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Posts posted by subliminalss

  1. do you reckon you'll be able to make it ACE compatible not demanding btw just wandering. also curious as to what your experience is with editing the units you can buy do you think it will be easy to add an entire British army. I find i have an abundance of US units and mods but i have a similar size UK force comparable to the origional US army. i.e. regular inf, special forces, cars,tanks, and all dynamic of air, (light,med,heavy,attack) i feel i might be trying to do to much with reinforcements, SOMS,Warfare and scripts like fastroping.

  2. I seem to have a little problem. In my warfare game (SP) i cant get the warfare working right. i have tried it with a few different warfares, anyway the isue is this.

    Warfare working perfect and assigning missions however i cannot accept or interact with anything to do with SOM through the communication tab. i use many scripts including the US-support script which can allow me to add each support (arty,transport,airstrike) and the rest at a mouseclick. however nothing is working. Im just stuck with the options to send units, disband units and send money. etc

    im sure i didnt have this problem the last time i made a huge Single player warfare game.

    Has anyone else encountered this and possibly found a fix. All the best JT

  3. Dont know abouts any of you guys but I have a little problem when going back to FarmWars with patch 1.05. i cant close the rts interface after it is opened. Used to just press esc to exit no longer works. Is this an issue anyone else has had. and is there a fix i can do myself. Use farmwars singleplayer so i do a ton of changing anyway.

  4. the context menu for using objects/ interacting with people ingame dosnt work after a suspend and continue save. i start a game can examine people etc fine save and revert when i die for example works fine however when i suspend the session and return after going back to the main game menu, the windows key (right one in my case) doesnt have any effect when pressed in the same manner as before to talk or interact with people. Is this a known bug and is there any fix in site. My only gripe, great work keep it up:)

  5. Loving the map great work however am absolutely gutted everytime i reload a mission i.e. carry on or die and resume it loads just water saying something where the .test is changed to .test1. are you planning any fix to this? Thnxs muchly

    think ive found a temp fix for this, in the configs the island is called test1.wrp and in the pbo's main file ive changed both these to "test" (in the config) and in the game file. Seems to have fixed the problem now. Great map had to look for a fix because i couldn't play anything else after tasting this one and getting ideas:j:.

  6. Hey I do missions scripting retextureing pretty much everything really however i dont really know how the cars etc work.

    -ignore if you want--

    I always like to leave my troops at the base or wherever when I "go off on one" and wander about the map. did it alot in manhattan mission and now i play on a warfare map on chernarus with an airfield base and like to leave my team at the base when i go off to do my missions most times just so they dint get away.

    -ignore if you want--

    I was wandering if anyone thinks they could take on the task of making a car like campfire where you just place it and "get in" the cargo slots like you would any APC etc, however this with a campfire model and the players being visible.

    much like stalker series however interactable manually not just ai


    is this even possible?? at all with the way the system works, would be ace to cut the back off the Ural and make like a barracks etc, etc just thinking it would be a nice touch. Sorry for the long post tnxs tnxs

  7. so sorry for bothering you i should have found that name myself damn microsoft search is uselss:mad: anyways thanks for the quick replies and its perfect thats exactly what i wanted, p.s. to anyone else who wants to download i had to visit the website, www.lc-computers.com and then add the extensions http://lc-computers/files/US-Support_v1_5_SecOps.Chernarus.zip

    hey just found the problem with the link as im typing lucilk



    first one is missing .com after website



  8. Hey great job with the sec ops link worked for me btw. there was one thing i just wanted off of you however.

    SOMNAME[/color] setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"], "true", ["Razor", ["Razor"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], "30", "true", "180", "0.3", [3000, 7000]]];

    Above is the variables for the som module changing the distance settings (here in green) allows you to spawn the sec ops at larger distances making them more of a mission than the usual. but of course to apply this to the som module you need the name which goes where the red bit is i was wandering if you would kindly let me know what i can enter into there as to apply my variable settings to the som module. it also allows you to get rid of the rather annoying ambush mission that spawn around any airfield base. thanks very much.

  9. this may sound a little silly but im going to share this, ive been using a alpha real time editor and its been giving me jib but i like my warfare games and building bases etc as i play, of course not doable to any good measure thanks to the pathetic selection for you to create as normal in warfare.

    Now we all know of the 3d editor by now i hope (ctrl+E) so heres what you gotta do.

    Get the debugger tool from armaholic if you aint got it lord knows how your playing the game... this allows you to press esc then enter and brngs up a form to execute commands change weather put supports in the game anything the game recognises as a command.

    anywhoo now quit your game back to the main menu open 3d editor place your objects through the vehicle tab ..make em look pretty.. then add a center, add a group, then add a player then save the mission as user mission as something like watsitsstuff now go back to your game or go to the mission file in the mission you just saved and youll have lots of stuffs looking like this

    activateAddons [


    activateAddons [];


    _vehicle_0 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = createVehicle ["Land_CamoNetB_NATO", [3558.0439, 3584.3755, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _vehicle_0 = _this;


    _vehicle_1 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = createVehicle ["ACamp", [3565.7808, 3576.6057, -1.335144e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _vehicle_1 = _this;


    _vehicle_2 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = createVehicle ["ACamp", [3554.9146, 3580.2537], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _vehicle_2 = _this;

    _this setDir -68.923302;


    _vehicle_3 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = createVehicle ["MASH", [3555.2117, 3572.6045, -5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _vehicle_3 = _this;

    _this setDir 58.529507;


    _vehicle_4 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = createVehicle ["M2StaticMG", [3560.3713, 3574.1467, -9.5367432e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _vehicle_4 = _this;


    _this = createCenter west;

    _center_0 = _this;

    _group_0 = createGroup _center_0;

    _unit_1 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = _group_0 createUnit ["FR_Assault_R", [3562.0154, 3575.7366, -4.196167e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _unit_1 = _this;

    _this setDir 132.36481;

    _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;

    if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

    if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;};





    this creates a little tent and mash and gun in the middle of the airfield in utes try it.. copy and paste the red piece into a debugger or add it to a radio command in the editor.

    the bit in red is the important bit now copy that from your mission file into one of the debugger tools exec lines and click exec and your objects will appear before your eyes in the mission you can do this through the use of sf files like manhattan but thats a tad tedious and one the save is made i dont think you can add them anyways.

    hope that makes sense to some if not all i know its rough but its a bug proof way to add as big a bases as you like without the lag and bugs of a real time editor. good example is taking an airfield in warfare and adding all your flashy custom downloaded planes and helis like f16s and apaches.

    Its also a real simple way to add little checkpoints and nice touches to missions, you create a mission with an enemy object like a flag for example in a base you have to take or maybe an LZ then kill land there whatever and then add a command such as this addaction..... make it something like "deploy base" then you would put the red bit of my writing in an sqf of the mission folder so that it can be activated using the objects like flag or anything. broken down

    1. create 3d scene i.e. an FOB in krasnostav airfield

    2. create mission with a flag at krasnostav strip, or even a radio call that activates your sqf

    3. copy and paste the important bif of the mission.sqf of the 3d editor file into your new sqf to be activated from the flag.

    4. test it out

    anyways just a couple of small tips to help anyone decipher the jibberish

  10. hey this is a top notch mod must congratulate you, however im sure its giving me a lil problemo. ive tested it quite a bit i make a sec op manager and take missions but im pretty sure as ive tried it on the test mission with your mod. but i cant accept any of the missions, i get them navigate to them just when i click on them nothing happens??

  11. SOM_secOpDistances = [999, 20000];

    ive got this and have tried countless variations of this. None of it works so please would someone like DnA or anybody who knows please just give us an example line where ##min## is the minimum spawning distance and ##max## is the max spawning distance for the sec ops. its a big map. its a dam shame the campaign doesnt really work and the fact the secops keep spawning at my airport base is seriously making it unplayable.

  12. Downloads / Armed Assault Files / Editing / Tools / Arma Unpbo Tool get this tool i think its the one i used

    this opens the games pbo files

    F:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\AddOns\missions.pbo

    this is the file you need and it has all campaign files and others. save them to your desktop then you will have a campaign file on your desktop and all the missions are in there, copy and paste them to your editor folder in your mydocs\arma2profile\missions. i suggest you do some fiddling with Bootcamp files as they are simple and have no opening sequences.

    however the first basic training seems to load the default character. but the others dont. i.e. the default face and no glasses. you can still play as cooper with aviators through the editor in other missions and tested it on manhattan and the level before it.

    You can use your own player 2 by using the teamleader not the cooper soldier and as far as i can tell just tried the training but they complete aswell. all my trainings are complete and ive been using my own character by inserting a pilot or tankdriver or teamleader over the cooper player and then exporting it to singleplayer missions exit the editor and play it like any singleplayer mission. and i know i can use my own character in the campaign 2 just havent completed any missions beacuse i want to rebuild them. I.e. being in control of some littlebirds rather than having the crappy chopper that never was in manhattan. and an apahe;-) for gud measure. maybe a bit of a tank for fun as i have already completed it before.

  13. Hmm so there's a 1.02 hotfix?!? Why doesn't BI put a sticky here about it?!

    I got the Gamers Gate version and it already came updated to 1.02....so i can't uninstall it. Can I install the hotfix on top of it? Because my AI does not work in Delaying the Bear nor Badlands nor Dogs of War.

    ---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

    Ok so the only way to fix these problems it seems is for me to download a CD version somewhere, use a crack and then patch to the latest version.....Nice job BI!

    i dont think they've released the version for the DirectDld games it will prob auto update in the next few days if its anything like steam, and if you try and download a crack version will prob take that long anyway.

  14. This part of the mission is full of mistakes on BIs part not bugs.

    1st there are 2 spawn points for the base first time i played i got it miles away and the girl was taken fine. second time i got the base right in the flight path of the heli. It always gets shot down if you havent destroyed the APC and tank do this first with the UAV and your pretty much ok then. Maybe if theres an AA soldier it will get shot down before you see it because of their range. This mission seriously needs a point where if **THE PLAYER** report the heli is shot down you can drive her to the Airfield outside the AO or something because your allowed to get there. And if they do decide to do this please dont make it an auto recognize that the heli is shot down because to be honest i think the AI and the systems recognition of things like this is very poor.

    ---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

    Sorry to DP but if you havent played this mission yet save before you get to the pickup point because its dynamic so you can get away with it sometimes.

    p.s. BI just make the heli invinci it would solve so much heartache. that or introduce flares to the game, and edit the flight path

  15. i know this is a bit editing to but figured this would be the best place.

    In the editor i want to change cooper to my character.

    When i place a new soldier its fine im me.

    When i replace the cooper with team leader hes the default face. this is because hes named BIS_player.(cant play without this name)

    I wanted to know from devs or other what can i delete to make the character load the custom features for me.

    Its my last attempt to play the campaign with the support etc in my command. and my own team with my own weapons. and an attempt to remove the bugs.

    Thanks before hand for any responses.

  16. to devs i think we need some launchers on this mission at least the smaw afterall every squad has one right but the so called elite razor dont. Hmm. anyway if anyone is stuck there is 2 locations the one screenshotted earlier and the one by the dam to the NW. as soon as you are in manhatton use the UAV to destroy the tanks, and buldings if you desire, please dont rely on the arty because hours will go to waste. also check your map after youve destroyed the base should have a marker with the leader otherwise try the other base.
