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About Lowe

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    Private First Class
  1. I tried changing to a fixed pagefile on a different drive yesterday. I set it to 6gb (I have 4gb RAM) and didn't experience a single crash throughout an home brew editor mission that has a lot of objects and AI fighting it out. So, initial impressions are good that this is a fix - but need to try out multiplayer to rule it out though.
  2. I'm not entirely surprised there's not a warning tone, if an IR missile is fired at you IRL there's no warning either.
  3. I have the exact same issue since the Beta. Never had any problems at all with the Alpha or previous ArmA games, but I'm getting Windows memory warnings after about 5 mins play and the game eventually crashes - single and multiplayer. My page file is set to a completely separate drive (500gb) and is Windows managed.
  4. Is it just me or has anyone else thought 'A Team' custom mission with the new PMC characters? :lol: :D
  5. Lowe

    Windows 7 + arma2

    Win7 64 for me is nowhere near as good as WinXP. XP gameplay is smoother, and ArmA 2 CTD's frequently on Win7.
  6. Lowe

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    Yup, iGi have it on both our servers. We've not had chance to play test it with a lot of people but I've had a quick go and it was good. :) We're having a clear out of our missions at the moment, we've got a few too many different versions of the same mission. I'm sure the v2 of yours will be included. :)
  7. Guys - that's awesome, thanks very very much :)
  8. Well I never, didn't know about respawn 2! Well that sorts the people - what about the vehicle? :)
  9. I've just had a look through the searches but can't seem to find anything which will do quite what I want. The mission is a bit of fun - a race/rally of sorts. I've set up a few markers around the map with various different vehicles at each marker. The idea is that you get to each marker in turn, swap to the new vehicle and then race to the next way point. First to finish wins - fairly simple stuff. The trouble however is that during play tests with a few clan mates it got a bit heated. :lol: A few people got rammed and crashed (all part of the fun) killing them in the process. The snag is they respawn back at the start line, effectively putting them a long, long way behind where the fun is. Ideally I want them to be able to respawn where they died with a fresh new vehicle so they can carry on. Is this even possible? If not any suggestions as to what I might be able to do? Thanks for reading. :) Any help muchly appreciated. :)
  10. Lowe

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    Mac - can't thank you enough for taking the time to do this. I'll give it a bash later on tonight when I'm back from work and I'll see how we get on. :) My sincere thanks one again.
  11. Lowe

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    Awesome. From what I can see it's got great potential for a bit of tank fun. There's not many missions about which have armour vs armour in PvP so this sounded like a pleasant change. I don't have any webspace but would be happy to mail a copy over to you - drop me a line via PM and I'll send it over. :)
  12. Lowe

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    Any chance of an update on this? I downloaded it the other day and put it on our dedi server and it suffered from some serious stuttering issues. Literally every other second it would stop. Any other mission is fine so it looks like it's the mission itself. Any ideas? :) Possibly it's post 1.04 patch? I was going to make a mission just like this and thought I'd check to see if it had been done before, so you'll save me a lot of hard work if you can stop the stuttering lol :)
  13. Right - slight problem now. :) Had 15 guys playtest my mission last night and it was good fun, but we came across an issue. When we respawn we're given the correct loadout, however the gun doesn't work. The MP5 is showing, but it doesn't work. We found that by cycling through the weapons it solved the problem, but you need to do this each time you die. Having just read above do I need to 'select' the weapon on the end of my script? i.e. {_x selectweapon "MP5A5";} forEach thislist;
  14. Fixed it, used this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1334119&postcount=3