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Everything posted by Archamedes

  1. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Didn't like it. AI seem to be perfect at getting 98% headshots from miles away and giving me no chance to actually get anywhere
  2. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    am i going to hell but its slowly starting to grow on me. The ragdoll simulator on the enemy deaths weirdly enough look very realistic when they get hit. I have my settings all on the highest it will go and even though the map looks very detailed im getting less lag that in arma. I do have one new criticism though, my team was wiped out in a small town and i thought, right its me vs the world then at the next checkpoint (you cant save by the way) my team spawned back into the game. Which i didnt like if they are dead then they are dead let me go on my own. I do think if you like vegas and you like call of duty then this will grow on you, it really will. you have to get out of your head that its a sequel to flashpoint or you will deliberatly try to compare or find faults that are not really there
  3. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    well i slapped my xbox 360 controller in my pc and its soo much easier than going with the mouse and keyboard. it has actually raised my opinion of the game just a bit. enemy deaths are better as well than the anims in arma. well im gonna carry on finding faults... er i mean playing through it
  4. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    ammo crates are what annoy me. i started the first mission first time and got told to test out the ammo crate. I ended up getting locked into it and cant get out of it, so i didnt bother the next time went through all key configs and it said nothing about getting out the crate or anything like that so if anyone can help please let me know cos i had to restart. My own opinion on the game is that its just a cross between rainbow 6 vegas and call of duty 4. The key config is absolutly terrible. Why use one key when you can use 4 seems to be the motto when putting this together. this is mainly for the stance mode, vision mode and weapons. I am always playing arma and im going to get confused now because as much as i want to there is no way to set up a similer config. The command module got right in my way and i really do not know why they didnt keep the f keys as before especially for the pc version anyway. The bandage tool is quite uesful alough it seems that the medics have the same miracle syringe that rainbow 6 vegas has. It cures cancer headshots even grows back limbs, then your soldier is back in the fight better than before. The graphics, sounds and fx are really good, the lack of 3rd person view is a big turn off. The posters i have seen on shop windows "realistic combat simulator for the 360" yes the military are now using this to better train their troops.
  5. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    its all i can really say
  6. Archamedes

    Behind Enemy Lines

    I was thinking of getting some people together to doing a behind enemy lines based on the film. I think its too big to do as a single mission and there are soo many scenes from the film that are doable i the game with the right scripting. There is even a character in arma 2 that looks just like the bosnain sniper that follows owen wilson in the film (the dude wearing the addidas tracksuit you capture in the warehouse ifrom razor two mission)
  7. Archamedes

    Real life COD/Flashpoint/Arma spoof

    Lol I watched this and it just made me laugh. 20 years down the line when games are this realistic, the players will still have noobs that get in the way http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80686269/
  8. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    As i said in my earlier post you have to treat this as a completely seperate game from arma and operation flashpoint 1. simply because it has been changed so much, the problems i am seeing is people are seeing it as a sequel which i know yes it is and ironically in order to enjoy the game you MUST shut the door on arma and ofp1 before loading this game up. No comparing, or argueing they have ruined the command interface. Just close your eyes and say "this is a completely new game." It is the only way you can truly enjoy it, i'm sorry but it is. If they called it something else other than flashpoint the game would probably be a bit more successful. The graphics really do look nice and this is what CM are trying to win with but unfortunatly nowadays graphics don't mean shit if the gameplay doesn't hold up. In short you can't polish a turd but codemasters did sprinkle glitter on it, so rather than buy the game and let the developers know they have made a successful sale download it for free lol. (actually no, that was meant as a joke, don't take that up as being serious.)
  9. Archamedes

    Nuclear Test

    looks beautiful and very managable in a game enviornment. I can assume you need a beast of a pc to work with it. Would love to see it in a campaign or even a single mission. "locate the missing nuke before the 1 hour countdown ends. you have some leads to follow etc..." Would be nice to see a clip of ground zero and even have some good destructive fx like trees and buildings being wiped out in the smoke blast
  10. thank you very much sick1 that helped a lot. one day i will make a great campaign just like your seal team 6. in fact i was thinking of disecting ST6 to see how u made it because its more stable and better scripted than the official campagin. Edit: just tested it and yes it works. The scripts where pretty much what i needed to know and what triggers to use. Im chuffed to bits now. i guess if i do not want the option for the supply drop i can delete "supply drop" from the on act in the first trigger.
  11. I am trying to find the official missions and red harvest campaign, so i can unpbo and disect the missions to find out how certian triggers and scripts are done. but for some strange reason i cannot find them anywhere, not in the main arma 2 directory or my arma 2 profiles folder where are they located?
  12. oh right found it. whats it doing in there?
  13. Archamedes

    Dragon Rising has been released

    True it looks very pretty but i feel so much has been changed that it just does not feel or even look likeflashpoint anymore. The original command controls worked perfectly, now it seems the game has adopted a dumbed down rainbow 6 vegas style interface which looks like it can really get in the way in the heat of action when you just want to roder your men to advance, you need to scroll through about 3 options before finding the option rather than pressing the f keys like before. Now im assuming you don't have any choice with the console version but i hope this isnt the case for pc, because while you are messing about trying to get the orders you want, you are being shot at. Secondly another thing i have noticed is that the game really seems to have followed a more arcade call of duty style interface again which seems to take it away from the serious side of seek and destroy using clever battle tactics. I may be wrong,but from all the vids i have seen so far, i cant get this and play it as flashpoint, but play it as a completely new game.
  14. Couple of questions about the airstrike. Do i need to add aircraft and sync them to the module or is a default set of planes spawned when i give the order. Can you only have A-10's bomb or can you also assign apache's? Finally can you select the target by chosing it on the map or do you have to use the laser.
  15. not bothered about the lip synching, i can worry about that later at the moment i want to start simple and work up. first learning with text subtitles then with audio speech instead
  16. Hi all. I have done a youtube crash course in mission editing and slowly getting used to the triggers, and complicated scripts that seem never ending and a little difficult to understand. However I want to set up an opening scene (not an intro) where the player is standing in front of his commanding officer and the officer is stood telling me what my mision is before walking off. How is this accomplished in creating multiple subtitles then programmed for him to walk off when he is finished talking? Also if i wanted to add real voices instead of text how is that done? I saw a tutorial on adding custom music but is this the same for when units talk to each other? I will probably be asking a lot of noob questions so please forgive me
  17. Archamedes

    adlib error when loading arma 2

    I cant find the uninstall option for it i just removed the folder from the arma 2 diectory then arma 2 wont load at all Its NOT the RTE Capture program itself just an extra addon that was optional after installing RTE. But as i said i didnt realise it was meant for arma 1 heres the link for it http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=0&cat=utilities&id=38 Edit: no worries i finally found the problem, i had to delete a file called dsound.dll problem fixed
  18. I installed the Real time capture program to use with arma 2 and i dont know why but in optional downloads was a program called armalib. i found out this is for arma 1 and now everytime i load up arma 2 i keep getting armalib errors. I get 3 seperate error prompts come up and then arma 2 loads. its just a pain because its annoying that i get this everytime i load up Arma 2. I tried removing the folder called armalib thats now in my arma 2 directory but now arma wont load up at all without it. i tried doing a reinstall but i still get the errors
  19. Archamedes

    What would cause a drastic decrease in FPS?

    The only issues that will cause a big drop for me especially is setting everything to VERY HIGH when High is good enough (noticed no difference) Having a very far view distance, higher resolution, High 3D resolution (option only found after 1.1 update) and Very High shadows is a VERY big killer. i put it on and it sometimes crashes arma due to it calculating realitic object shapes into shadows (trees especially) As for locations, populated towns with lots of carnage, and definatly forrested areas
  20. Having a bit of an issue. I need to edit a unit to change his formation and add a script but after i have assigned a waypoint system to him i cant seem to edit the unit again, i keep getting waypoint info coming up have i done wrong by adding a waypoint right over the unit?
  21. thank you. i tried putting them in the missions foldier in the root directory
  22. I have downloaded some user misions just so i can unpbo them and see how the missions are put together so i can learn myself how to make missions, but i cant seem to open any of the downloaded missions in the editor, which folder do i put them in?
  23. Sick1 Being as you definatly know what you are doing as far as campaign making goes. I tried it and got completly confused with scripting triggers and such i ended up giving up because it seemed too complicated and i did ask a few months ago for someone to make an in depth video tutorial dvd, but thats irrelevant anyway, as i said you know your stuff, would you consider doing an afghanistan campaign, complete with insurgents and stuff? would be really good to try something completely different