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About cihaners

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    Private First Class

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  1. cihaners

    Game crashes after 1.68.140908.

    Still waiting for an update for CTD issue. Even 32 bit does CTD. Asus N56 Laptop. I hope it does not take too much time for a fix. Best
  2. cihaners

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Couple of weeks ago, I had no problem with the RH M4 M16 Pack and FHQ Accesories. I was able to use the FHQ scopes by ASDG Joint Rails but cannot use them any more with RH M4 now. What is the Problem?
  3. cihaners

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hi and Thanks for this great SP mission. My question is; I found the correct church with a green marker and it says his body is here (But actually cannot see the dead body around). How will I load the body to truck. Best, Cambo
  4. I am not sure if there is an explanation about this random fog issue. If you have the TPW_MODS installed, it creates the fog at a dew point below a certain degree especially in the morning.
  5. Thanks I saw that post before. I Just want to confirm the same problem which is reproducable.
  6. Hi Guys Here's my problem; I created a simple mission on Altis using only one zone (aggressive default). I put a group of 8 soldiers and a fire team on a town with fortify beheaviour for each. In SP or MP (LAN) It takes too much time to open MCC console and the console screen is up side down as if all the menus are opened at the same time. Besides, in SP ARMA CTD with a message like "Too many memory blocks demanded ...". I will test it without fortify behavior and try to give a response later. Thanks again for the new version. Please keep up good work. Mods: TPW_MODS, JSRS, CBA, A3MP EDIT: TESTED NO PROBLEM WITHOUT FORTIFY BEHAVIOUR.
  7. Thanks for all the efforts and so many hours put into this great mod.
  8. Hey Shay and Spirit6, Thanks for this great mod. MCC is always number one for me. When do we get the mcc4? Tonight or tomorrow?
  9. cihaners

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I agree that the AI do not shoot back. I tested the same scenario with both agressors and CSAT soldiers. Middle East soldiers were slayed down easly. Thanks for this great addition. Note: I test it with the mcc just creating a group of soldiers on a certain region of the map like Takistan. CSAT and Middle East AI's behave different both in SP and MP.
  10. cihaners

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Thanks a lot this is reaaly a great job. My problem is about sp mission. LEA works fine and loads everything in lea profile in to mission. However when i start the mission AI Soldiers reports "no ammo" even their storages are full and even they can go in to fight. I use just standart NATO equipments and no weapon addon.
  11. cihaners

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    First of all thanks for all your efforts for the Cipher OA. I have been playing Cipher since ARMA2 and having so much fun. I want to ask that if it is possible to use ACE 2 equipments (for example, sniper tools etc.) in the missions. Regards