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Posts posted by subliminalss

  1. Very impressed although im having some issue too i think. Some RH config error upon start (will check), and i cant find any weapons anywhere. I guess i have to buy them, but im getting calls about doing missions at start (SecOps) without having any weapons.

    Gonna try reinstall the RH weps even though i just did. Maybe the RH configs (packed in each addon) shouldnt be used.

    I'll test some more.

    EDIT: Got some cheap-o ruskie weps off the Cherno market. :) Now i gotta find the locker as well. Went to "home" and i find the ammo in the craters in the laptop room. No rifles though. They seem to be missing.

    maybe this point wasnt followed?

    Regards JT

    Current Addons are now all included in one package and this will not be expanded upon so please download the once and download RHs packs then this will be all you need. Links Below are for RHs packs for those of you with trouble.


  2. Very impressed although im having some issue too i think. Some RH config error upon start (will check), and i cant find any weapons anywhere. I guess i have to buy them, but im getting calls about doing missions at start (SecOps) without having any weapons.

    Gonna try reinstall the RH weps even though i just did. Maybe the RH configs (packed in each addon) shouldnt be used.

    I'll test some more.

    EDIT: Got some cheap-o ruskie weps off the Cherno market. :) Now i gotta find the locker as well. Went to "home" and i find the ammo in the craters in the laptop room. No rifles though. They seem to be missing.

    Hmm missing rifles sound worrying shouldn't be possible though

    Have a new version now bn making for a while. I learnt sounds and found sound sites :yay:

    Includes a raid on your house us fast ropeing in killing them. Then bugging + fast jet air strike to take out the cars. Very dramatic. However I'm getting bugs with revive so that's being pulled unfortunately.

    Ditches buses and replaced with the sound eau de far cry. Just easier on the game world. Also 3 missions for us. Gue. And yourself to add some action in the world. A downed c130. AA site. Manhattan guerrilla hunt style mission. Road block destruction. Should be quite interesting. A few more guns floating. Also going to be uploading mission packs to save the number of bugs pps seem to getting.

  3. you Cant Generally Buy tanks for the game as im trying to keep it a little reeled in but i am working on adding various Cars with expansions with the simple theory if you dont have them in the game and select them in the COIN they wont appear. And of course any addons appear in the ACM around the map so you can Forage Guns :)

  4. Awesome guys thanks for that, save me some time;)

    ---------- Post added at 05:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 AM ----------

    Think this topic should be in the Editing section but anyways...

    For my British 3 Rifle addon I used this line in my config:

    The "Language_BAF" is what will give them UK accents :)

    just edited my units and it has worked with AI units they have accent but player doesnt, also when go to use the BAF units from DLC they have brutish voices for player.

    There must be another 2nd attribute they need? i will try and use a BAF DLC soldier as base.

  5. I have done this in the past but now cant remember for the life of me the way i did it.

    Changing the voices of units in game to sound british, i.e. advance, stop etc, im sure its the language Field in the units config needs changing from "EN" to "EN_BAF" does anyone know the exact method and save me some config headache?

    I know it works in same way as making a unit russian etc but Cant upPbo the BAF DLC an educational config would be nice BIS:j:

    regards in advance.

  6. OK wel as previously mentioned the next update is ready but not released yet.

    I have a few features/bits ive added and would like to know from anyone who is playing the mission what you would like on release.

    1. ACE implemented on my personal version been playing for about 5 hours no slowdown or bugs to report (public version release wanted?)

    2. Revive script to overcome the poor first aid module/Dying all the time at the start:mad: also 5 hours on ace and not died:)

    what else except story driven campaign, i.e more shops, business, side missions, interface driven shops, (have 20 random bases across map now) Bus Stations everywhere? Please let me know if you are playing.


    ---------- Post added at 05:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 AM ----------

    I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people that would like to play this. I think perhaps the reason this thread is so epicly short compared to all the hard work you've obviously put into this is two-fold.

    1. This took over and hour to find and install all of its components. (In contrast to the 2 minutes it took to DL and install your pbo file.)

    2. It still doesn't work. (Reported dependent files missing.)

    I've downloaded and successfully installed everything you listed, and had to DIG to find all of RH's (which stands for username RobertHammer, for all those who don't live here on the forum) weapon packs... and it still says it's missing things. In true BIS style, it doesn't tell you what these things are, of course.

    Recommendation: Create a single install version that INCLUDES everything it is dependent upon in the base download. This doesn't have to be the only version, as I'm sure some folks are already running some of these mods. But for the vast majority of the rest of the folks that will attempt this (as well as myself, because I'd still very much like to play this excellent sounding mod you've made) it would be a tremendous help.

    Besides, why slave over BIS code for so long, only to have the end product be unusable to the masses?

    I appreciate your comments on this one, unfortunately i packaged up the weapons alone and its over 1GB:butbut: I would love to send it all out in 1 pack but its just not viable so if anyone is having trouble again just drop me a message and ill link you straight to the RH packs you need all other links are provided and ill see what i can chop;)

  7. Ok so I have a Shooting Range, everything i well but i want to make adjustable parameters using a text box,

    I have a text box and 2 buttons, one to set the delay between target sets and the other to set the Total Targets

    onButtonClick = "timebetween = ctrltext(1234)";

    idc = 1702;

    text = " Time";

    x = 0.422396 * safezoneW + safezoneX;

    y = 0.573145 * safezoneH + safezoneY;

    w = 0.111146 * safezoneW;

    h = 0.0951855 * safezoneH;


    This example of my button gets me the text i want ok, so if i type 100 and then click this button the game hows up as having a 100s delay between targets, problem is it doesnt work for an actual value that the Range.sqf reads just as a text, is there anyway of converting the value generated in text into a Code that will be read by Game.

    ** Explanation if you didn't get my point**

    ctrltext(1234) refers to the text box on interface, Type 60 into the text box then press this button, takes what you've typed in and displays it fine, i.e. Hint "ctrltext(1234)"; shows exactly what ive typed in "60". (Hint 60 Displayed)

    but in Reality if i run this

    while {timebetween > 40} do {player setdamage 0.7}; it does nothing

    then i type timebetween = 60; into the debug console it works.

    Quote Wiki

    ctrlText - Returns the text of a control of the currently active user dialog. This command can be used on static texts, buttons, edit lines and active texts as well as for images, where it returns the image path.

    So i need to know if there is anything to extract a number or "Code" value rather than just text.

  8. Ye ive personally had a few issues with the medics in game, will have a look at that asap, so some of the things ive got in so far

    1. Shooting range by house is now active so pop up challanges etc

    2. 20 random base+group spawns so everytime you start the mission the 20 camps could be full of 12 inf or just 2 snipers, could be a large encampment or a gathering of tents.

    3. When you buy business it inreases rep by a small ammount, (As does clearing camps)

    4. Random Weather every 20 mins, 10 mins change time.

    5. Made 1 mission so far, (Christ scripting missions from SQFs takes soooo long).

    6. When you buy the airport a supply chopper flies in and out for decoration:yay:

    7. Second Crate box for all that junk collected.

    8. Edited configs of RH weapons to use stock BIS recoil PM me if you want this, makes the ak you first buy actually usable as now has BIS recoil for AKM as does M4s M8s SCARS and stability when prone for weapons with Bipod.

    Also retex SCAR a bit lighter and closer to BIS Shade now same again PM me for link.


  9. hey Guys Sorry for the long delay ive been upgrading my PC and had to send Some faultys Back Grrr. GTX 580 3GB and SSDs.:bounce3:

    As for some of the comments, thanks very much for all your feedback, i appreciate the number of Mods I have running is quite large, this is mainly due to the fact that i never really meant it for public release.

    Afraid to say i wont be making a Co-op or ACE as just to much seems to get caught up, i did look to make it with GL4(Group Link) which did make some awesome combat play over the whole map. But alas after about an hour everything ground to a halt.

    Well ongoing with the development now, will be looking to make a manhattan Camp hunt around map now, enemy supply depots and ammo dumps etc,

    I know the map is very empty at the moment i.e. no Civs but thats a module i can easily add depending on the slowdown the mission creates, plus i can make 2 versions if you guys want one with Civs and one without, personally id rather the extra 20 FPS 3 hours into my game:j:

    Also a last note on the buying guns, personally RH packs weapons are what I use and hell half the time I play the game is loading up a weapons convoy after playing a SOM and driving back, so at the moment this will stay the same plus the US weapons Bis created are Pants and you cant get these from completing missions really so this will be the big benefit on buying side, and please excuse the lazy packs for West weapons at present had to do last day before i went away just so they were there.

    Keep the feedback coming and report back on how you play, so i can make sure there's no-one saying there's nothing to do.


    Also small note on the rep, its as much for story later on when developed so don't take to much notice of the weapons high requirement and the gear you have at the moment.


    If anyone has any future trouble with interaction you can either open up the mission in the editor and find the action/event that adds the action to the laptops/phones or PM me and ill email them so you can run them from the debug console and reset any actions no longer available for any bizarre reason.


    oh yeah markers after taking a mission

    they are the start and finish of the patrol, so the units drop into game at the drop location, way-point to the destination and at present wait, might in future be a cycle but well see on that one, I will also add a hint and possibly a feature to prevent more than one mission, of course missions can still be cancelled. Ill put that on the list for next version.

  10. Ye i know what you mean, I hope to get all the missions straight into the final cut, my random missions however provide the combat side of missions its just the story that needs to be big and have different things other than combat, but most important at the moment for me is making sure the base game and progression works.

  11. well thanks for the reply guys thought noone wanted to play my mission ive spent over 2 weeks coding now lol. Some story suggestions would be awsome, also i have an update, now have a barracks to buy some infantry. and a decorated krasnostav airfield.

    Some short term plans are a dec of 52 30 scatterd with a bounty hopes 12 in missions would be a plan, Kind of manhattan insurgent camps style.

    Also a randomly huge number of business im going for 15-20 as they take about 3 mins to implement. Im also stuck on the purchase of airstrikes as i feel the SOMs begin to loose purpose. And if anyone does own the airfield in a day or 2 in the new version will have purchaseable pilots from the barracks and ill be uploading this when i get home, Working ATM and then sleep for 8 hours after night shift.

    Also I use an Anims mod, found an issue earlier with an injured team mate not healing correctly if anyone gets this without the anims please let me know as there may be an issue with the First Aid modules

    Good Luck

  12. Mercenaries Chernarus:

    Open ended Arma 2 world for your freedom, purchase guns, cars ,business, Your own personal airfield and build your own PMC. Start random missions right from your own home visit the Chernogorsk market and catch a helo ride, catch the buses take a taxi from Berezino.

    http://17thmedia.com/market.png 700kb!

    Map - Chernarus

    Story - WIP Suggestions welcome currently destroy artillery site

    Money and Reputation points.

    Current POI.



    RH weapons pack seller

    AK Weapons Dealer


    Taxi Company

    Global Bus System

    North Berezino Car Shop - COIN

    Once Purchased Krasno Airfield COIN to buy a few bits

    3 Business + 1 Main

    2 Fuel Station



    Elektrozavodsk Factory



    please Suggest other Locations im sure most of you have now explored more than me, any suggested locations if sensible will be in next update.

    Airport Krasnostav

    Purchase 6 different transport Choppers Switchable for use after bought.

    Purchase Hind attack chopper.

    Barracks for units

    Commander functions (Use the marker, Flag and radius to recruit and dismiss/promote to High Command.)

    Very Important points

    Attack choppers / future AS will travel to Airsupport Target moveable via Radio then Map click

    All transports will travel to the "Create Helipad" Moveable via radio then map click

    Use the House you start at,

    Laptop for Random generated missions

    Sat Phone for getting your team to follow/Stay at Home.

    All gear bought will appear in the safehouse's Cargo Holder this is your "Personal_Locker";

    Airport has functions in top of ATC tower but needs to be purchased first from the helper outside of the western most entrance. Its a glowing red ORB.

    Business when bought every 10 mins generate a revenue for you to collect buy for the listed price then every 600s will bring in the ammount listed in the Investment Portfolio eg. $1000-$1500 every 10 mins.

    Im looking for some feedback everything seems pretty much in working order as long as the systems are used correctly.

    Basically looking for feedback at the moment and possible expansion suggestions, its a good blast to just build up from nothing so give it a go and let me know what you think. More for people who enjoy the game more than the story.

    I wanted to outline quickly the way the transports, attack helos and command management work.

    A) Open the map and check the radio there are several commands, Move Marker creates a flag in the game world, within 10m of this flag actions are carried out, promote creates a group from the units within 10m of the flag (Including you so dont be there) then adds it to the HC module.

    Example of use (EOU): The ability to buy 5 units, move the flag near you (Via Radio), move your units to the flag then hit promote on the radio, these units will then be available for orders from HC and taken from your group.

    Likewise with the following

    Split, creates a new group but doesnt add to HC,

    EOU: Maintain defensive positions without clogging HC.

    Recruit, Put the marker by the unit in game world and it will add the unit(s) to your group.

    EOU: Search and rescue missions especially SOM find and recover POWs.

    Dismiss, Deletes Vehicles men etc from around the Flag.

    Transport - When transports are created from the market, you'll have 2 options on the helo, Feed Coordinates and Clear to RTB They operate as follows

    Feed Coordinates - Clears all current waypoints and adds a waypoint for the helipad created in editor. Use as follows

    Open Map -> Radio -> Create Helipad option -> Click on map area you want helo to land -> Close map

    then select feed coordinates from transport action menu.

    this radio function moves a global helipad to the location you select, also works in getting a helicopter youve purchased and manned to land etc lots of functions in game and lots less errors as long as its used with the transport function correctly.

    You'll also have the same functions with the airfield transport once you've bought the airport. The main difference is the guns on helos are manned so youll also get an option to SAD at LZ. this causes the transport to hover over your helipad rather than land and search for units.

    It uses game functions to clear all waypoints and add a SAD waypoint on target, you can select all these as many times as you want and change coordinates mid flight change LZs and very usable in a practical sense.

    Same with the attack Helos however they follow the attack marker rather than Helipad LZ marker.

    Finally once the Airfield is bought you have 3 PCs in ATC tower.

    1. To buy new Transport Helos

    2. To Use various Helos bought

    3. To start transport and reset if bugged.

    So you buy for example UH1H then choose to use it, then later buy a Little bird, you can now switch between MH6 and UH1H as much as you like giving you various tactical approaches.

    Finally part 2, buy the attack helo from the UAV centre inside airfield entrance. This gives you the ability to send your Attack helo to the airstrike location, I intend to have different attack helos in future same as transports but at present its only Mi 24 Hind.

    Regards JT

    Current Addons are now all included in one package and this will not be expanded upon so please download the once and download RHs packs then this will be all you need. Links Below are for RHs packs for those of you with trouble.


    UPDATE: 07/09/2011

    Today Releasing the latest update, its all in text above now but to summarise on changes.

    New Random Bases around the map giving reward for clearing, by random its a random 28 bases from the object compositions bases on a number of locations with a random group spawned to guard.

    Revive Script Implemented

    3 Main Objectives to keep you going through the development of world to final release of missions.

    New Business'

    ACM Integration

    To Come in next update.

    Hope Fully some missions, Also if anyone wants to create a mission all from SQF Files so can be launched then killed with no editor placement send it along it will more than likely be included.

    New interfaces should start popping up everywhere now ive managed to Organise to seperate files.

    More Business'

    More sidegames Shooting ranges maybe stalker CS/GTA SA style Gang Wars.

    Hopefully some efficient CIVs and cars to add a little life.


    Get all RH Packs From Links Below.

    HK 416s - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11789

    M4/M16s - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8056

    MGS Weapons - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13095

    MK18s - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10540

    PDWs - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12214/

    Pistols - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12800

    SMGs - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13788

    Download @Mercenaries Folder Containing all Mods needed. USE RH CONFIGS IF DESIRE BIS-RECOIL ON RH WEAPONS


    Download Mission and extract to Missions foler in Arma 2 installation Foler.



  13. Never mind mate trust me I know the relationships I was talking about factions and sides in my conext. All the thread was about was if sides are createable. All the workarounds mentioned I have already thought of. Thanks for the suggestions though.

    If devs can create sides I was hoping they might be creatable, I.e create a side create a centre create group add units. This has been cleared as not possible

    However I was referring to sides and factions in the missions context. Instead of having factions inside 3 waring sides I wanted 1 more side added ala resistance model. Like i said though not possible.

    But thanks for the responses guys workarounds are appreciated but I have them coming out my ears. Like I said I was hoping to separate each mission faction with an "arma side"

    I know arma is not built to be a dynamic ever changing environment with long games in 1 mission but this is what I'm going for. And any naysayers it ain't your time it's mine to waste.

  14. I know i am programming my own lol the whole topic seems to have gone off lol. The origional question was can i make more than one side, naturally now as i want 4 or so factions not just 2.

    Keeping track of the default arma factions is childs play but say i have NATO, USMC, Russians, Guerillas and Chinease. That becomes more complicated however if i was able to create sides for each, again this becomes alot easier. Its gonna have to be about triggerd Zones i think and outside of this zone everyone shoots as usual blufor vs opfor. and i belong to indep blufor or opfor depending on who ive done work for and against.

  15. I am not one of the many who say release it now fyi.

    It seems to me that the only person who knows what you want/talking about is you. The above items would be nice to see so you might get the answers you want and the help you need.

    I'm asking about the core system and it's all code not something you can see I'm afraid until it's at work I can show you a nice iPad interface for buying guns and the bus system

    ---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

    Also possibly nobody quite understands what im after as it is not possible in arma with the side restriction, maybe ill have to switch myself from independent, blufor opfor and Civ rather than the world.

    Ill try explain,

    You have USMC and russians,

    at game start you can walk up to and talk to both commanders.

    take a mission from Russians to attack US.

    Outcome US dont like you so much

    Take a few missions from the Russians to get lots of Russian guns and airstrikes etc the US attack on site.

    Adversely if you want lots of US gear you do missions for them and eentually the russians attack on site. Surely this now makes sense.

    And please someone must have played mercenaries: playground of destruction.
