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Everything posted by reconteam

  1. reconteam

    WARMOD release

    I don't mean to rush you, but do you have an estimate of how much longer until release? Somehow I broke GP3 and can't get it working.
  2. reconteam

    ANY quality sci-fi addons?

    Somebody made a cool Aliens pack for ArmA1, had the M41A pulse rifle, APC, Colonial Marines, and a few other things. I would kill for that concept to be expanded upon.
  3. reconteam


    Does anybody else think the HDR stuff is overdone? I mean, if you look at the ground or walk into a building in real life everything doesn't turn really bright.
  4. reconteam

    Please BIS << addon management >>

    I have gotten adept at creating and trying to manage several mod folders, but indeed I see how this could cause problems for new players. Perhaps BIS could occasionally point out very high quality mods and guide new people on how to install them?
  5. reconteam

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    No but I do understand the game makes me want to destroy vegetation in the real world. Indeed BIS does put plenty of post-release work into the game, especially compared to OFP2. Yet I don't want to see that abandoned in favor of penny-pinching "micro-transactions." So I guess any DLC purchase will depend on the quality and content as well.
  6. How did you get them riding on the outside of the BMP like that? Looks almost like photos from that Georgia campaign.
  7. reconteam

    [Betatest] GBU-43/B "MOAB"

    Is that in OA by default or is that Myke's addon in OA? Either way I am looking to toying with that thing. A bit kinder than a nuke, but good enough for your heavy demolition needs. Regarding the doors of the BIS C-130J, I thought that they did have an open/close animation, just that it is not included as an action by default.
  8. reconteam

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Maybe OA (which I plan on buying) will change my mind about future DLC, but just as things are right now, I will wait until I see more patch improvements. I simply don't get why I can render a large town fine, yet some simple vegetation will rape my system.
  9. reconteam

    CAA1 public release

    I've been meaning to give this a try one of these days. Do the BIS maps/campaign work well, or are they buggy? A shame this project was discontinued. I presume the guy who started it (kju) doesn't want anybody working due to some undeserved sense of entitlement. I have plenty of respect for those who do contribute to modding and creating addons for ArmA2 or any other game, but that doesn't carry over to treating the rest of the community like crap and making an exit like that.
  10. reconteam

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Personally, after Arrowhead I am not going to pay for DLC unless I see some serious patchwork. Optimization mainly. BIS I love ArmA2, but the engine... well lets just say if it was a car engine you would be measuring in gallons per mile rather than miles per gallon.
  11. reconteam

    tank FCS poll

    In my perfect version of ArmA2, when looking around the internal view of the Abrams (like you can do on the Stryker), you could look at the digital map and adjust it. For the actual gun fire-control system, the laser range finder would be similar to the one in ACE using the tab key and the M240C would be integrated into this as well as the 120mm cannon. The gunner would have a FLIR with "black-hot" and "white-hot" options, and the color could be adjusted. On the M1A2 variant, the commander would have a similar FLIR for the CITV and the ability to point out a target for the gunner.
  12. Personally I think all of the aircraft could use some more work. Things like MFDs with increased functionality, EOTS on the F-35, and customizable loadouts would be great.
  13. reconteam

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Performance improvements? I hope so. Keep on the task of optimizing this game BIS. So is this going to be released automatically for Steam (was 1.05 ever for that matter?) What is this "weapon recoil fix" you guys are talking about? What is wrong with recoil?
  14. reconteam

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    Is this fantastic mod still being worked on? I would love to see it continued into ArmA2. And I would kill if somebody would tell me how to get the M61A2 Vulcan using the Six or ACE tracers. For some reason no tracers whatsoever show up when the gun is firing.
  15. reconteam

    F/A-18E/F 1.0 Released!

    Wrong topic.
  16. There was an amazing Super Hornet mod for ArmA1. Was only in beta but it had a very detailed cockpit with working MFDs displaying information, a customizable loadout system, and all sorts of other cool stuff. I would love to see that mod (made by Franze I think) continued into ArmA2.
  17. reconteam

    LCAC - alpha version

    I would LOVE to see a fully operation LHD (even if it can't move) as a starting point for Marines on some multiplayer one-side domination type scenarios. An Abrams rolling of the LCAC would be badass.
  18. My current specifications are as follows: I7 920, GTX-260 (216 shader), 4GB of DDR3 RAM (need to check speed), 10,000 RPM Raptor hard drive. What should I upgrade in order to best improve my ArmA2 performance? More RAM? Would overclocking my CPU help at all?
  19. Actually that does raise an interesting question. Would pack animals be possible, something to lug around that HMG tripod for you? One request I have is for a high quality strategic bomber. Personally I would go with the B-52H or B-1B. I found a Avro Vulcan mod for ArmA1 with a nuke, I should see if that works in ArmA2 one of these days.
  20. reconteam

    Su-24 Fencer

    Is Projects RACS still in development for ArmA2 or are you sticking with ArmA for now? Anyway great work on the Su-24. I loved the F-16C you guys did, had the best quality cockpit out of all the F-16 addons I have tried.
  21. reconteam

    WARMOD release

    Have you thought about doing a WarMod version for ArmA2?
  22. The selection of ships in ArmA has always been somewhat weak in my opinion. Keep up the great work. I would love to see the LHD modified so you could go down to the welldeck and take a landing craft from or RHIB from there. A shame you can't really move the ships without people and stuff falling off.
  23. reconteam

    Incoming tracer fire cannot be seen, why?

    Though the BIS ArmA2 tracers are far better than the ArmA1 ones, your addon seems to have plenty of potential. I hope you can get around these problems. Also it might be interesting to throw in some colors other than the usual red and green tinted ones.