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Everything posted by Tonci87

  1. Tonci87

    Japan's first stealth fighter unveiled

    This thing looks like it could have insane maneuverability
  2. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Still in the process of slowly (very slowly) migrating to WIn10. I don´t want to start a new campaign on WIn 7 now. :rolleyes:
  3. Would be super expensive to recreate that book for cinema :D
  4. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    How is that news? In Germany it´s pretty clear that you are supposed to work when you are on your workplace. If it isn´t explicitly allowed then you must not do private stuff during office hours. And yes you can get fired for something like that.
  5. Tonci87

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Actually I´m surprised Erdogan didn ´t try to blame it on the Kurds. Maybe they got the information who he is from another secret service.
  6. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    And that is the problem and I´m astonished that our polish forum members fail to see that. The only ones profiting from these dubious changes are the ones ruling the country. What happens if they should abuse their power, or loose the next elections? You think the next government will revert these decisions? Fuck no, they will exploit it just as much, if not more. The citizen doesn´t profit in any way from this.
  7. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Basicaslly the answer I would have given. The new government promised to make things better, to bring more democracy and get rid of corruption. But what do we see? They do even worse things than their predecessors (concerning transparency and democracy) as soon as they got into office. If I voted for them I would be quite pissed....
  8. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Trust me it isn´t! So far every single interaction I had with the police has been an absolute catastrophe! From incompetence to ignorance to sheer corruption. I´ve seen it all. If I had to rate them like a customer service they wouldn´t even get one point. (And that´s the german police, don´t get me started on something like the croatian one......)
  9. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Wich is not suprising at all. In my experience german police is only efficient and there for you if they are writing you a ticket. Whenever else you need them they are either too slow to respond or fuck up royally. Just my personal life experience with them.
  10. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    Ah, but see, there is the issue! How are you going to consume media from both sides if one side gets censored? And that is exactly what the new polish government wants. Add to that their casmpaign to gain total control over the supreme court so that they can pass any law they want. Those things together should ring a lot of alarm bells.
  11. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    No it´s not OK! Media has to be independend and varied. Any meddling of politics into the media is bad. History has shown that time and time again.
  12. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    "Media must be healed" Dude you are a joke...... You complain about the previous governemnt controling the media, but now that rightwingers are in power it´s suddenly OK? By the way, that is exactly the kind of brainwashing bullshit that Germany experienced before the Gleichschaltungsgesetz in Nazi Germany that united all media under the control of the party.
  13. Tonci87

    European Politics Thread.

    So Polands new right wing government is now implementing new media laws. Television channel CEOs will now have to be appointed by the ruling party...... nah, I can´t see how that could be bad.... /sarcasm off
  14. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Feel free to leave suggestions and critique for this series and possible future ones.
  15. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    TURN 13 06.07.1942 10:00 Historical Starting from the 6th July heavy artillery fire from the area of Semiluk [look for the symbol of the 1/16 destr. bde, destr det.] shelled the Don crossing near Yunyevka [off map, west of Malyshevo]. On the 7th July these troops were indentified as the 687 Rifle Regiment 141 Rifle division. I kind of doubt that any new Soviet units will arrive this turn since we pushed everything off the map. Still its a very good idea to prepare for everything so I moved up everything I could even if those units are extremely depleted. Indeed more Soviets arrived but they had no way to break out of their deployment zone. This battle is over. TOTAL VICTORY Historic Debriefing: Despite obstinate resistance of Soviet troops, the southern outskirtzs of Voronezh had been captured by Germans. Fierce battles broke out on the southern and western outskirts of the city. Report from 24 Panzerdivision, dated 6th July 14:15: Enemy shows less and less resistance, at 10:30 first units of the division reached the southern outskirts of Voronezh, the bridge across the Voronezh river is captured. On the 7th and 8th of July large parts of Voronezh were captured by the Wehrmacht, although it never captured it completelly. The 24 Panzerdivision continued it´s way towards Stalingrad. On the 4th September it reached the first outskirts of the city as part of the 4th army, plagued by supply problems. At that time they only had 34 combat worthy tanks remaining. After breaking through the Soviet defense perimeter the division arrived in the outskirt of Minnina on the 10th of September. At that point only half of the divisions personel and only 10 tanks remained combat worthy. Tank companies of the 24th PD were involved in all major battles across Stalingrad. From the fighting in the outskirts, and the south city, to Mamajew hill and the factory complex consisting of the tractor factory, Barricades and Red October. The division was trapped in the Stalingrad cauldron and faught on until the end. 1500 Soldiers of the 24PD became prisoners of war, most of them never to return home. Operational Statistics From left to right: Platoons total/lost Victory points Soldiers and officers killed/captured Tanks and SPGs destroyed/captured Guns, Mgs and Mortars destroyed/captured APCs and trucks destroyed/captured Soldiers and officers lost Tanks and SPGs lost Guns, Mgs and Mortars lost APCs and Trucks lost Wounded Heavily wounded Captured and MIA Killed I thank everybody who folowed this little series from start to finish. It was a very special experience to not only play this battle, but also do some research, write and reflect about it. It was very fun to share my experiences with anybody who is interested. Now that I have done some significant upgrades to my PC (GPU and SSD), I actually might record, and upload the next campaign I play on youtube. I´m not yet sure wich one that would be, but I assume it will be one that takes place during Operation star in 1943. Maybe Krasnaya Polyana? German Panzer 3 of the 24PD near Stalingrad Burning KV1 near Voronezh
  16. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    TAVROVO The last battle for this turn, and if we are successful, maybe even the last battle of the campaign. Tavrovo. We still have to capture the center and eastern part of the village. I have a lot of tanks, but very little infantry. The enemy has one MG company, some infantry and at least two fresh units of unknown composition. This one might go horribly wrong if the Soviets have some tanks... The plan is that one tank group will flank south around the forest and then sweep northwards while the other one will force their way through the village with brute force. Infantry will assist them in that. This time Yakovlevka is out of the enemies reach. I have Luftwaffe aircraft coming in and also one battery of light infantry guns for fire support. The beautifull old church is nothing but rubble....Can´t use it as a spotting position Almost immediatelly we have our first contacts, enemy soldiers inside a house. This officers isn´t shy to load a gun if he has too. One of my tanks gets his tracks blown off by an AT grenade thrown out of a window. Another tank decides to teach those defenders a lesson and rams into the house to bring down the roof on them. Very effective. The area is full of enemies. Infantry, Mgs and also apparently a lot of AT rifles. I decide to use my light infantry guns on them. A fierce battle unfolds. My light infantry guns really give me the edge I need. The enemy Infantry keeps fighting, but they slowly succumb to the onslaught of my tanks. In the end they are forced to retreat. This battle has been costly for me, my halftracks got wrecked by AT rifle fire and some of my tanks are also damaged. Tavrovo is now mine. It actaully looks like the Soviets have been wiped off the map! This might be it, this might be the great victory!
  17. A Warhammer movie would be nice, A Series about Gotrek and Felix for example, or something about Warhammer 40k...only if it´s good of course.
  18. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Yakovlevka. The second assault. Since the enemy recaptured Yakovlevka it is our duty to take it away from them.....again I have a crapton of units, also tanks. The enemy has two depleted infantry platoon and one unknown unit that might still be on full strenght. Nonetheless, unless they brought in a crapton of tanks of their own (or a crapton of AT guns) we shouldn´t have too much trouble recapturing this village. My main goal is of course to assure that this time not a single Soviet soldier is able to slip past my troops and capture another area. I will take the village with overwhelming firepower. My tanks begin to roll towards the village. Oh God damn it. A soviet AT gun is positioned so that it can ambush my tanks and shoot directly into their side armor, the lead tank takes a hit. Other tanks turn and take out the gun before it can do more damage. The Soviets seem to have a few AT guns around since another tank group gets shot at too. The Soviets have set up a whole AT gun battery on the hill above the village. That must indeed have been the fresh unit they had. I can´t send in my infantry yet since they would get shot to pieces before coming close to the village. Here a Panzer II almost takes a hit as he is shooting back at the guns, over half a kilometer away. At that range they have the advantage, but my tanks are starting to get their HE shots in. And with that the gun position is soon destroyed, time to send in the Panzergrenadiers to clear out the houses. Mortars, artillery, a lot of stuff is raining down on that village in order to supress the defenders. Here comes my infantry in their halftracks, speeding towards the village to unload the guys into the cover of the houses and trees. Faced with certain defeat the Soviets flee the field. I win. That is it for this battle, the enemy is defeated. I capture Yakovlevka, again. Better not loose it this time.
  19. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Clean sweep This will most likely be a very short battle. The Soviets only seem to have one almost completely wiped out platoon of AT rifles. I have much more than that, although my men are short on ammo. This setup is a bit spaced out to make sure that the enemy doesn´t slip away. I took special care to guard the Ford. I really don´t want the Soviets to recapture that. Since the enemy has AT rifles I want to keep my halftracks away from them. Using the filter option on the bottom center of the screen (look where my mouse is) I´m able to select only the infantry inside the selected groups and then move those without their APCs. My infantry is advancing very carefully through the swamp. I don´t want to loose any men if possible. In the background the farm buildings across the river are still on fire. In other places they have to advance across open ground. We have located the enemy, they are somewhere in the tall grass just ahead of us. Found them. We proceed to kill them immediatelly My men are victorious I win this brief skirmish without a single loss. One more enemy unit eliminated and my men are ever closer to capturing the area north of Tavrovo.
  20. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Turn 12 06.07.1942 6:00 Historical: Soon after dawn, German infantry and tanks launched an offensive towards the city of Voronezh. Redeployment of enemy troops on the left bank of the river Voronezh was detected [the bank with Yakovlevka and Tavrovo on it]. I´m still doing slightly better than the Germans did back then. I already organised my troops. My main goals are to retake Yakovlevka and to expand my position in Tavrovo. The Soviets actually brough in some reinforcements and will attempt to retake Tavrovo.
  21. Tonci87

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Very close call....
  22. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Forest fight The last battle for this turn. Our goal is to get rid of this pocket of enemy resistance in the woods west of Yakovlevka. The enemy only has a beat up rifle platoon and the second company command with attached support units. This should be a piece of cake. Simple, nobody escapes. As the horizon starts to brighten up my infantry begins their advance supported by their halftracks. Suddenly the edge of the forest errupts in fire as the hidden Soviets start shooting at my men. The Soviets have Mortars, I must be facing the command platoon here. They might have Mortars, but I have this. A 3,7cm AT gun mounted on a halftrack. Not effective versus newer Soviet tanks but effective enough to deal with infantry positions. The Soviet positions are just getting hammered. The Soviets decide to break contact and rout. Oh you silly Statistics, this wasn´t a draw. The fight was over very fast and both sides only suffered insignificant losses but I captured the territory. See? Mine!
  23. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Assaulting Tavrovo. I´m going straight for Tavrovo now. The enemy units are extremelly depleted and should be easy pickings for my tanks. The enemy also has logistics troops with a supply depot in Tavrovo. Without a doubt, the reason why the Soviet soldiers have been so steadfast is that they were always well supplied with ammunition. By getting rid of those logistics troops I hope to break the will of the last soviet defenders. Straight offense. One Tank platoon will circle around the forest to the south of Tavrovo while infantry clears it. The other tank units will get in positions on the fields west of Tavrovo. Then they will cover the advance of the infantry into the town. As my tanks advance they suddenly get Molotovs thrown at them. Enemy infantry is hiding in the grass near the road. Brave but ultimatelly stupid and fatal. There are trenches in the fields, my tanks engage as they advance. The assault looks like a really fancy lightshow. As tanks provide overwatch I drive up infantry in an APC to check if there are any Soviet survivors in the ruined trenches. The important hing here is that I use the APC to give protection to my infantry to enable them to advance across open ground in a more or less safe way. Now the Soviets on the edge of town get their share. Every tank has two Machineguns and they are almost all blazing away. My infantry is assaulting the trenches on the edge of town while their APCs and my tanks provide supressive fire. If there is an enemy in a house the whole building simply gets the tank cannon fire treatment. Tanks and infantry are advancing through the streets, cleaning the village house by house. (The game has some pretty good particle effects when you consider when it was released.) The Soviets are doing the best they can to defend but they simply aren´t a match for what is coming at them. And so my forces finally capture the village as a new day begins to dawn. (Yes this game has realtime lighting and weather changes. Notice how it was pretty dark at the start of the battle?) A well deserved victory. Well look at this. Unnoticed by me during the battle some Soviets snuck past my troops and retook Yakovlevka.... My fault for not leaving any guards behind. I´ll have to retake it now. The AI is pretty good at exploiting your mistakes....
  24. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    Surprises This is the first battle we will be fighting this turn. I hope that by winning this one I can force the enemy to cancel that counterattack, by what I assume is a tank unit. To clear out Gypsum 1 is our main goal in this operation. Of course we will kill as many Soviets as we are able to. In this battle I do have artillery spotters and so I proceed to light up the whole area so that my advancing troops can´t be ambushed by some Soviets hidden in the darkness. I do have to relocate the spotters from time to time so that they can call in coverage across the whole front. Panzergrenadiers are advancing along the road together with their halftracks. Infantry, halftracks, tanks. A great number of units is slowly advancing through the shrubbery towards the river. I can´t imagine that the Soviets will be able to put up much of a fight against my force. Soon enough we do have contact, an enemy Machinegun opens up on my advancing soldiers. Oh fuck me.... What I feared most has happened, the enemy has at least one KV1. Actually there seems to be at least three of them. They move through the area with little subtlety. The Soviet Infantry is having a much worse time. Even my Panzer 4 F/2s don´t seem to be a match for these beasts. One Panzer 4 manages to get close to a KV1 and puts a shot into him, it penetrates but the tank still isn´t out of action. Oh my God, this is so tense, who will shoot first? The KV shoots first.... My tanks are beeing torn apart one by one and their crews have either a very quick, or a very painfull death. The KVS are now free to rampage amongst my panicked infantry. I still have three Panzer 3s with their long 5cm guns. I really hope that they will be able to at least disable a KV1. Oh wow, the little Panzer 3s actually managed to do what the big Panzer 4s couldn´t. They take out one of the KV1s. Apparently they manged to penetrate the side of the turret. My Panzer 3s corner another KV1 and proceed to pump shells into it. They just can´t kill it though. I decide enough is enough and call in Artillery on it. That finally does the trick. My remaining units finally reach the river. Their last KV1 drove a bit into the river and got so stuck that the crew had to abandon it. Serves you right for driving such a heavy beast onto soft soil. I lost a lot in this battle. Compared to my losses the Soviet ones have been insignificant. Almost my whole Panzer 4 platoon has been wiped out or is too damaged to fight. Just look at this! The ammount of shells this KV shrugged off is unreal. Thank God one shell managed to penetrate the gun mantlet and disable the gun that way. Otherwise this tank would have killed all my Panzer 3s. Even like this only one survived.... I cleared out the sector. No enemies left on my side of the river. Now I can proceed to attack Tavrovo from the north. I really hope that the Soviets don´t have any more tanks left. At least they did cancell their attack in this area.
  25. Tonci87

    Graviteam Tactics Operation Star

    TURN 11 06.07.1942 02:00 As usual some reorganizing has been done and now I´m ready to attack various enemy positions. Northeast of Shilovo my units will attempt to get rid of the last Soviets this side of the Voronezh river. Down south, where we already crossed that river, we will attempt to obliterate a pocket of enemy resistance in the forest west of Yakovlevka and assault towards Tavrovo. Let´s see what the Soviets are up to. OK, they are counterattacking in two places. North of Tavrovo they are attacking across the Voronezh. I suspect the attacking unit might consist of tanks that want to break through towards the nothern main road. I will try not to fight them. The Soviets are also counterattacking out of Tavrovo. My tanks there should have the situation under control. One thing that is of concern is that I´m pretty much out of Artillery spotters who would be able to call in flares. I suspect I´ll just have to find my way in the dark. The tracers will guide me.