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Everything posted by Archamedes

  1. Archamedes

    Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

    alough i very much agree with this and im sick of all these invasion/disaster films always following america. But you are forgetting District 9 a scifi alien film set in south africa
  2. Archamedes

    Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

    "right, we have found the alien brian in this huge mother ship, we are about to sneak up and destory it rendering the whole enemy fleet useless." "HOOOO RAAAARRR! RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!" "damn, there goes the stealth option. Kiss your ass goodbye Earth."
  3. Archamedes

    Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

    You know if you mashed together trailer scenes from this and skyline you would probably think its the same film. whats with the sudden release of alien invasion films? we even got independence day 2 and 3 in the pre production phase too
  4. When i start into the storm now with the 1.05 patch i immediatly start in the water and the heli crashes causing instant death WTF
  5. Archamedes

    Skyline Sci Fi Film

    aah yes i see what you mean now
  6. Archamedes

    Skyline Sci Fi Film

    not exactly sure where the comparrison lies with that one. "star wars was okay, but the social network was much better."
  7. Archamedes

    [CAMP] operation persian hammer

    yeah there is a slight bug with the objective registering the antenna has been destroyed. i tried that about 5 times and had to 'end mission' it. havent found any other bugs yet
  8. Archamedes

    Skyline Sci Fi Film

    i just hope it doesnt follow the independence day route where everyone on the planet sits on their hands and waits for america to be the only one to find a solution
  9. Archamedes

    [CAMP] operation persian hammer

    I actually liking this. The full metal jacket style boot camp to start the game off was a nice touch and it mirrored the first ever mission in operation flashpoint all those years ago which was nostalgic. Blending chernerus with takistan was also good and the fact you passed it off as malden worked.
  10. Archamedes

    Military Discussion Thread

    Yes i guess so in that respect but it also didnt help that our own people trained the taliban back when the russians where trying to invade, that kind of blew up in our own faces
  11. Archamedes

    Military Discussion Thread

    oh they will show alright. i mean when the military walk into a taliban occupied town or they get put in a corner, they will fight to their last round, but its easy for us to call in a cas on them when things get a little too hairy, yet if they run away from the fight they are cowards. Just like the taliban are evil people who place IEDS on the road side, but if the navy seals or SAS place a roadside bomb in order to take out a taliban insurgant leader via road convoy they are deemed heros. I am sure there are a lot of people on this forum who have placed a satchel charge at the side of the road in an arma/flashpoint mission at some point.
  12. Archamedes

    Military Discussion Thread

    This is my take on the afghan war, before you cut in and flame me for being a taliban sympothiser please give me the chance to say what i gotta say. Firstly, the whole 9/11 for the us and the 7/7 for the uk is something i did not agree with. those bastards where complete fanatical scum of the earth that deserves no pity, they were brainwashed cowards who didnt even deserve to be born. now the taliban in afghanistan. I refuse to believe anything i read in the papers because the media have a very powerful way of printing things to control people. the media tell us who to hate, who to love and who to vote for and they twist and manipulate the facts to make people to be worse than they actually are. The papers love to justify the taliban as the evil in the world after all it makes it easier for all of us to digest and accept the war if the enemy is actually evil and not actually another force fighting for what they believe is right. Not that i personally agree with their goals or beliefs but as far as the media and news go, the taliban are bad. A common opinion now is that the taliban have been fighting for hundreds of years and are now "lazy" because they use IEDS to fight for them. Yes it seems right to believe this, but why do you think they do this? For one a few arab mercenaries only armed with a few ak47's and the odd rpg really isnt going to cut it against an army of american and uk forces that have pretty much every tactical advantage to hand. Its a very unfair fight and the taliban use IEDS simply because it is their only effective way to fight rather than marching up to an USA/UK FOB and expecting to successfuly storm it with the relativly simple munitions they have to offer. If you gave them tanks, a fleet of fighter planes/helicopters, modern weapons and technology then you can call it a fair fight. I saw a documentary about british troops who do road convoys acros helmand province and they said "yeah we get apaches to escort us cos the taliban hate them." well of course they do, they don't stand a chance against them and don't even have attack helicopters of their own to make the fight fair. The americans will hate me for this but its the way i and a lot of people i know see it. American forces see the afghan war as a reason to stomp into villages shouting out "HOO RAAR!" at the top of their lungs and seeing the mission as an american flag raising campaign, then complain co's the locals throw rocks at them and bitch because they are there. The british forces work using hearts and minds by building trust, showing we are there to help them and we are on their side, yet an american paveway will land in the centre of a civillian town and will wipe out all that hard work and throw it back in our faces. many people who reside in afghanistan have reverted to the taliban much more becuase of the aggressive military presence when they wouldn't even bother before. In all honesty i don't agree with this war, when there are terrorist sleepers mixing semxtex in bathtubs no more than 400 feet away from where we live in our own countries. i think a lot of money and lives could be saved if we worked on sorting these people out and not those who live 3000 miles away and pose no direct threat to us. But then the sleepers who live down the road aren't sitting on an oil refinery are they? Government officials say that they are fighting against terrorism and want to free people in these war torn countries who are suffering at the hands of rebels. isn't it interesting that rebels who torture and cause suffering in other african countires and in burmha aren't confronted... or is it that these other civil war torn countries are not sitting on a rich oil supply? That's my take on it.
  13. Archamedes

    Skyline Sci Fi Film

    yeah i saw the trailer and thought "yeah baby."
  14. Archamedes

    how to make fire teams?

    wrong room dude
  15. Archamedes

    DCS: A-10C Warthog

    going back through the pages i see a lot of haters that are saying there are other aircraft that deserve this more. I disagree, the A-10 is a very powerful and under appreciated plane that really does deserves a front seat in a sim. simply because planes like the f-18, f-15, f-16 and many others have all had more than enough time in the limelight and have deffinatly had a lot of game titles named after them going back to the 90's i think its good that a plane that isn't as famous as all the others gets a moment to have a lot of attention
  16. Archamedes

    DCS: A-10C Warthog

    speaking of long flying vs fighting. In free falcon 5.5 do a proper iraq campaign, you can be flying for 2 hours (probably do an air refuell) and fly for another hour til you get to the base to give it some dakka. to get shot down at this point especially if you do a ramp start it is very frustrating. however not rearly as frustrating as flying for 3 hours to the target, emptying your pilons, return flying and do a 2nd refuel only to crash on the runway when you get home.
  17. Archamedes

    Microsoft error reporting fail

    Typical windows for you. I swear some of the developers have special needs 'no keyboard detected press F4 to continue'
  18. Archamedes

    Military Humor

    nuff said
  19. Archamedes

    Military Humor

    Not really humor as such, more of a passtime we used to do when in afghanistan. Most civillians seem to think that when you are on detachment fighting you are in a firefight 24/7 for your whole campaign. It really annoys me when you see videos online of soldiers having fun and people saying "meh so this is where my hard tax money goes." For one thats a very selfish thing to say when most people saying that don't even pay tax and have never been in a warzone before but secondly they really have no idea what goes on when we are away. For one most of the time nothing really happens, and nothing can happen up to weeks at a time, its very slow and boring waiting to do something and when we do it isn't always a case of seeing action every time you go out. so with that in mind you have to think of new things to do to pass the time and anything is a plus. I remember we had this game called "the stamp throwing game." Where we would all stand in line and take a run up to the line and throw a stamp as far as you could and when i say stamp i do mean a postage stamp. True it would never make more than 2 foot but as silly as it sounds it was really fun.
  20. Archamedes


    i do love the british banter and typical squaddie slang, being a former service man myself i could certainly appreciate it
  21. Archamedes

    [CAMP] Joint Operations [BAF]

    I noticed that and im the one who did the voice acting for it
  22. Archamedes

    Independence Day 2 and 3

    No script but a good story apparently already thought up. I always wanted there to be a sequel, however i really cant see how it could follow the first one, especailly to have a good ending when mankind had already been weakened too much to possibly put up another fight. but hey, fox is hungry. http://worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=15768
  23. Archamedes

    Independence Day 2 and 3

    That is a very brave and decent thing to say, much respect
  24. Archamedes

    Independence Day 2 and 3

    yeah i knew my quote wasnt 100% on the money but close enough to nail the point that we were all mindless apes sitting around on our thumbs waiting for the americans to solve all the problems
  25. Archamedes

    Independence Day 2 and 3

    yeah there was a hell of a lot of talk about that, at my old school. The bit where the seemingly clueless RAF pilots out in the desert are like "it's the americans, they have found a way to attack" "about blody time, what do they want us to do?" as if nobody else on the planet could possibly think up any solution