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Everything posted by Tonci87

  1. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Assaut on Shilovo Here is how I deployed my units. Basically every unit, apart from those in a fire support role, will sweep eastwards and then all will converge on Shilovo. Shilovo is the main target, I want that town NOW. The forest north of Shilovo would be a nice bonus since it would be a great position to flank the anticipated Soviet armored attack along the nothern road. The battle hasn´t even started yet and we can already spot a large number of trenches on the edge of the forest and the town. Preplanned artillery will hit it soon. Oh look what we found! That thing won´t cause us any more trouble. We also discovered three more guns on the edge of the forest overlooking the direct approach to the town. My troops would have been obliteraded if they tried a direct attack. My men also found a full battery of ZiS3 guns in the nothern forest. I ordered a retreat up there since I don´t have firesupport in place. Rain has started to fall, extinguishing the fires my artillery started. Together with the beginning darkness it really reduces visibility. (Picture taken from Trushkino looking towards Shilovo) My men have reached Shilovo from the south, the enemy didn´t seem to guard that side as much as I have feared. The enemy has formed a defensive line inside houses along a street. It won´t be easy to get them out of there. My men have to fight house to house and clear them out with grenades and explosives. One of my two Artillery spotter halftracks is moving up to assist with its MG. The rain is turning the earth into mud and the vehicle moves slower than ususal. Neuperts squad has managed to reach the church and is now using its tower to provide overwatch on a large part of the town. What´s that noise? Holly shit! A flight of IL2s is flying towards us. I don´t know of what use they will be considering the poor visibility but still, this is really bad for me. Those Soviet pilots must be crazy! If the IL2 spot a unit that unit is in a lot of trouble. Look at that rocket run. They also do gunruns. Across the town fierce house to house combat is still going on. This Soviet had the missfortune that the house he was in cought fire... We are so close to capturing the town! Finally! We captured the town, most of the defenders are dead. We also captured the bridge across the Voronezh south of the town and the IL-2s have flown back home, they caused only very little damage to my forces. My men are sweeping in search of last survivors. The light from the burning buildings provides them with just enough illumination that they won´t accidentally step on a Soviet without seeing him. Wait, what is that sound? Could it be? Oh give me a break! Three Soviet T34s Mod 1941 with mounted infantry suddenly come out of the forest just north of Shilovo. I don´t have much to fight them with..... My 2,8cm AT rifles are doing their best but they just don´t have the power to penetrate. Yes, my 5cm AT gun has manged to detrack one of the three tanks. I will use artillery called in by one of my spotters to finish it now that it can´t move. The crew of the detracked tank abandons their vehicle, the other tanks and the infantry pull back into the forest. The sudden fire from my long barreled Pak38 and the loss of one tank seem to have made them reconsider their choice to drive out into the open like that. Good that they don´t know that my Pak38 only had three rounds left wich it all fired to detrack that tank. One of the tanks has parked next to a ruined house on the edge of the forest. It looks as if the crew has opened the hatch to take a good look around. I immediatelly ordered my light infantry gun battery to bombard that area. That is one more tank down. In the meantime my men up north have captured that part of the forest. The enemy retreats. This was a grand victory! Not only did we finally capture Shilovo, we also took the areas north, east and south of it. On top of that we killed many enemies, disabled 5 AT and infantry guns, two mortars and two T34s. Most of the houses inside Shilovo are now damaged or destroyed. Let´s take a look at those vehicles. The Detracked T34 number 203 suffered a number of hits (bright white means it penetrated, grey means it didn´t). Three 2,8cm shells actually pierced the armor at a range below 300m but didn´t do any substantial damage, one 5cm shell (the only one out of three that actually hit something) detracked the tank and damaged its chassis. The crew got cut down while trying to abandon the vehicle. The T34 number 201 that parked next to the house. Damn, this thing got shot a lot, but only three shells penetrated. One of them went inside the turret and disabled the gun, possibly by killing the gunner. Number 202, the one that got away. This one received a few hits, only two penetrated, oh look, one of them disabled the gun.... Damn was I lucky. Those tanks didn´t retreat because they were afraid of my Pak38, they retreated because their main guns were not functional! Damn was I lucky! I did loose two of those 2,8cm AT rifles though. They proved to be much more usefull then I could have imagined. trading one 2,8cm AT rifle for one T34? Yes please!. Even the surviving tank will need repairs and be out of the action for a few hours. The new situation is very much in my favour, I effectivelly punched a hole into the enemies defense line wich I could use to advance along the river, however I simply don´t have the menpower and the ammunition supply to do that right now. I have to hold Shilovo, move in more men, dig in and await reinforcements. Will the Soviets risk an assault during the pitchblack night?
  2. Tonci87

    Russia General

    Well Russian civilians would certainly become a target for ISIS due to Russias efforts in Syria, however we really shouldn´t pay too much attention to some idiots claiming something. I´m sure Egyptian and Russian investigators will soon have a initial explanation on what caused the crash.
  3. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    That again is absolute uninformed bullshit, and you will never find any credible data to back it up. By the way, the experiment I spoke off took place in a city that mostly votes the leftist parties.
  4. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Oh cut the bullshit. The fact that people are honest has nothing to do with some of them having weapons (not as common as you think in Austria). It is simply part of the culture. And listen to this. there was an experiment in a large German city in a neighbourhood with mostly immigrants a few years back. They left a Kiosk unattended with a simple note that the owner is away for a short time and that people should please take what they want and put the money in a bowl. EVERYONE did just that, no matter if he was german, turkish, polish, russian, whatever. So please don´t give me this "some nationalities are more honest than others" crap.
  5. Tonci87

    Russia General

    Yeah I thought the same when I saw this, however the airspeed doesn´t seem to drop during the quick ascent. We don´t know how accurate flight24 data is.
  6. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    TURN 3 4.07.1942 18:00 OK, we are into turn three, this will be the turn where we finally take Shilovo! This will be the turn where we break through the enemy lines! THIS WILL BE THE TURN WHERE WE CRUSH THEN BENEATH THE TRACKS OF OUR SONDERKRAFTFAHRZEUGE! THIS WILL BE..... hold on, whats that?...... What do you mean we have a problem? …....Important reconnaissance report?...Well give it to me then....Hey, where are you running to?.....Well, OK, let´s take a look then.............................Awwwwwwwww shit. OK, change of Situation If we take a look at this map we can see that the Soviets have received some reinforcements. From the direction of Voronezh they have received help from the 110th tank brigade. My guess is that they will try to attack down the main road (that means our just captured crossroads are in danger) towards Malyshevo where our engineers are still trying to figure out how to get the rest of our Division across the Don. They better hurry up with that! The Soviet 1/425 Artillery regiment has set up northeast of Shilovo. It looks as if I will have to wait until tomorrow for my reinforcements to cross the river. This is bad..... A powerfull tank attack could crush our defensive lines. However I do have two batteries of long barrelled 5cm Pak38 AT guns up north. They will have to do. OK, this is my plan for this turn. A lot less ambitious than before, quite simple really. Capture Shilovo and if possible the forest north of it. Up north on the plains I will remain defensive and start digging in. Let´s see what the Soviets are up to. Surprising! The Soviets are just reorganising their forces and not attacking yet. I can continue with my assault on Shilovo. Let´s see what we are up against. In the forest north of Shilovo we have Shitovs At gun battery. Intelligence estimates that they have only one gun left, we definatelly destroyed one in our previous battle. There is also one unknown unit. Shilovo itself is defended by Markovetskijs rifle platton wich was basically wiped out, he has only very few men left. One Artillery battery with possibly 2 guns and Cherkasovs depleted AT rifle Platoon. The Marsh south of Shilovo is held by Dyakovs Rifle platton that is still on full strenght. My forces consist of four mostly understrenght Panzergrenadier plattons, one battery of those nice 2,8cm AT rifles, one battery of my awesome 7,5cm light infantry guns and three command platoons who have some Panzergrenadier squads and fire support attached to them. Sadly Major Schaub, the commander of second battallion, has been killed in the last battle when his halftrack received a direct mortar hit. That makes commanding a bit less efficient. Before we start the battle lets look at some other things first. For all of this fighting some of my men already received medals, here is a small selection (the numbers are a bit hard to see and don´t mind the Achtung Panzer main menu background, it´s from a mod). As you can see, some of them received the Iron cross second class, or the War Merit cross first class. Two soldiers even received the “Close combat“ clasp, awarded for hand to hand fighting (not in this picture). The most common badge is the Silver wound badge though, beeing given to 21 soldiers. Awarded for beeing wounded more than three or four times, or loss of a hand, foot or eye, facial disfigurement or brain damage...... Next up: The attack on Shilovo P.S.: If you have any ideas on how to take that town with minimal losses, please post them!
  7. Tonci87

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Sorry, I can´t take anybody seriously who quotes the Daily Mail as a source of information.
  8. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    TAKING THE CROSSROADS If you look closely you will see that many Unit symbols have a red dot inside them. That means that those units will be present in the battle. The enemy has Komkovs depleted SMG platoon with only one squad remaining, an AT gun battery with possibly two guns and two additional units of unknown composition. I have a lot more than that! This looks interesting, I might have a chance to assault Shilovo in this attack. Up north I have filled up a treeline with a MG42 and AT rifles to make sure that nothing Soviet enters those fields coming from Celestine 2. Crossroads is pretty much covered by my large 5cm AT gun battery, if anything Soviet steps out of the forest it will be blown to bits. A large force is set up to sweep the last part of the forest that is north of Trushkino. Troops are in position to assault north Shilovo. My goal in this battle is to capture the Crossroads and maybe Shilovo and Gypsum 1, although I think that I won´t be able to do all of that. Now I ask myself if I should call in the bombers now right at the beginning and have them arrive within 5 minutes, and be unable to use them later during this battle (they only have 8 minutes time over target). Or hold off and risk having to wait for them up to 15 minutes later on? I think I´ll call them now, just to be on the safe side. My Air spotter halftrack is racing towards the forest edge to get a clear view on some trenches I spotted. Oh look! My Artillery found a Soviet AT Gun. :D I also brought some 2,8cm anti tank rifles (yes those rifles are so heavy they need a mount with wheels on it), due to the very small calibre they are pretty useless against tanks, however their HE shells are really good vs entrenched infantry. Now look at that. The Luftwaffe finally arrives to the party. A flight of three Stuka Divebombers is coming in over Trushkino, Shilovo far away in the background. With howling jericho trumpets the Stukas dive towards their targets, the mear sound beeing enough to chill every Soviet soldiers blood. Here, klick this link to get yourself imersed properly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8nX_nx6Qws The effect is devastating. My Artillery spotter use their halftracks to quickly move into positions from which they can best direct the artillery fire, this one is speeding through Trushkino to get to it´s east end. Damn I lost another cable halftrack.... after the battle we will see what happened to it. I also lost one other halftrack to Mortar fire. Meanwhile I have captured the crossroads One platoon has reached Shilovo Soon the battle inside the village starts The battle ends before I can push deeper into Shilovo. Now let´s look at what happened to that halftrack. Ah ok, it drove into the range of a squad of AT rifles. Multiple hits and penetrations, one knocking out the turret traverse, two hitting the engine. And again the crew got out alive. So I didn´t get Shilovo because the enemy had some more troops in there but I did get the crossroads and further depleted Shilovos defenders. This gives me a foothold in the forest north of Shilovo. Next Turn will see a large scale assault on that village.
  9. Tonci87

    What browser and operating system do you use?

    Chrome on Win7 pro I don´t see myself switching to Win10 yet, in fact I know people who switched back to Win7 after using Win10 for some time.
  10. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Yeah the game has a very steep learning curve (more like a wall) simply due to the fact that the game does very little to tell you how things work. The tutorial is a joke. Thankfully Arch Warhammer (seriously, if you have any interest in WW2, Warhammer or strategy games you should subscribe to him) has created a bunch of really good tutorials on youtube. They teach you everything you need to know. Here is the playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx6N3LVwgba0n_wweLFzT_r0-cKi_LIhC Some new scenarios would be nice, however the devs are currently working on Mius front (East front 1943 near the Mius river in south Ukraine). I think that won´t be a DLC but a whole new game (of wich features are already making their way into their other games including this one) on the same engine. A new release like that will help to raise their popularity. Since the Devs are from Kharkov in Ukraine it is very understandable that most of the campaigns are based in or near that area, makes it easier to go out and get photos :D All battlefields are modeled after real world data at that time and the units are mostly equiped and composed as they were then. I looked up Voronezh on google maps and tried to find this area where this campaign takes place, however I couldn´t at first. You know why? Because those Soviets build a damn sometime after WW2 and the whole area that in game is a river with marshes and swamps on both sides is now a damn lake. The devs must have studied old maps and aerial photographs to recreate the Shilovo battlefield. Anyway, I intend to cover all 13 turns of this campaign if the AI doesn´t beat me before that (and the AI in this game is not scripted!). Here is Turn 2. TURN 2 4.07.1942 14:00PM So I reorganized my Forces a bit. Up north I placed my troops in positions that will allow them to completelly encircle the enemy in the Forest and crush them. There isn´t much left to worry about up there. Stepanov with an almost wiped out AT rifle platoon, Ereskij with a SMG platoon that isn´t in a much better state and one unknown unit. I also moved some units eastwards on the nothern plains to ensure that my troops can use the treelines as cover if the Soviets decide to attack along the road from Voronezh. I also decided to attack the pocket of resistance at the crossroads north of Trushkino. The enemy doesn´t have much there and it will grant me a foothold in the forest north of Shilovo. The enemy has only Komkovs depleted SMG platoon that got whacked hard during the assault on Trushkino, one AT gun battery with possibly two guns (estimated) and one to four unknown units. I don´t know if that will leave me enough troops to attack Shilovo, although they don´t have much to defend with. Makovetskij with a heavilly depleted rifle platoon, one Artillery battery and one depleted AT rifle platoon. Then there is also Dyakov in the marsh south of Shilovo to worry about, his platton is almost on full strenght. Everything depends on what the enemy will do now. Will they bring up reinforcements? Will they counterattack? Let´s find out. So, Komkov would like to assault Trushkino with the forces from Shilovo and the forest north of it, this won´t happen of course since my attack on the crossroads will crush him beforehand. It doesn´t look as if the Soviets have received any reinforcements yet and I´m very glad that they didn´t attempt an attack across the nothern plains. This will give my troops time to do some digging of their own. Let us start with the attack on the nothern forest, that will be a walk in the park since I massivelly outnumber the enemies. ASSAULT ON THE NOTHERN FOREST PART 2 Well, this is a very small area we have to sweep, just 1km². I placed my troops so that they can sweep from south and west, I just need to make sure that I set up blocking forces in the north to intercept any fleeing forces. The troops to the east consist of a LIG (light infantry gun) battery and some halftracks, they serve as a blocking and fire support force. I have some halftracks that can cover the few roads with their MGs but I have to be carefull that they don´t get sniped by AT rifles. Parts of the forest are still really fucked up from the artillery treatment they received during the first assault. (I love that feature, battle damage, destroyed or abandoned vehicles, trenches, craters, some dead bodies, all that is saved by the game and still there in later battles. An area that has seen a lot of fighting will look the part. And we already found the SMG platoon (little blue dots on the right side of the road, you can even see their trench networks), of course they are entrenched but I have artillery spotters nearby. Divisional artillery incoming, four light 10,5cm field howitzers are shooting at my target. There it is Damn I lost a halftrack to an AT rifle, one hit into the engine and it actually caught fire immediatelly bad luck... Overall the fighting is going very well my men are pushing deeper into the forest. My Mortar halftracks are shooting phosphor grenades into the trenches My light infantry guns get in on the action, as you can see my men had some time for digging. An MG 42 is perfect to supress enemies inside their trenches. They don´t dare to poke their head out when this thing is buzzing. Halftracks are moving in. We took the trenches, the remaining enemies are fleeing the battlefield. Now that the battle is over (sorry, forgot to capture the statistics screen) let´s take a look at what really happened to that Halftrack we lost. The game has a very realistic penetration system that takes accounts for everything. Type of shell that hit, velocity, type of armor, angle of armor and, if the round penetrates, the path the round takes through the vehicle and the damage i causes to individual components (and every vehicle has a lot of those). After the battle you can examine what hit your vehicle (the arrow pointing outwards indicates the angle of the armor). As you can see this SdKfz was hit three times by 14,5mm AT rifle rounds and all of them penetrated. One almost killed the gunner, it must have been a very close call. Two more penetrated the engine, one damaging it, the other one setting it on fire. I won´t be able to repair this one I´m afraid. The halftrack belonged to a telephone and cable squad, all of them managed to get out alive. That is it, the nothern forest has been cleared. It seems that some enemies managed to escape but I doubt that they will be able to threaten me in any way, even if they manage to regroup. Next turn I will move all of my units there to the new frontline. By the way, every blue questionmark on the map is an enemy platoon, I just don´t know what it consists of until I engage with them. So the enemy certainly isn´t defenseless and I guess that they are just waiting for reinforcements before they will mount a largescale counteroffensive. I need to prepare for that! Our next attacks will determine how that new frontline will look. I´d really like to capture Shilovo this turn. We will see. The attack on the crossroads area will be next and the Luftwaffe will have their first appearance. Kugels platoon has an air spotter attached to it. :dance1:
  11. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    ASSAULT on Trushkino 10:30AM Oh this is bad. Due to a planning error on my side I actually have much less forces at my disposal than I anticipated, and even worse, no heavy firesupport, no air support. I´m on the brink of calling off the attack until I can reorganize my forces, however that would only give the Soviets more time to bring in more troops and dig in. I have to assault now. I hope this doesn´t bite me in the ass. I only have 7 platoons of Panzergrenadiers, two 8cm Mortars, two MG42 squads and one 5cm Pak38 Anti tank gun. This is not good..... My Squads in the west will sweep through the forest and make sure that it is clear of enemies, then they will set up defenses on the east side of the forest to intercept possible enemy reinforcements or assist in the assault on Trushkino village. The forces directly to the west of Trushkino will be the main assault force. The troops to the south will hopefully intercept any Soviet reinforcements coming from Shilovo, my AT gun and one MG42 are down there to cover the open ground. If it becomes necessary I can use the Infantry down there to flank into Trushkino, however I don´t fancy running them over the open field. My AT gun is looking up towards Trushkino, if there are any enemies in those houses they will receive a nasty surprise. As you can see the weather has cleared up. If only I had some Air support... My Panzergrenadiers are waiting for the go order. And off we go, my men are slowly and very cautiously making their way through the forest, the enemy could be behind every tree. Sure enough, our AT gun has picked up some enemys outside a house, delivery on the way. This is gonna hurt, a lot. Ouch Damn the forest is full of trenches and foxholes with a Soviet inside of every single one of them.... Oh well, fire the Mortars My men have reached the first trenches. My men down south came under fire from an enemy AT gun and a Mortar, I managed to decrew both of those with one of my own Mortars. Sadly the fire from the enemy Mortar and AT gun has cost many lives. The troops that were responsible for the direct attack on Trushkino lost half their strenght, three squads have been almost wiped out. Still my men are able to capture the trench lines in the nothern part of the forest . Now I can use them to attack Trushkino from the north. My AT gun is still busy shooting at every building with enemies in the windows. Only one defensive line remains between my forces advancing from the north and the village, but this one is manned by Soldiers equiped with PPSH guns, that really gives them an edge in this close quarters forest fighting. My men have finally reached the village, however we have just discovered two more AT guns and a Mortar, all facing north and supressing my men there. I have no choice, I have to send my troops from the south across open terrain to attack the enemies rear. Off we go let´s hope for the best. The attack from the south failed, the enemy had another hidden AT gun pointed in that direction... It seems to have distracted the enemy forces enough so that my nothern squads can push up though. The SOVIET AT guns cause me a lot of trouble and dead men, only one of my mortars has some ammo left to deal with them, however my men are finally in the village in brutal house to house fighting. Realizing that the village is about to fall the Soviets send reinforcements from Shilovo. Remember that MG42 squad I left down south by the river? I´m afraid those reinforcements won´t make it. Knowing that they don´t have the force to recapture Trushkino the enemy offers a ceasefire and I gladly accept. Most of my squads have taken very heavy casualties and Mortarfire coming from Shilovo is picking up. I simply don´t have the numbers to continue pushing. Trushkino is mine! The cost however is terrible. I simply had too few men available for this attack and not nearly enough firesupport. I only managed to win because I was able to concentrate much more of my men on enemy defensive positions and because of my Mortars who did a fantastic job. The Soviets realized that the nothern side of Trushkino is most vulnerable because of the forest that in some places is only a few dozen meters away from the buildings. They fortified that forest with lots of foxholes and trenches and kept multiple AT guns ready at the edge of the village, even one dreaded 76mm Zis3. Those really killed a lot of my men. I will have to disband multiple squads, maybe even a whole platoon and the survivors will be put on reserve duty until replenishments and ammo arrives. The Operation isn´t going smooth at all..... NEW SITUATION The counterattack to the north the enemy had planned was called off because Komkovs infantry platoon was caught up in the Trushkino assault. Shilovo will be much harder to take, but I will make sure to bring much more firesupport for that!
  12. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    So, what are the chances that your new government will keep doing the same stuff your old one did and be just as corrupt?
  13. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    So, I played a bit of Graviteam tactics and decided that I could do some AAR like stuff. It is the first round of the Shilovo 1942 campaign so it isn´t super exiting yet. Tell me if you like it and want to see more. 4.07.1942 10:00 AM Shilovo 12km SW of Voronezh Case Blue, the German 1942 summer offensive has started almost a week ago with the aim to advance towards Stalingrad and the Baku oilfields. So far the offensive is going very well. The 4th army has been able to advance towards Voronezh much faster than anticipated. The 24 Panzer Division has been able to smash through the front line covering forces of the Soviet 232 Rifle Division near Yunyevka and cross the river Don towards Malyshevo.Now it needs to push through the outskirts of Voronezh towards the city itself. Sadly the bridge over the Don river is not suitable for tanks and artillery, it will take some time until our pioneers can get them across. At the moment we only have the 21st and 26th Panzergrenadier Regiments engaged with the enemy. Operational goals: Hold the Malyshevo crossing over the Don river until our tanks can cross. Parts of the Soviet 2/498 Rifle Regiment are encircled in a forest north east of Malyshevo. They have to be destroyed before they can be relieved by Soviet reinforcements. We need to capture the village of Shilovo to gain access to the nearby bridge over the Voronezh river. To fully secure the bridge we also have to capture both Yakovlevka and Tavrovo on the other side of the river. Capture and hold the north east road towards Voronezh. These are the forces at my disposal. The dark red ones (mostly armored units) will arrive later. TURN 1 10:00 AM I moved the forces into positions from where they will attack. As you can see the cleansing of the forest to the north has the highest priority. The destruction of the Soviet forces inside will free up a lot of my troops to use elsewhere. I´m also setting up an attack on Trushkino, just to see how well it is defended. I hope my artillery support will weaken the defenses. The enemy turn. As you can see one enemy unit north of Trushkino is trying to counterattack my assault from the north. I don´t know yet what kind of enemy unit it is. If those are tanks it could develop into a serious problem... Battle for the nothern forest The battle for the nothern forest will be fought first. The morning fog hasn´t desolved yet but is expected to do so soon. Until then the Luftwaffe won´t be able to fly support missions, a shame really, otherwise my forward air controlers could call in a few flights of Stuka divebombers. Oh well, there will be time for that later. Deployment Map The deployment of my units. The plan is pretty straight forward. Simpy attack from all directions with a lot of fire support. My men are eagerly awaiting the signal to attack. Divisional artillery in the form of multiple Nebelwerfer (very heavy multiple rocket launch system) salvos hits all over the forest and concentrated divisional artillery artillery is working on known enemy trench positions. My Artillery spotters guide the fire. My own battery of light infantry guns is joining in on the pounding. That treatment leaves some parts of the forest utterly devastated. As the battle progresses deeper into the forest it becomes clear that the Soviets are hopelessly outgunned they do put up a good fight though. Finally they decide to retreat and I win the battle. Still I have lost a lot of men and expended a huge ammount of precious ammunition. The aftermatch of the Battle is an ugly one. Most of the forest has been damaged by artillery and dead soldiers rest everywhere (gray dots are dead enemies, blue dots are alive ones). The Operational result is favourable. A few Soviet platoons have been wiped out or routed, only three remain in the nothern part of the forest. The next attack will sweep them away for good. Before that we have to deal with the attack on Trushkino though. And the fog is lifting, we will be able to call in air support!
  14. Tonci87

    Military Humor

    lol, that one was funny
  15. Tonci87

    Getting rid of daylight savings time

    It simply sucks. Now when I´m hungry it´s actually still too early to eat....
  16. Tonci87

    Total War:Warhammer

    I think it´s simply quite telling that they have the audacity to cut out a fifth of the game (base game will have 4 factions, that too is a new low for TW, I guess the rest will be released as DLC) and one of the most important (if not the most important) faction of Warhammer to use it as pre order bait or on disc DLC. There simply is no justification for this.
  17. Tonci87

    Total War:Warhammer

    Dude, it´s Warhammer made by CA! If past experiences are anything to go by this game will be chock full of DLCs. I´m not buying into this until there is a complete edition at a discounted price, if I buy it at all that is. I completelly skiped Rome 2 and Attila. CA is not getting any of my money until they start to deliver quality again with games that are not sliced up for DLC.
  18. Tonci87

    Total War:Warhammer

    So yeah, CA is basically holding back one fifth of the game as pre order DLC. Fuck them.
  19. Tonci87

    With all the Controversy over A3Life why !!!

    I must say I quite enjoyed the article, it was well written.
  20. Tonci87

    Rainbow Six Siege

    Intelligent AI LOL They basically have two modes, hunt and ambush. They either converge on the players or stay in one room... Angry Joe asks the really important questions, for exampe why a MP only game is so darn expensive (90$ if you include the season pass). They justify it by saying that all map DLCs will be free, but what is the Season pass for? New Weapons and Operators of course. Such things in a Competitive MP game inevitably lead to a toxic community. Also keep in mind that this game consists of quite a few reused assets from the canceled R6 game for example. I just don´t see a production value that justifies a 60$ price tag. AAA Devs are getting lazy+greedy (looking at you DICE).
  21. Tonci87

    What Mobile Phone do you Use?

    I once had a Galaxy S2, ditched it pretty fast because as you describe it really had its problems. Now I´m using a Galaxy S3 and its simply wonderfull. I will keep using this for a long time
  22. Tonci87

    What Mobile Phone do you Use?

    Why would you switch to windows mobile? What advantages does it have over android?
  23. Tonci87

    Israel General

    Well he sais that at that time Hitler didn´t want to kill all jews and that a Muslim Mufti convinced him to do that. This is bullshit of course since well before rising to power Hitler had openly declared his intentions, amongst those the extermination, not deportation of the Jewish people. After all he (and many of his companions) was affiliated with the Thule Society, a deeply antisemitic organisation, when the NSDAP was still in it´s beginnings. Netanjahu tries to change history to fit his own twisted view on the world. "The Muslims were always hellbend on the destruction of the jews, jadajadajada" He needs that to justify his actions vs the Palestinians.