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Everything posted by Tonci87

  1. Tonci87

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Jobar district, quite close to the old city. And then you wonder why people flee from there.....
  2. Honestly, where is the value in this? How can they ask 60$ (or 120$) for a MP only game? A mp only game wichs only selling point is the star wars licence! It literally has nothing else to set it apart from other shooters. Everything else in this game is generic and bland....
  3. No server browser and also no voice chat for the PC version.
  4. I guess they are really counting on the Star Wars brand to push sales.....wich it most likely will do..... I mean imagine this, the full game basically costs 120€!!!!
  5. Battlefront now has a 50€!!!!!! Season pass. Yes they are asking the price of a full price game for their DLCs..... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-10-13-star-wars-battlefront-has-a-season-pass-that-is-40
  6. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Well they reached the same conclusion as I did long ago. Now the Russians will try to tell everybody that it was a Ukrainian BUK missile, not one of theirs.....
  7. I´m into this. IMHO our economical policy of constant growth is unreasonable.
  8. Yeah so instead of reskinning BF (wich funnily enough would at least mean better gameplay in my book), they went for a weird Call of Duty meets Battlefield mix...... If you listen to people who played this, the overwhelming majority will say that the game has great graphics, great sound (although they don´t deserve much credit for that because you simply can´t fuck up sounds in a Star Wars game if you use the Lucas Arts Sound library) and great atmosphere. But that sensation wears off after an hour tops and then it gets a bit boring, with really bad gameplay, really shitty loadouts, terrible spawns and balance, and really bad gameplay design. Add to that EA asking full price for an online only game and the inevitable shitload of DLCs....I wouldn´t buy this on release....
  9. Honestly, from all the gameplay I saw.....this looks like call of duty with a star wars theme. Sniper rifles that do exactly 90 damage no matter where they hit, super fast health regen, grenade spamming, floating power pickups that let you spawn in a vehicle (vehicle controls are terrible), spawns all over the place so that you get shot in the back constantly, etc. Even the Walker assault mode on Hoth has severe issues. The spawns are ridiculous. Players in a AT-ST can get over a hundred kills by camping the rebel spawn. The empire wins 95% of the time (wich is not wrong in itself, but the rebel team should be awarded with more exp for playing that.) Angry joe has a video explaining and showing some of the issues And why are they asking full price for a online only game? There is no SP campaign!
  10. Tonci87

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Not only that, but I imagine that some groups who have been more or less indifferent to ISIS might now be activelly joining them because they have more strenght (and maybe better anti air?).
  11. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    What about the potatoes Vilas?
  12. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Vilas, if a supermarket is selling foreign products then only because he can buy and import them cheaper. Go into one of those stores and tell me where the potatoes come from (the country of origin has to be declared).
  13. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    LOL, a Supermarket will simply sell anything that has the highest profit margin. They really don´t give a fuck where it comes from.
  14. Tonci87

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    At 1:30 they have to aim a bit up because those rockets have a ballistic flight path, they are not guided. The explosions at 2:00 are from the rockets fired by Hind 3 and 4. So, I assume these are Syrian Hinds, not Russian ones?
  15. Tonci87

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    I think the US is quite mad now that they haven´t done more to break ISIS in the past few years.... If they had Russia wouldn´t have a legit excuse to back Assad right now.
  16. Tonci87

    Ukraine General

    Well technically neither of them did win this. Ukraine lost Crimea. Russia lost a shitton of money, material and personel. About the Donbas, it looks like it will stay in Ukraine after all and I´m not sure that this is a win for Ukraine. They will have to pay for the rebuilding and everything.... In the end both countries lost. As it is the case with most civil wars, in the end everyone looses.....
  17. Tonci87

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Well Iran is cooperating with Russia in this, but Iraq? I guess Iraq has other problems that are more important.
  18. Tonci87

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    You sure it was against ISIS? because Russia seems just to be striking whoever is currently in the way of Assads forces. By the way, is ISIS territory even within the reach of those missiles?
  19. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    No it´s not. For most people price and quality determine if they will buy something or not, If foreign companies produce better and cheaper products the local industry will have a hard time selling their own stuff.
  20. Tonci87

    U.S.A. Foreign Policy & Defense

    I wonder if the hospital had a big red cross, or half moon painted on its roof, do they do that over there?
  21. Tonci87

    U.S.A. Foreign Policy & Defense

    Well, one thing can´t be denied, the bomb was an american one, so the fuckup is mostly on them....
  22. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Schulz is actually not that powerfull as you might think Vilas...... If he was, Europe would have reacted to the immigrants years ago because Schulz has been telling everyone that this would happen and that something has to be done for the last three or four years
  23. Tonci87

    Ukraine General
