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Posts posted by reconteam

  1. One of you was looking for larger UGV's eh?


    That's BAE's Black Knight UGV.

    The small ones have actually seen use however and I'm looking forward to seeing those. Might be a good proof of concept if add-on makers want to consider making other UGVs in the future.

    Have you considered an EOD variant unarmed but capable of disarming mines/IEDs?

  2. I'd pay $70 for such a sim, I'm real iffy about the $100+ figure though. I suppose I could understand it if you were getting the DVD version delivered with a full, high quality manual and all of that cool stuff.

    Someday perhaps. Maybe if my corporate masters gave me a raise.

    I don't understand why increased sales wouldn't make up for lowering the price, even if just for a time as part of a sale.

  3. We spent trillions on Bush's two wars, we could have afforded updating stocks with non-DU rounds. Tungsten will go through mud brick as well.

    The military didn't make a conscious decision to put their budget over cancer for cute little Afghan kids. It's just that there isn't a consensus on the effects of DU, and thus no momentum to effect fast change. It's the nature of bureaucracy, of which the military is the purest and most tortured form, even though people like to pretend it isn't.

    Ideally, this is where politicians would come in, if criticizing the military in any way wasn't equivalent to politically castrating yourself.

    Handling too much of any heavy metal, including tungsten, can cause health problems down the road. Inhaling particles of tungsten left over in an impact area is probably just as bad as inhaling DU particles.

    Updating stocks with non-DU perpetrators would have been a poor choice. Why? Because tungsten is significantly less effective than DU at penetrating the heavy armor of tanks and other fighting vehicles. It gives a useful edge, plus DU tends to provide a nice after-armor incendiary effect. If the M829 series used a tungsten perpetrator it probably wouldn't be able to punch through the armor of the best Russian designs. And make no mistake, the Russians and Chinese, major exporters of weapon systems, both use DU perpetrators too.

    In regards to the GAU-8/A used by the A-10, the standard combat mix is a 4:1 ratio of API to HEI rounds. But (according to the hyper-realistic DCS: A-10C sim at least) there is also a pure HEI loadout.

  4. That would require an ak107 replacement model, I think, because such animations are tied integrally to the model itself.

    There is an aks pack released by Robert Hammer. The only thing you need is a replacement config for it.


    Thanks for the information. I must say I'm rather curious at how this bug slipped past and couldn't be easily corrected. BIS seems to do a very good job with the details of Russian equipment. Just look at the nice interiors of the BTR-90 and BMP-3 for example. As somebody who used the LAV a lot, I'm kinda jealous of the nice view the BTR gunner and commander get.

  5. Gah! Searching for the final secret of the riddle is driving me insane? Does somebody want to sent me a PM with some help getting the coordinates down? I think I'm reading the numbers right but I must not be. I'm looking at the 2nd number on the side of the rocks too.

    Anyway, awesome island. Haven't had this much fun looking for an easter egg in awhile. Maybe it is my imagination, but did the 1.60 patch cause a bit of a performance hit on Lingor?

  6. The video was more about today's generation not having any experience with going without, they wouldn't know hardship if it hit them on the head with a hammer.

    There was nothing about coporations or banks deserving bailouts or any form of welfare from the goverment in that video.

    Todays youth are more concerned about Twitter going down for a few hours then they

    are about putting the work in to secure their future.

    Hell, people online in Canada were up in arms when Craigslist went down for a day

    because of a simple DNS issue.

    God forbid an Earthquake hit or a hurricaine knocked out the power and water

    so bad that it wouldn't come back on for several months.

    Lots of talk about the joys of Marxism, Socialism and Anarchy but funny how none of them talking about it never actually want to go live it. like yourself Walker.

    ^ This.

    The whole "occupy wherever" crowd is a joke. I don't like the state our economy is in. I don't like how much CEOs make compared to the people under them (yet it is wrong to blame anybody for wanting to be filthy rich, I certainly want that). Yet their "solutions" are idiotic. It's 1960s nonsense repacked for the lazy internet generation. Kids who've been pampered and think they know it all. Yet they're too lazy to think for themselves and would rather just buy up whatever Jon Stewart or idiots on certain (usually left-wing) websites are saying.

    Seriously, take a look at Reddit or 4chan or one of those sites these losers practically live their lives at. These are the people with solutions for the economy? What a joke. They'd turn America into hell.

    Technically I'm part of the same generation, yet apparently all of the fluoride in the water didn't turn my brain to mush like it did to theirs. One can only hope they don't represent the "99%" any more than the '60s hippies did. Some of them even have the whole '60s disrespect to our soldiers and military (unless said soldiers are gay) attitude down. Plus they a whole lot of anti-Israel crackpot conspiracy-theory BS. Disgusting.

    What's amusing is that they insult "radical" groups like the Tea Party for their displays, then proceed to set up shanty towns on stimulus grass, leave piles of human feces, demand handouts, and sell drugs.

    These idiots will be the death of society.

  7. No they don't. Just because you get ZOMG killed doesn't mean AI is some superman. If you kill 3 or 4 AIs in some firefight why shouldn't AI be able to kill 3-4 of guys like you?

    Try playing with AIs in your squad and enjoy all the FFFUUUU- with how slow and imprecise they are even at 200m. I'm mediocre at shooting in ArmA, but I do 8 times more kills than any top skill AI in my squad

    Yes they tend to watch corners just like humans. Three shots? What's the problem?

    If any of it was true - an average firefight between 2 squads would've lasted for 5 seconds, not for 5 minutes.

    And after those 5 minutes at least 2-3 guys from your squad will be out of ammo while you will still be close to full and with more kills. Those damn aimbots lol

    First of all, it didn't matter which direction I tried to approach this individual from. If I went around the other side of the building he would still know I was coming from that direction. You say they don't see through walls, and while this is certainly true the vast majority of the time, occasionally I run across some superman who disagree with human limitations and always seems to know what direction I'm taking.

    Maybe if this guy was a Delta Force expert I could understand all of the five or six shots hitting me, and none hitting the wall I'm doing my best to use as cover. But he isn't. I'm talking about some Chedaki insurgent here, somebody who would probably been given an AK-74 and only some basic training.

    I've seen the incredibly slow and stupid reactions of my squad. I've also seen them take out enemies at a distance quite easily once they finally detect the target and begin to start shooting.

    My point is the AI is NOT at all consistent when it comes to matters like acquiring, engaging, and hitting the enemy, regardless of their skill level.

    Yes, in real life this stuff varieties depending on somebody's training and experience, but you see many more eccentricities in ArmA2. The Ranger sniper who can't spot a target standing in an open field to save his life, or the militia member who can kill a prone target at 250 meters with less than 10 shots of his poor quality AK.

    Also, even when the AI is missing you still don't see anything much like suppressive fire from them. There have been major steps since the days of OFP and ArmA1, but there is a long way to go yet.

  8. Uh how useless is this Vehicle =D

    One hiding Mg Gunner and everyone is dead.

    They can do 50. cal out of Plastic, if it hasn´t cover lol.

    The concept isn't bad. A light jeep capable of being carried inside the MV-22B. The Marines could use it as a utility vehicle to carry stuff, use it to perform some basic reconnaissance, or use it as a mobile HMG to support the guys on foot.

    It's not something that you would use to lead an attack or patrol streets in counter-insurgency operations.

    The problem is that the DoD did not choose the best contender. As a result, we had to spend a lot of extra money getting it to work, and even then the competing design still has an edge in some areas.

  9. Keep up the great work. "When it's done" is all anybody can expect out of somebody who makes such high-quality addons.

    Seriously, if we see further updates of that F/A-18E and F/A-18F addon, the F-14D VectorX96 started working on, and your F-35C, the ArmA2 community would be in naval aviation heaven. Plus we have a proper Nimitz class carrier to put them on.

  10. Damn flatearthers, at it again.

    And none of this is a matter of opinion. AI accuracy sucks. It's a fact.

    Doesn't mean they can't still kill you, though.

    But at the ranges the AI will shoot you in, sometimes they seem to have insane reaction speeds. I've leaned around a corner for 1 second and been gunned down in three shots by some AI rifleman looking in that direction.

    It just seems like there is no sort of suppression with the AI. You're either being shot at and hit or not shot at.

  11. Thanks for the help. Looks like the reason I couldn't join that server was because it was using ACE 1.13 RC4 as opposed to RC5. I don't think I could download an older RC anyway, so I'll just play on other servers till they update.

    Once the stable 1.13 release comes out hopefully most servers will be standardized. I suppose that will depend on when the non-beta 1.60 patch for OA releases though.

  12. I've been trying to join a few ACE servers like the 15th MEU one but I kept getting told that addons like ace.systems.wound have been deleted. Yet they are installed. In fact I tried deleting all of ACE and reinstalling it via SixUpdater. No luck yet.

    Maybe I do have the dev build instead of the stable version? Is that what the "D" by the ACE addons means?

    If this is the case what do I do? Delete the current ACE folders and download the stable versions from a site like ArmAholic? But then how I do I get SixUpdater to recognize that without trying to update to a dev build?

    Maybe this is why the modcheck shows almost all servers as "bad?" If most servers use the stable ACE builds, wouldn't it be better to have SixUpdater install those and make downloading the dev builds a separate option?
