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About malecos

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. malecos


    Terrain is set to "Ultra". I've been playing "The Altis Outbreak" using v1.52 with no issues, though I think I have only seen one runner. Great mod!
  2. malecos


    Just thought I should mention, I am also seeing the zombie attack problem. They run or limp up to me, take a swing and then revert to an idle stance or kneel and idle. I can run around then, shoot my weapon etc - they just stand there. I'm running the latest CBA, latest version of Ravage and enhanced movement. I removed enhanced movement and restarted a new game - same problem. Though you should know. Edit: I decided to take a few moments and install previous versions. I installed all versions back from v1.51, v1.50, v1.49, v1.48 and then finally v1.47. Reverting to v1.47 solved the problem. This is using all the mods I have setup - Latest CBA, Enhanced Movement and Deadfasts third person view.
  3. malecos


    Thank you. Great mod - lots of fun!
  4. malecos


    A quick question about the default Altis mission - does it include vendors anywhere? I've found survivors to recruit (never did find a map).
  5. malecos

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Never mind. After saving and loading about 5 or 6 times with no problems, this time I lost my menu for artillary and all the other special actions. This hack is not working.
  6. malecos

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Great mod. Having fun with it so far. Question: How do I place a MG nest while playing a machine gunner? And does this feature work in the AI West version? Can I command AI team members to place them? I've been playing this in LAN single player and its a blast. I've had to make a few mods though. For example, in Lan mode, after quitting the game and then restarting, the lift choppers wouldnt respawn. I found a variable that wasnt intialized. Now the choppers respawn when if destroyed after reload. I found a few other things, cant remember, but its a blast to play in single player mode for practice when I dont have time to go online. I know it wasnt meant for lan play.
  7. malecos

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I've had this bug a few times now. From time to time, if the leader dies and respawns, the leaders icon is red and in some cases marked as "Moving". While the leader can add soldiers, they no longer respond. Sending the "Regroup" command causes the AI to "follow group". In general, the mission is over because there is no way to recover and no way to play with an AI team. A link to a post that discusses a similar problem, but these are more relevant to ACE. It is reported in the bug thread that users have this same problem in Domination. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/1515 The solution as reported is to add a second SelectLeader in the respawn script. Where can I find the code that sets the player as the leader of the squad upon respawn at the base? I'd like to see if adding a second command to set the player as leader solves the problem. I've looked through everything and it seems that x_playerspawn.sqf would be the place? Thanks in advance for your help.
  8. malecos

    Squad -> Rearm and reinforcements

    Thank you very much! I'll give that a try.
  9. malecos

    Squad -> Rearm and reinforcements

    Thanks for the feedback. Still, does anyone know how to re-arm your squad members?
  10. First post, thanks in advance for any help. Two questions. One about re-arming squad members. Second is about re-inforcements. Re-arming squad members: Having a great time with the game. Especially since I've modded with the Ai-Dispersion mod. I'm now able to play to the point where my squad runs out of ammo. I'm playing in singleplayer->scenarios->missions->my missions and I've created a default combat mission. Great stuff and easy to get into. My question is, how do I re-arm my squad? I'm out of ammo, I request an ammo drop, and I'm at the crate. I can re-arm myself easily. But I cannot find a menu item that allows me to command my squad to re-arm. If I switch out of leader mode, the leader (now not me( commands everyone to get ammo. Is there a menu item that I can use to command squad members to re-arm? Reinforcements: Secops notifies me that reinforcements are available when squad members die in combat. They place a task and a waypoint on the map. Before moving there I respond letting secops know I would like re-inforcements. I then head to the waypoint. but reinforcements never arrive. Is there something I am doing wrong? Do I need to notify secops again when I arrive?