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About bender316

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. bender316

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Performance and aimpoints
  2. bender316

    Close quarters/Wall hugging

    The cover system in vegas 2 was really fun
  3. To bad we cant patch the demo i would like to try the mouse patch :( The lagging aim point is annoying , maybe keep it like other shooters. Like when you move to fast or stand the crosshair is bigger and if you crouch / prone / move slow or stop it get smaller
  4. Is there we could get a updated demo or demo patch to try this out ???
  5. bender316

    computer for arma 2

    I think there where a few getting weird textures / glitch with 8 gigs -winxp, use it in Vista/W7 to enable multi-GPU support, will disable use of D3D9Ex (a special Vista only D3D9 version), fixes users with 8GB+ RAM !!!! i didn't really read much about it tho , there should be post about it
  6. bender316

    computer for arma 2

    If your pc runs other games good don't upgrade , wait a bit . Even the monsters pc cant run this game , so i would wait for a patch . I don't think amd doing to well with this game ???? ( i could be wrong ) This game doesn't like 8 gigs of ram so it would be waste . ( if you plan buying it just for this game ) 4 gigs should be plenty and you could use the extra money on a better psu or gpu. But i would wait for a patch before speending money on this game
  7. bender316

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    I think they should just give every 1 money back and call this a open beta until they fix there game .
  8. bender316

    Tree/Bush-Layer required!

    LOL nice song
  9. So if it fixed sooner or later that make ok for the people who feel rip-off with a 50 $ beta ????? seem like there a lot saying to be patient , how long did it take to fix arma 1 seriously ???? If 18 months ??? is true they should of had a open beta if they didn't have 1 before release. All these bad post + a friend really pissed about buying the game , who told me not to buy it . Lucky for me i tried the demo first and agree with him . I could be wrong but it doesn't look like the devs give any straight answer or feed back on what there fixing / date . Like a lot of you say the game look to have great potential but so for now i think i'll just wait for Operation Flashpoint. Curious to see how many would like a refund or got 1 , poll maybe ?????
  10. Are BIS that slow to fix there games ???? If so i'll just wait to see it on steam for 10 $ then buy it ( fixed i hope ) , or will the game be dead by then ????
  11. Funny how people find it ok to pay 50 $$ for beta.
  12. bender316

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    Am starting to think some are using old / cheap mouse / pad , with very low speed ( bunny hop drag 3 feet ) combo. Maybe that way they don't see / feel lag or just accept as being a feature of the game.
  13. I think you should change -- yes a little bit but i cope -- to just a little bit I get a little bit of mouse lag but it still annoying
  14. bender316

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    So what if some of us like others FPS. I also like slow past stuff and would like it to have good mouse movement like any other game