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Posts posted by reconteam

  1. Thanks a ton, I presume red and green are the only colors?

    Turns out I had to use a PBO unpacker, edit it, then repack the file. So it works, but it appears I got the name of the ammo class wrong, I guess the author of the Super Hornet didn't list it in the readme. Searching through the .pbos I have found the name of the weapon itself and magazine, but not the ammo.

  2. Hi Gunter, the mod is running fine, but there is one thing bothering me. The sound of the turret turning on the Abrams is very loud when in first person view. Is there anyway to reduce the volume of this or revert to the original BIS turret turning sound used on other vehicles?

  3. Incomplete?

    Did you download the patch instead and not the full version?

    Nope, I believe I may have accidentally cut off the first download, giving me only 3/4 of the files or so. So perhaps I was just seeing the ECS mod when I tried playing the first time.

    I re-downloaded and got the whole thing however, and now it works fine.

  4. I'll give WarMod a try tomorrow. Looks like just what I need for SP.

    I loved ACE for MP coop gaming, but when it comes to facing the AI, it doesn't work out all to well. And most people have moved onto playing ArmA2, I just want to finally go through the single player before I fully convert to ArmA2.

  5. If my great-grandkids look at me poorly for my decisions I will boot up my robot body and kick their asses.

    I can't fault Arizona here. The federal government has been doing so little about the issue that any good state government should have taken action. And now some have the nerve to suggest boycotting an entire state! Bah.

  6. I reinstalled ArmA1 again and am trying to get my money's worth out of the single-player.

    Yet I don't like the vanilla game too much. Any good mods that work with the main and add-on single-player campaigns?

  7. Fix the F-35 cockpit.

    Good idea, but lets change a few other things about the F-35B first.

    For example it would be nice if the skin was updated to the darker grey used in the pre-production aircraft being tested. The AIM-9L should be replaced by either a AIM-9X or AIM-120. And some different weapon load-outs would be nice. For example a variant with external stores.

  8. When playing ACE mod I tend to use the M16A4 and M4A1 equally. Sometimes I try to do some sniping however.

    For vanilla I prefer the AK-107 (very effective when fired on three round burst mode) and the M249 SAW.

    Usually I go with the red dot sights because if I look at nearby vegetation with the ACOG my FPS drops significantly. That grass is the devil's work I tell you.

  9. For crashes, try Default VidMemory, and turn of HT in your Bios. For performance get a faster card to play at 19/12. Or get another and SLI. ViewDistance under 3000, Lowest AA... No PP, 100%3Dfill. Set your "HDR Precession" to 16 in your Arma.cfg. In your NVDA CP/3D settings, no AA or AF on, set mipmap quality to just Quality(not HQ). Turn off Vsync if you can take the tearing.

    Thanks for the help, somehow I've fixed the crashes, I think it had something to do with changing the video memory settings around.

    True I may be expecting too much out of the GTX-260, but the game runs decently until I am in a really grassy area or look at grass or a bush through an ACOG. If only Chenarus was a desert nation.

    I've been jaded by running everything else (but Crysis) at 1920x1200.

  10. Has there any word on the crashes and graphic problems introduced with the patch?

    I don't recall getting any of these visual glitches (everything turns grey or white, intense lag) followed by a crash (either CTD or blue screen). It is getting really frusterating not being able to play ArmA2 for more than 10 minutes without this happening.

    And vegetation still lags the hell out of me whenever I look at it up close.
