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Everything posted by Kabolte

  1. I've created a simple script that spawns a Mi-8 and it's crew. However, when I use moveInGunner for more than 1 unit, it ignores the others and put just 1 in the cockpit gunner seat. What I want it to do is move the other units to the door gun and rear door gun. How would I do this?
  2. So I set up a mission where there was me and a spotter outside Novy Sobor and Stary Sobor. I had an ACM synced to me and there were 4 civilians in the town with ACM's sync'd to them. It was great to act like a sniper and just camp out, but then, a patrol of enemy soldiers approached. Their path was maybe 20 meters in front of us, and I was amazed at how they walked by without noticing us. I thought, cool, even though the ghille suit doesn't match the vegetation, it's programmed like I'm invisible and they can't even see me! But then, right as that thought crossed my mind, the squad leader turned around in a split second and shot me. http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/Kabolte/Videogames/Arma/arma2_sniper-1.jpg What I'm asking is if the ghille suit could be made so that unless you move, fire, or the enemy is standing right on top of you, a player in a ghillie suit won't be detected by AI. If this can't be done, I'm also asking if anyone could possible make a mod that does this? Thanks edit: Of course only if he's prone
  3. Basically, I want to create particles so that i can make fog in the distance. How would I do that? Nevermind, I found some nice info on the wiki.
  4. Kabolte

    ATI Adaptive AA?

    Yea I know, once I realized what AAA did was after I took the pictures. You can still see the effects on those towers to the left though
  5. Kabolte

    ATI Adaptive AA?

    I bring benchmarks. The visual difference is good, but at the cost of about 5 fps in these pictures With AAA Without AAA
  6. Kabolte

    george bush

    I can see the resemblance
  7. I'm making a free roam map, and I want to create a patrol when I enter an area. Right now I have a trigger and one unit but I can't figure out how to make the unit spawn when I enter the trigger. I'm an independent guerrilla and I have the trigger set to independent present. What do I need to put in the Activation field and the condition of presence for the patrol unit?
  8. Kabolte

    How Stupid is your squad? Keep it Fun

    I hate when I'm leading a few helicopters and I get 1 meter away from them and they start spamming "Where are you?". But I'm probably just retarded because I can't figure out how to tell them where I am. Then when they're flying in formation, and we come under fire and speed it up to evade the anti air, they always end up crashing into each other.
  9. Kabolte

    Is It Even Possible?

    I hope so
  10. Kabolte

    How to answer to: "What is your Location?"

    Yea it's pretty dumb that if it exists, it's hard to figure out. It's also pretty dumb if it's not there at all.
  11. With a good imagination and experience, it can never get stale. For example, you could have Russians attack Marines that are fortified on a mountain top and you play as the Marines. You could place bunkers and fortifications where ever you want (you could place all the buildings you can want, but not and vegetation or rocks, sorry) to make it easier to defend the fortification. You could then have an airstrike destroy those bunkers if you want it to be harder. You could give both sides whatever units you see fit, even if that's 500 infantry (I would not advise this). Then after you finish the mission, you could decide you want to change it around a bit so that you're that jet fighter that destroyed those bunkers. Or you could make a completely new mission in a completely different part of the map. And of course, you could make a new Island if you are patient enough.
  12. Kabolte

    Attack Helo question

    Mission editing and scripting forum I don't really know how to do this, other than setpos, but that would look pretty bad. Imagine seeing a helicopter move a few feet, then be teleported back. edit: On second thought, you could try this 1. Create a trigger 2. Create your helicopter, name it helo1 3. Create an invisible h (empty->objects), name it helo1position 4. Group the helicopter to your trigger, change the trigger activation to vehicle, not present. 5. Enter this in the onAct field helo1 doMove (getpos helo1position); That may or may not work though, never experimented with doMove
  13. Hey all, I need help with creating a trigger in a script too. Something is wrong here, because it is not working, even when all the east soldiers are dead in this trigger. Mission1KumyrnaTrigger1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[getmarkerPos Mission1marker select 0,getmarkerPos Mission1marker select 1,0]]; Mission1KumyrnaTrigger1 setTriggerArea [125,100,27,false]; Mission1KumyrnaTrigger1 setTriggerActivation ["EAST","NOT PRESENT",true]; Mission1KumyrnaTrigger1 setTriggerTimeout [0,0,0,false]; Mission1KumyrnaTrigger1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "deleteGroup M1_Guglovo_enemies; hint 'Mission updated';mission1kumyrna setSimpleTaskDescription ["Report back to the commander for debriefing","Liberation","Liberated"];mission1kumyrna setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "SpawnKUMYRNACommander");commander1 addAction ["Debrief","mission1Kumyrnadebrief.sqf"];",""]; I think that there's a problem with the last line
  14. Kabolte

    GPS tracking script

    Well I literally just had a problem like this, and I tried using an sqs file, but I couldn't figure it out. So instead, I used sqf. For this it would be while {true} do { "car" setMarkerPos getPos car1; sleep 10; }; That should work.
  15. Well, I've been messing around with the skiptime command, trying to make a day night cycle. I've got it to a point that I'm happy with, where if a player waits long enough, he will see days turn into nights without having to wait 12 hours (literally). The one problem I have is, it really breaks immersion when I pull out the watch and see the second hand on the watch flying around. Is there any way to remove it, or would an addon be required for that? edit: Nevermind, I solved it myself using this if anyone wants it. This will make it so every 5 seconds, 1 minute passes. That means 2 hours for 1 in day game. You still have to wait around for a while, but change the sleep value to something like 1.25, and 1 day will only take 30 minutes. The second hand still advances however, so if you use the sleep 5, I'd imagine that you would be 2 hours off (that's 26 hours passed) after 2 real life hours. Using this way will make the days a bit jerky, but it's a lot easier on performance then it is to do it constantly. while {true} do { sleep 5; skiptime 0.01666; };
  16. What does #end do? End the script? Where can I find a complete list of things like this? edit: Nevermind, I see what it does now. Handy little trick
  17. So I basically have a simple script that spawns a unit and adds an action to him. The action appears, but when I try to use it, it does nothing. Here are the scripts. //creates one guerrilla soldier group1 = createGroup Resistance; this1 = group1 createUnit ["GUE_Soldier_1",getMarkerPos "spawnKUMYRNA1",[],0,"NONE"]; //adds action to recruit him this1 addaction ["Recruit","/interaction/recruitLvl1Kumyrna.sqf"]; recruitLvl1Kumyrna.sqf this join player; I'm trying to make it as simple as I can, but even then I can't get it to work? What did I do wrong?
  18. Try spawning him near the hangars or on the taxi-roads(whatever they're called). I've never had this problem myself. Or perhaps, set a move marker just beyond the end of the runway, then have the s&d order.
  19. When I enter a trigger, it executes that first script I posted. So I guess yes, by placing addaction on each unit. Using [this1] works fine, but using [this] instead doesn't.
  20. Is there anyway to make it apply to any unit that calls that script, not just this1? If I did it that way, I'd need a ton of files for each unit I'm making that I will be able to recruit.
  21. The FN-SCAR-L. I know it won't be that realistic for regular soldiers to have them, but I love that gun.
  22. Kabolte

    Isolated Fog - How To?

    Sorry, but how do I use that?
  23. Kabolte

    A-10s wont use their main gun

    I thought the game draw distance was measured in meters. If I'm correct, then that would make 6000 feet about 1800 meters, which is more than doable. On my average spec system, I'm using 2500 as a draw distance