their senses. However, Ukraine has sufferd a lot from the Russian agression and will continue to do so. Not only have they lost Crimea, they also now have to rebuild and repair everything that was destroyed by their own and Russian/pro Russian troops. It will take a decade at least until that region is back where it was.
  12. That actually describes it pretty well! And what you guys mentioned with the clan structure and the generation that grew up with war. Those people learned to fight since they were young, for many of them that might be the only skill they have ever mastered. So they export themselves to other conflicts where they can continue that lifestyle.
  13. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Now normally I´m quite welcoming of people in need but this is just crazy. In a refugee camp building in Croatia people were handed out food, some of them refused to eat because there was a wooden cross on the wall (as can be found practically everywhere in Croatia). Only after the cross was taken down they were willing to eat. IMHO people who refuse help because there is a religious/cultural symbol on the wall should be simply turned away an send back to where they came from. If even such a small thing is such a huge problem for them then there is no way they will ever integrate properly. Croatia has now closed it´s border with Serbia. Noone is allowed to enter. Most of the refugees with half a brain are reluctant to enter Croatia in places other than the official border crossings. They too know that the Croatian-Serbian border is still heavily mined due to the Balkan war and not all Minefields are marked.
  14. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    That is actually not true, having a kid in Germany does not grant you the right to stay there and it does not give the kid instant citizenship.
  15. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Well most of them want to go to Germany, but Germany is already working on new asylum regulations that will result in everybody beeing sent home if there isn´t a war going on. Syrians will be allowed to stay until the war ends, other people will most likely just get a return ticket home. My bet is that those whom are allowed to stay will become the new minimum wage workers in Germany....
  16. Tonci87

    Greece navigating "uncharted territory"

    Greece can´t be saved with the current strategy. The whole incoming wave of privatisations is just wrong! One Example. Greece will be forced to sell 14 Airports that operate with a profit. The most likely buyer is Fraport, Germanys big Airport management company (Owns the ridiculously huge Frankfurt am Main Airport). The other over 20 airports that operate with losses will be left to Greece. This pattern is the same for all possible things, ports, water, electricity, infrastructure, etc. How is Greece ever going to get out of problems when they are forced to sell everything that can make a profit? I think Greece will be stripped clean of anything valuable and then thrown out of the Euro afterwards
  17. Tonci87

    Total War:Warhammer

    Yeah that is a direct result of the engine problem I described and is impossible to fix within that engine. All hand to hand combat is animation based. Two units get together and play a fighting animation. No other unit can attack one of those fighting units while they are stuck in that animation. this leads to awkward situation where the last survivor of a unit will be sourrounded by enemies but will still only have to fight one at a time. Imagine Assassins creed combat on a larger scale :D With this game they are trying to mask those problems by introducing Area of Effect attacks wich don´t allow the group of sourrounding units to become static but the core problem is still there and sadly unfixable.
  18. Tonci87

    Total War:Warhammer

    It does stat to look rather nice, however the same damn problems are still plagueing that engine. Every unit (single man, or rather dwarf in this case) can only engage in combat with one opponent. So units shuffle awkwardly into positions to face each other so that the animation can start to play. The AoE attacks help to mask this problem a bit. Has anyone noticed the absence of blood? I guess Blood DLC on release is basically confirmed......
  19. Tonci87

    Free Games

    It seems as if Amnesia: The Dark Descent is free on Steam today, get it while you can, absolutelly brilliant game! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-09-15-amnesia-the-dark-descent-is-free-today-on-steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/57300/
  20. Still no excuse to make Grozny the most destroyed city on earth (at that time) and kill thousands of civilians (including Russians)! How can you defend something like that?
  21. Lame excuse. (And the ongoing insurgency is a sign that the integration is far from perfect).
  22. Yep, totally logical to simply invade the neighbouring country (and be dragged into a insurgency war) than to simply beef up your own border security. Nothing can be an excuse for what the Russian military did to Grozny.
  23. ...After in 1558 the Russians took a plea for help from the Temryuk of Kabarda against a local tribes as an invitation to simply expand their empire in tha direction..... Dude, historically Chechnya is not Russian, same with Dagestan and the rest of the north Caucasus. All Russians that ever lived there did so as a result of Russian imperialism at one point in history. A very common theme with most of Russias border regions!
  24. Grozny a Russian settlement? You mean the fort of Groznaya wich was build by the Russian Empire AFTER invading and annexing Chechnya (like all of the other towns and villages you speak about) and later grew into a city? You have a funny definition of what belongs to Russia.
  25. LOL GTFO of Chechnya and Dagestan then. Just two examples.