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Posts posted by subliminalss

  1. Drop the .pbo into a folder of you're choice in the Arma directory and enable that folder as an addon. Its not a mission implemented addon in anyway thats the idea. If you need any further help in installing addons for Arma there are many a tutorial already out there.

    The first Sticky covers it nicely :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150428-Beginners-guide-How-do-i-install-mods-addons

    Hope you guys find it useful. Its not trying to be anything major, just a super simple few features.

    ---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

    damn! just remembered that the addon looks for a userconfig .hpp file I left it in there as a blank encase I wanted to reference it. Cant change it today but it will CTD if not present in the Userconfig directory.

    It needs to just be a blank HPP file. and directory can be obtained from launching the game once. I will update when I get a chance for it to not need this file. Will be within the next 24 hours.

  2. I need to stop using spaces in everything... try the linkies now

    So the group Management system basically adds some interaction with units at the other end of the mouse cursor.

    its basically a point and shoot group management. So you can recruit the guy you are looking at, this makes him join your group.

    Following on from that there is a global array which is basically a temporary list. You add whoever you're pointing at to this list.

    From here you can then force them into a new group or promote them to a high command group providing the module is on the map.

    I like sandboxing from pretty FOBs, hence the camp maxwel and then the ability to recruit/dismiss/promote guys.

    Some debug features include. Attaching the Target to you so you can move them when they get stuck in random locations like camo netting or a table. Resetting their animation back to nothing so if someone gets stuck in a loop patching someone up or even in the campaign there is one mission where this was handy. (Had to move the medic away from a dead pilot) this also gives the facility to reccruit decorative guys as it kicks the AI back into life in the process by default BIS script disabled AI targeting movement and animation change ability using the "DisableAI" command.

    The ammoboxes thing run a global initialization that adds paper doll as an option to all ammoboxes. Note no ammoboxes are filled with anything its important this isn't done to not cause collisions with mission defined loadouts

    Also adds the option to store current loadout and then reload later. This is Aerosons script and its fantastic to be honest. I cant describe it but you should now be able to try it out. Couple of times in the campaign I choose my loadout and got dumped with a default one. This script allowed me to spawn my wardrobe (Radio Juliet 0-0-0) and then reload my kit as I had saved it and carry on.

    It was very important for me not to be cheating. Self control is required yes. But mainly these allow me to play as I saw it should have. Stuck anims and stuff is also mega annoying when you forget to save...

  3. Updated on.. 11/04/2015 V1.05






    DOWNLOAD USERCONFIG FILE to be placed in Arma 3 User config dir as

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\userconfig\Subliminal_Scripts\Settings.hpp

    For reference



    • V1.05

    Edited the Interface Common Settings to point to the correct location for assets post marksmen update.

    Added Norrn's Revive Script so you can be revived and revive group members.
    Seperate PBOs ONLY USE 1

    • V1.04

    Added a reset under Radio 0. (0-0-0) When activated this will reset the monitoring for all Key Commands That this mod uses and therefore support saved and reloaded games.

    Edited the Interface Common Settings to point to the correct location for "\ca\ui_f\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa" and other PAA files relating to the scrollbar.

    • V1.03

    Added GUI for spawning and deleting wardrobe. Default mapped to END Key. Radio Action removed.

    Changed the Opening command for the Group Manager menu. Instead of being action menu activated this is now activated by the Home key.

    Added a user config file for defining the keys of the Group Manager and Load out Manager interfaces. By Default HOME is for Group Manager and END is for load out manager.

    ====Changelog End ====



    I have made a few scripts for my use that I use for the single player campaign. I was missing some of my favourite features like my armory and being able to manage groups a bit.

    I have 4 Parts to my scripts

    • Virtual Arsenal available at all ammoboxes as standard.

    • aeroson's fantastic Loadout management system is available at all ammoboxes. Also Big Kudos to Aeroson for a fantastic utility.

    This allows you to save your loadout in a persistent location allowing jumping from mission to mission and loading persistent gear.
    Also you can order your team to the box and it will change their gear.

    There is also a wardrobe that you can spawn by using the wardrobe interface. As default Bound to the END Key

    • A group management system. This uses Arrays from the mouse target mainly and is written by me.

    It allows you to

    1, Recruit the cursor target to your group.

    2, add the cursor target to a global array

    3, create new groups (normal and highcommand) from this array

    4, grab someone's ass and drag him out of that cammo netting ;)

    5, reset someone's animation state so you can recruit a decorative dude.

    • Norrin's Revive Script for group members A big thanks to Norrin for this as its a great utility.

    This feature essentially works by running norrin's revive script against your squad at mission runtime. Or when you prompt it to re-load by running 0-0-0 on the radio to "Reset Interfaces"

    So this is expandable to be run when you recruit people on your travels. However the is a caveat. They have to be named in the mission editor. If placed by Zeus or randomly spawned in likely it wont work because they don't have a name. Otherwise load up Zeus and Name them, or make sure they are named in the Mission editor and everything is good.

    Note Even Though the directory is named Subliminal Scripts I take no credit for the fantastic work of the other addon makers, my scripts pale in comparison and not for one second do I take for granted the time and effort gone into them.

    With Regards to Norrin's revive script. Once you recruit a group member you have to reset the interfaces (0-0-0 radio) to re-load the init.sqf that goes through all members in the group and assigns them to the pool of revivable characters, otherwise they just die. Also they have to be named. Else the script cannot identify them.

  4. Well I've decided I would carry on and create a couple more scripts for the range and have decided to release this, Its just a very simple firing range with a couple of quirks.

    1st is that there is a blue target with some feedback on your accuracy.

    2nd is that ive chucked in a few audio alerts.

    Download and updates:


    http://editing.17thmedia.com/images/a/aa/VSFR.jpg (280 kB)


    Very Simple firing range is exactly what it says on the tin. Its a very simple Firing Range.

    It has 11 popup targets and a Feedback Target placed close to the firer. This can be moved freely within the editor and it will not effect the feedback so long as all the targets are facing in more or less the same direction.

    Activate the target at the sign, chose from the easy, medium and hard presets easily creating your own also.

    Also contains some sounds to mark the countdown to start, end of each round, and finish of range.


    F2K Sel for his popup script

    Bad Benson for hist popup targets.


    Pop Up Targets ALPHA, by Bad Benson

    Well I don't know about you guys but I've been having a nightmare with my firing range and it seems like nopop is useless at present. So... I decided it was time to learn event handlers.

    So here is my first little EH script. No doubt this is useless to the masses but if it helps one or two new faces its worth a post...

    Add this to the Popup Targets Init Field.

    This addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", "_this execVM 'Scripts\Range\TargetHit.sqf'"];

    Create the TargetHit.sqf in the required directory and adjust the above accordingly.

    Mine is located in Scripts\Range\TargetHit.sqf.

    One variable needs defining. This is popupTargets. Its only used as a Boolean. Define it in your unit or the init.sqf.

    Within the Eventhandler TargetHit.sqf file file put:

    _Unit = _this Select 0;

    _selectionName = _this Select 1;

    _damage = _this Select 2;

    _source = _this Select 3;

    _projectile = _this Select 4;

    //hint format ["Unit: %1 Selection Name: %2 Damage: %3 Source: %4 Projectile: %5",_Unit,_selectionName,_damage,_source,_projectile];

    _Unit setdamage 0;

    if !(popupTargets) then {

    _unit animate["terc",1];

    Sleep 1;

    _unit animate["terc",1];

    Sleep 1;

    _unit animate["terc",1];

    Sleep 1;

    _unit animate["terc",1];

    } else { };

    and then have a range script with popupTargets defined at the start and end. = false at start = true at end.


    _inc = 0;

    _count = 0;

    _targets = [pt1,pt1_1, pt1_2, pt1_3, pt1_4, pt1_5, pt1_6, pt1_7, pt1_8, pt1_9, pt1_10];

    _many = count _targets;


    {_x animate["terc",1]} forEach _targets;

    hint "Setting up the Range";

    sleep 2;

    hint "Ready";

    sleep 2;


    while {_inc<15} do


    _rtarget animate["terc", 1];

    _rnumber = floor random _many;

    _rtarget = _targets select random ((count _targets) - 1);

    {_x animate["terc",1]} forEach _targets;

    _rtarget animate["terc", 0];

    sleep 5;

    if (_rtarget animationPhase "terc" > 0.1) then


    _count = _count+1;

    _rtarget animate["terc", 1];


    hintSilent format ["Targets :%1 Hit :%2",_inc+1,_count];

    _rtarget animate["terc", 1];

    _inc = _inc + 1;

    sleep 2;


    sleep 3;

    hint "Session Complete";


    Hope this makes sense and will fill a gap for now. Best thing about this is it leaves the hit mark on the target.

    So to recap:

    Put the Event Handler in Each Popup target

    Put the Event Handler Script.sqf into your folder

    Put the Range Script into your folder adding popupTargets=true/false at the top and bottom.

    Feel free to ask questions and happy shooting

  5. 1. Didnt want to use a launcher. I like to know how much of my life ive drowned. Im sure arma 2 was over 1000

    2. String seems to be to long for bat files and for steams mod lines

    2. Tried Blooming everything.

    3. Had same issue on last PC.

    4. Hate leaving things having defeated me!

    Only want the content for arma 3 :j:

    Edit C:\Users\MyUsername\Documents\Take on Helicopters\TakeOnH.cfg

    head to the Mod list at the bottom.

    Add the directories of arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead, Viola worked first time for me. Be Vigilant to your disk drive names and steam install locations please. Ill try to reply if anyone is using the same method and help. I wont suggest alternatives because I feel I tried them all on my system and got nowhere so...

    class ModLauncherList


    class Mod1


    dir="Arma 2";

    name="Arma 2";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2";


    class Mod2


    dir="Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead";

    name="Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead";


    class Mod3



    name="Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Expansion";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion";


    class Mod4



    name="Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Expansion";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion";


    class Mod5


    dir="take on helicopters";

    name="Take on Helicopters";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\take on helicopters";


    class Mod6



    name="Take On Noisecontrollers";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\take on helicopters\Noisecontrollers";


    class Mod7



    name="Take On Hinds";


    fullPath="c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\take on helicopters\Hinds";


    class Mod8



    name="TKOH: Rearmed";

    origin="GAME DIR";

    fullPath="c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\take on helicopters\Rearmed";



  6. This may be a red herring and might only be me, but I'm messing around with some old addons, mainly ADukes Helos and I cant get me chopper to fly low enough.

    I remember in Arma 2 I Used to be able to make the chopper fly at practically any height. Mainly, less than 50.

    I also recall in TKOH: Rearmed never being able to get an aircraft less than 50,(but I never gave it much time) checking the Arma 3 Description for FlyInHeight the range is 50 to 1000.

    This is to high for fast roping is there any chance we will see the fly in height being given the ability to be set to ~30 before the fast roping elements of the full game which are ?confirmed?

    Or has anyone else had any similar experiences and come up with workarounds?

    Any help is much appreciated. thanks in advance guys.

  7. Header Nonsense im guessing? Im having that issues, same as I did when I attempted to port into TKOH pre TKOH: Rearmed.

    The Expansion Content is not like the default game content as far as I know. Nothing is being done wrong its just got a different kind of "Hand Shake" in the PBO headers. As far as I know...

  8. In the description.ext i include the links much neater:


    #include "Dialogs\description.hpp" <--- defines the UI Classes then loads the other files.

    #include "Dialogs\GunShopS.hpp"

    #include "Dialogs\LaptopHQ.hpp"

    #include "Dialogs\Range_Settings.hpp"

    #include "Business\Watertower\Acquired.hpp"

    #include "Business\Supermarket\Acquired.hpp"

    #include "Business\NS_Fuel_Station\Acquired.hpp"

    #include "Business\FuelStation\Acquired.hpp"

    #include "Business\Farm\Acquired.hpp"

    #include "Business\Elektrozavodsk_Factory\Acquired.hpp"

    #include "Business\Cafe\Acquired.hpp"

  9. Parent Classes for TKOH:Rearmed GUI Editing.

    Hey well as i was GUI editing today turns out that for some reason my missions were not liking the formula for determining GUI colors for the user setting.

    I've spent about 4 hours now and after manually entering colors from Arma GUI parent classes it is now stable with a nice olive green.

    If anyone has any ideas on what could be the cause (i'm assuming that exporting Parent Classes works without an issue in TKOH alone) please throw in your suggestions id like to get it working as it should, but for anyone who wants to save some time here we are:

    HTH someone save some time :D


    /// Styles


    // Control types

    #define CT_STATIC 0

    #define CT_BUTTON 1

    #define CT_EDIT 2

    #define CT_SLIDER 3

    #define CT_COMBO 4

    #define CT_LISTBOX 5

    #define CT_TOOLBOX 6

    #define CT_CHECKBOXES 7

    #define CT_PROGRESS 8

    #define CT_HTML 9

    #define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10

    #define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11

    #define CT_TREE 12

    #define CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT 13

    #define CT_CONTEXT_MENU 14

    #define CT_CONTROLS_GROUP 15

    #define CT_SHORTCUTBUTTON 16

    #define CT_XKEYDESC 40

    #define CT_XBUTTON 41

    #define CT_XLISTBOX 42

    #define CT_XSLIDER 43

    #define CT_XCOMBO 44

    #define CT_ANIMATED_TEXTURE 45

    #define CT_OBJECT 80

    #define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81

    #define CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER 82

    #define CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM 83

    #define CT_LINEBREAK 98

    #define CT_USER 99

    #define CT_MAP 100

    #define CT_MAP_MAIN 101

    #define CT_LISTNBOX 102

    // Static styles

    #define ST_POS 0x0F

    #define ST_HPOS 0x03

    #define ST_VPOS 0x0C

    #define ST_LEFT 0x00

    #define ST_RIGHT 0x01

    #define ST_CENTER 0x02

    #define ST_DOWN 0x04

    #define ST_UP 0x08

    #define ST_VCENTER 0x0C

    #define ST_TYPE 0xF0

    #define ST_SINGLE 0x00

    #define ST_MULTI 0x10

    #define ST_TITLE_BAR 0x20

    #define ST_PICTURE 0x30

    #define ST_FRAME 0x40

    #define ST_BACKGROUND 0x50

    #define ST_GROUP_BOX 0x60

    #define ST_GROUP_BOX2 0x70

    #define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND 0x80

    #define ST_TILE_PICTURE 0x90

    #define ST_WITH_RECT 0xA0

    #define ST_LINE 0xB0

    #define ST_SHADOW 0x100

    #define ST_NO_RECT 0x200

    #define ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO 0x800


    // Slider styles

    #define SL_DIR 0x400

    #define SL_VERT 0

    #define SL_HORZ 0x400

    #define SL_TEXTURES 0x10

    // progress bar

    #define ST_VERTICAL 0x01

    #define ST_HORIZONTAL 0

    // Listbox styles

    #define LB_TEXTURES 0x10

    #define LB_MULTI 0x20

    // Tree styles

    #define TR_SHOWROOT 1

    #define TR_AUTOCOLLAPSE 2

    // MessageBox styles

    #define MB_BUTTON_OK 1

    #define MB_BUTTON_CANCEL 2

    #define MB_BUTTON_USER 4


    /// Base Classes


    class RscText


    access = 0;

    type = 0;

    idc = -1;

    colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};

    colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

    text = "";

    fixedWidth = 0;

    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    h = 0.037;

    w = 0.3;

    style = 0;

    shadow = 1;

    colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5};

    font = "FontNormal";

    SizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";

    linespacing = 1;


    class RscStructuredText


    access = 0;

    type = 13;

    idc = -1;

    style = 0;

    colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

    class Attributes


    font = "FontNormal";

    color = "#ffffff";

    align = "left";

    shadow = 1;


    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    h = 0.035;

    w = 0.1;

    text = "";

    size = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";

    shadow = 1;


    class RscPicture


    access = 0;

    type = 0;

    idc = -1;

    style = 48;

    colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};

    colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

    font = "TahomaB";

    sizeEx = 0;

    lineSpacing = 0;

    text = "";

    fixedWidth = 0;

    shadow = 0;

    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    w = 0.2;

    h = 0.15;


    class RscEdit


    access = 0;

    type = 2;

    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    h = 0.04;

    w = 0.2;

    colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};

    colorText[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};

    colorSelection[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    autocomplete = "";

    text = "";

    size = 0.2;

    style = "0x00 + 0x40";

    font = "FontNormal";

    shadow = 2;

    sizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";


    class RscCombo


    access = 0;

    type = 4;

    style = 0;

    colorSelect[] = {0,0,0,1};

    colorText[] = {0,0,0,1};

    colorBackground[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};

    colorScrollbar[] = {0,0,0,1};

    soundSelect[] = {"",0.1,1};

    soundExpand[] = {"",0.1,1};

    soundCollapse[] = {"",0.1,1};

    maxHistoryDelay = 1;

    class ScrollBar


    color[] = {1,1,1,0.6};

    colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};

    shadow = 0;

    thumb = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa";

    arrowFull = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa";

    arrowEmpty = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_top_ca.paa";

    border = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_border_scroll_ca.paa";


    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    w = 0.12;

    h = 0.035;

    shadow = 0;

    colorSelectBackground[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    arrowEmpty = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_combo_ca.paa";

    arrowFull = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_combo_active_ca.paa";

    wholeHeight = 0.45;

    color[] = {0,0,0,0.6};

    colorActive[] = {0,0,0,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0.3};

    font = "FontNormal";

    sizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";


    class RscListBox


    access = 0;

    type = 5;

    w = 0.4;

    h = 0.4;

    rowHeight = 0;

    colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorScrollbar[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};

    colorSelect[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorSelect2[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorSelectBackground[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    colorSelectBackground2[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};

    soundSelect[] = {"",0.1,1};

    arrowEmpty = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";

    arrowFull = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";

    class ScrollBar


    color[] = {1,1,1,0.6};

    colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};

    shadow = 0;

    thumb = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa";

    arrowFull = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa";

    arrowEmpty = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_top_ca.paa";

    border = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_border_scroll_ca.paa";


    style = 16;

    font = "FontNormal";

    sizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";

    shadow = 1;

    colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5};

    color[] = {1,1,1,1};

    period = 1.2;

    maxHistoryDelay = 1;

    autoScrollSpeed = -1;

    autoScrollDelay = 5;

    autoScrollRewind = 0;


    class RscButton


    access = 0;

    type = 1;

    text = "";

    colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {0.4,0.4,0.4,1};

    colorBackground[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};

    colorBackgroundActive[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    colorFocused[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,1};

    colorBorder[] = {0,0,0,1};

    soundEnter[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onover",0.09,1};

    soundPush[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\new1",0,0};

    soundClick[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onclick",0.07,1};

    soundEscape[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onescape",0.09,1};

    style = 2;

    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    w = 0.095589;

    h = 0.039216;

    shadow = 2;

    font = "FontNormal";

    sizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";

    offsetX = 0.003;

    offsetY = 0.003;

    offsetPressedX = 0.002;

    offsetPressedY = 0.002;

    borderSize = 0;


    class RscShortcutButton


    type = 16;

    x = 0.1;

    y = 0.1;

    class HitZone


    left = 0;

    top = 0;

    right = 0;

    bottom = 0;


    class ShortcutPos


    left = 0;

    top = "(((1/1.2)/20)-(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7))/2";

    w = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)*(3/4)";

    h = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";


    class TextPos


    left = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)*(3/4)";

    top = "(((1/1.2)/20)-(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7))/2";

    right = 0.005;

    bottom = 0;


    shortcuts[] = {};

    textureNoShortcut = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";

    color[] = {1,1,1,1};

    color2[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25};

    colorBackground[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    colorBackground2[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    class Attributes


    font = "FontNormal";

    color = "#E5E5E5";

    align = "left";

    shadow = "true";


    idc = -1;

    style = 0;

    default = 0;

    shadow = 1;

    w = 0.183825;

    h = "((1/1.2)/20)";

    animTextureDefault = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_shortcut_normal_ca.paa";

    animTextureNormal = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_shortcut_normal_ca.paa";

    animTextureDisabled = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_shortcut_normal_ca.paa";

    animTextureOver = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_shortcut_over_ca.paa";

    animTextureFocused = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_shortcut_focus_ca.paa";

    animTexturePressed = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_shortcut_down_ca.paa";

    periodFocus = 1.2;

    periodOver = 0.8;

    period = 0.4;

    font = "FontNormal";

    size = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";

    sizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.7)";

    text = "";

    soundEnter[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onover",0.09,1};

    soundPush[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\new1",0,0};

    soundClick[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onclick",0.07,1};

    soundEscape[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onescape",0.09,1};

    action = "";

    class AttributesImage


    font = "FontNormal";

    color = "#E5E5E5";

    align = "left";



    class RscShortcutButtonMain


    idc = -1;

    style = 0;

    default = 0;

    w = 0.313726;

    h = 0.104575;

    color[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25};

    colorBackground2[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};

    class HitZone


    left = 0;

    top = 0;

    right = 0;

    bottom = 0;


    class ShortcutPos


    left = 0.0145;

    top = "(((1/1.2)/20)-(((1/1.2)/20)*0.9))/2";

    w = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.9)*(3/4)";

    h = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.9)";


    class TextPos


    left = "((1)/32)*1.5";

    top = "(((1/1.2)/20)*2-(((1/1.2)/20)*0.9))/2";

    right = 0.005;

    bottom = 0;


    animTextureNormal = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_main_normal_ca.paa";

    animTextureDisabled = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_main_disabled_ca.paa";

    animTextureOver = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_main_over_ca.paa";

    animTextureFocused = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_main_focus_ca.paa";

    animTexturePressed = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_main_down_ca.paa";

    animTextureDefault = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_button_main_normal_ca.paa";

    period = 0.5;

    font = "FontNormal";

    size = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.9)";

    sizeEx = "(((1/1.2)/20)*0.9)";

    text = "";

    soundEnter[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onover",0.09,1};

    soundPush[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\new1",0,0};

    soundClick[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onclick",0.07,1};

    soundEscape[] = {"\HSim\UI_H\data\sound\onescape",0.09,1};

    action = "";

    class Attributes


    font = "FontNormal";

    color = "#E5E5E5";

    align = "left";

    shadow = "false";


    class AttributesImage


    font = "FontNormal";

    color = "#E5E5E5";

    align = "false";



    class RscFrame


    type = 0;

    idc = -1;

    style = 64;

    shadow = 1;

    colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};

    colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

    font = "FontNormal";

    sizeEx = 0.02;

    text = "";


    class RscSlider


    access = 0;

    type = 3;

    style = 1024;

    w = 0.3;

    color[] = {1,1,1,0.8};

    colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};

    shadow = 0;

    h = 0.025;


    class IGUIBack


    type = 0;

    idc = 124;

    style = 128;

    text = "";

    colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};

    font = "FontNormal";

    sizeEx = 0;

    shadow = 0;

    x = 0.1;

    y = 0.1;

    w = 0.1;

    h = 0.1;

    colorbackground[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};


    class RscControlsGroup


    class VScrollbar


    color[] = {1,1,1,1};

    width = 0.021;

    autoScrollSpeed = -1;

    autoScrollDelay = 5;

    autoScrollRewind = 0;

    shadow = 0;


    class HScrollbar


    color[] = {1,1,1,1};

    height = 0.028;

    shadow = 0;


    class ScrollBar


    color[] = {1,1,1,0.6};

    colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};

    colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};

    shadow = 0;

    thumb = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa";

    arrowFull = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa";

    arrowEmpty = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_arrow_top_ca.paa";

    border = "\HSim\UI_H\data\ui_border_scroll_ca.paa";


    class Controls



    type = 15;

    idc = -1;

    x = 0;

    y = 0;

    w = 1;

    h = 1;

    shadow = 0;

    style = 16;


  10. It is very possible currently i have been making a mission called mercenaries chernarus GTA Style:dance: actually more mercenaries style but hey,

    There are plenty of revive scripts for arma 2 that can be converted. Mine is currently working off the bat. What i must say is it will kill most systems but for yourself you will be ok if you taylor the game to your system. I find my mission dies after about 5 hours of palying time but that was in arma engine.

    The only thing that really does kill it is sometimes scripts don't work the same on reload of a mission, i have found that to be the biggest hurdle. So test everything thoroughly for this leaving no real local variables open and you should be good to go. best of luck:thumbs-up:

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?74396-Revive-Script <-- Should work

  11. well, lets just hope they don't go the same route as CC where they ask ppl to pay/pre order before they can test the alpha/beta or any other testing phase of the game. When I saw that I was blown away, why would you force ppl to pre order a game that they are testing? I mean, that is the purpose of a "test" to see if you can run the game or even like the game, from the buyers perspective. All the data feedback & the like is important from their side & needed, which they would get anyway. So I hope the alpha & beta are free to "try" & not something ppl have to pay for.

    If your PC don't run it... and that doesnt make you buy a new PC... your not an arma kinda guy. :notify:

    But this Alpha will be interesting. May need another 580 aswell as the dedicated BI SSD im planning.:butbut:

  12. "Jane's USAF (1999) and Lock On FC2/DCS Black Shark have such features. Very quick and easy to use. No minimizing, copying, pasting, or typing in countless script after script for what is essentially the most simple thing a mission should have. Likewise, a measurement tool/"ruler" that can measure the distance between any point on a map. "

    If i could do half the stuff i can on arma in DCS-A10 maybe my Hotas Warthog would see some proper use.

    I get the point though, I personally use RTEand Arma mission editor combined and find this very powerful, i think the devs should take some inspiration from this real time 3d editor. allows perfect palcement of objects and great Unit loadout custmization etc. and exports to the SQM with nothing but a minimize and click.

    Also i think alot of you should try TKOH: Rearmed. (with arma2) alot of these features are rearing their head!

  13. Sorry if this has been covered already but is the DLC compatible with TKOH.

    I origionally bought the steam version of TKOH and loaded it up with arma 2 content but only the DLC was not working so i bought the Anni edition of steam for arma. (gotta support:bounce3:)

    I was hoping it was an issue with the Sprocket DLC not being compatible with Steam TKOH copy which makes sense but alas neither is the Steam DLC working.:butbut:

    Pretty bummed but at least i can have a wirl on the el classico arma and have a few HR maps.

    My question is has anyone else got it working/is there a plan to get it working in any way.

  14. Looking through ACE SYS Magazines there might be a CBA function you could use? however you may be able to find the answer in the code.

    #include "script_component.hpp"

    // This script is spawned when an improper mag was detected in player's inventory. It processes all mags of given type at once.

    // A dummy AI is created to check if there are partially used mags of this type. if yes, they are changed to partially used mags of the new type,

    // while those full are simply converted into the proper ones and given back to player.



    //waituntil { GVAR(Processing) == 0 };

    [_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3] spawn {

    TRACE_1("Starting the script","");

    private ["_muzzle", "_ammo", "_magcheck", "_c", "_magtoremove", "_newmag", "_weapon", "_unit", "_dummy", "_i", "_max", "_magCountArray", "_action"];


    _unit = player;

    if ((vehicle player)!= player) exitwith {

    while { ({ _x == _magtoremove }count (magazines player)) > 0 } do {

    _action = [player, _magtoremove] call CBA_fnc_removeMagazine;

    _action = [player, _newmag] call CBA_fnc_addMagazine;




    //Create a dummy

    _dummy = createAgent ["ACE_CivDummy", [10,10,0], [], 0, "FORM"];

    waitUntil { alive _dummy };

    _unit reveal _dummy; // Handles delays in MP? reveal _dummy; // Handles delays in MP?

    TRACE_1("Dummy alive","");

    //safety script, delete dummy if it stays alive for some reason

    [_dummy] spawn {

    sleep 12;


    if !(isNull _x) then { _x setdamage 1; deletevehicle _x; deletegroup (group _x); GVAR(Processing) = 0; GVAR(StartedMags) = [];GVAR(DoneMags) = [];/*[format["eliminating dummy %1",_x], "ace_sys_magazines"] call CBA_fnc_debug*/ };

    } foreach [(_this select 0)];


    GVAR(Processing) = 1; //announcing the mags are being processed so it doesn't trigger the check again


    _x disableAI "TARGET";

    _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET";

    _x disableAI "MOVE";

    _x disableAI "ANIM";

    } foreach [_dummy];

    _magcheck = false;

    if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon)) then { _magcheck = true };

    removeAllWeapons _dummy;

    if (_magcheck) then { _dummy addWeapon _weapon };

    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL

    hint format ["%1 amount = %2, Newmagtype = %3", _magtoremove,{ _x == _magtoremove }count magazines _unit, _newmag];

    _dbg = format ["processing mag %1 amount = %2, newmagtype = %3 muzzle %4", _magtoremove,{ _x == _magtoremove }count magazines _unit, _newmag,_muzzle];



    //Give magazines to the dummy until he finds a full one.

    _i = 0;

    _max = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magtoremove >> "count");

    _magCountArray = []; //array of amounts of ammo in each half-used magazine ie [3,16,28]

    if (_magcheck) then {

    for "_c" from 0 to ({ _x == _magtoremove }count (magazines _unit))-1 step 1 do {

    _unit action ["DROPMAGAZINE", _dummy, _magtoremove];

    waitUntil { ({ _x == _magtoremove }count magazines _dummy) > 0 };

    _dummy removeweapon _weapon;

    _dummy addweapon _weapon;

    _dummy selectweapon _muzzle;

    waituntil { (_dummy ammo _muzzle) > 0 };

    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL

    _dbg = format["got a mag, n = %1, ammo = %2 max = %3",{ _x == _magtoremove }count magazines _dummy,_dummy ammo _muzzle,_max];



    if ((_dummy ammo _muzzle) == _max) then {

    _action = [_dummy, _magtoremove] call CBA_fnc_removeMagazine;

    _action = [_unit, _newmag] call CBA_fnc_addMagazine;

    } else {

    TRACE_1("Not full magazine","");

    _ammo = _dummy ammo _muzzle;

    _action = [_dummy, _magtoremove] call CBA_fnc_removeMagazine;

    _action = [_dummy, _newmag] call CBA_fnc_addMagazine;

    _dummy setVehicleAmmo (_ammo/_max);

    TRACE_2("Giving new magazine back",(magazines _dummy),(_dummy ammo _weapon));

    //_dummy action ["DROPMAGAZINE", _unit, _newmag];

    _unit action ["TAKEMAGAZINE", _dummy, _newmag];

    TRACE_2("Given new magazine back",_dummy,(_dummy ammo _weapon));


    waituntil { count (magazines _dummy) == 0 };

    TRACE_1("Pass over","");



    TRACE_1("1st loop over",(count (magazines _dummy)));

    _dummy setdamage 1;

    deleteVehicle _dummy;

    GVAR(Processing) = 0;


    TRACE_2("Dummy destroyed",_magtoremove,GVAR(DoneMags));

