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About vassock

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. vassock

    Zargabad: fully destructible?

    Are those from a heavy factory? What are they called?
  2. vassock

    Zargabad: fully destructible?

    Basically, I want to get a mobile cannon and flatten the area, then proceed in order to avoid getting shot by some guy with a rocket launcher. I suppose I can do it if I have an ammo truck nearby. What is the biggest mobile land gun I can get?
  3. Is Zargabad fully destructible? Can I flatten everything and make it a desert? Even the big buildings?
  4. vassock

    Can artillery be towed?

    Does it work the same way with a tank? What about a carried machinegun/missile launcher?
  5. vassock

    Can artillery be towed?

    How does reloading work? I have the ammo truck next to it, but where is the option to reload? Also, can you give me a link to a working mod/script that allows towing of the howitzers?
  6. Can I attach a howitzer to a truck or something? I want to move it. Also, how do I get more ammo for it?
  7. Is there a way to spawn weapons on the ground for me to pick up?
  8. In OA, is it possible to play as a guerrilla? It would be nice to spawn inside the city and hide in a mosque with a lee enfield rifle. If not, what is the closest sandbox game mode that allows this?
  9. vassock

    Difficulty difference?

    It says in that menu what gets turned off and what gets turned on, specifically? I basically only play LAN warfare against the AI. A lot of fun, but it's hard to identify enemies from friendlies. I really don't mind an accurate AI. I want the AI to be as good as possible without cheating (knowing what's behind it's back, seeing through cover, aimbot accuracy, etc...).
  10. vassock

    Difficulty difference?

    That's for ArmA, not ArmA 2.
  11. What is the difference between the difficulties (normal, expert and others)?
  12. vassock

    Warfare on Utes?

    Thanks. How do I make it so I can build base structures (like the one necessary to buy helicopters)? I think I can only build defenses right now.
  13. vassock

    Warfare on Utes?

    Is there a warfare mode (like on Chernarus) for Utes? Chernarus is a bit too large for me. I want to learn the rules of capturing first.
  14. Agreed. They should just add autosave options like many others games have. Autosaving is useful sometimes when playing LAN against the AI, but in MP games? Doubtful. Even against the AI, sometimes I don't want to save on exit or in the middle shooting. Just let us save without existing, save with existing (suspend), and exit without saving.