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About colonel_paz

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Blowing things up, putting a bullet in the enemy's head from 1000 meters away.
  1. Hi guys, I have recently rented an ARMA3 server, and succesfully installed some MODS in it (CBA, RHSUSF, Russian armed forces...) The mods are properly installed, but I have also included the AW Invade and Annex mission, and I want the content of the MODS to be usable within that mission. HOW CAN I INCLUDE THE MODS IN THE MISSION? Do I have to include this via config file or something? Sorry if this is very obvious but I am very new to server running, my first actually! Guidance would be appreciated! Regards!
  2. Hi magirot, thx again for all the help... i did try the script i posted and it works perfectly (thank you for your help on that) I will do the changes you suggest to avoid any problems or bugs! Thank you!
  3. Hi Magirot, Thank you for your reply... so in theory something along these lines should work as the onPlayerRespawn.sqf? waitUntil {!isNull player}; //to prevent MP / JIP issues _unit = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; _unit addUniform "U_B_CTRG_3"; _unit addvest "V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG"; _unit addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_light"; _unit addMagazine "30rnd_556x45_stanag"; _unit addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F"; _unit addprimaryweaponitem "optic_ACO"; _unit addBackpack "B_Parachute"; _unit setPos [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1, 500]; if(true) exitWith{}; Will this code work as the onPlayerRespawn.sqf? sorry to ask without testing but i'm in the office at the moment unable to actually give this a try! Thanks for all the help beforehand. Also, do I only need to create the file and will be automaticalle executed because of its name or does the file need to be called with the init field of the units or somewhere else? Thanks!
  4. IT07 thanks for your answer... In order to be more explicit with my situation I'm posting the code i'm using in my units and mission: THIS IS THE CODE IN MY SOLDIERS/UNITS: removeAllWeapons this; removeUniform this; removeVest this; removeHeadgear this; this addUniform "U_B_CTRG_3"; this addvest "V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG"; this addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_light"; this addMagazine "30rnd_556x45_stanag"; this addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F"; this addprimaryweaponitem "optic_ACO"; this addBackpack "B_Parachute"; this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,500.00] When the mission starts, all units start in a free fall at 500m altitude, with all the designated custom equipment... however, after they die the first time, they respawn on the ground and WITHOUT the custom equipment in their init fields. What am I doing wrong? PLEASE HELP! :confused:
  5. Hi Guys, I'm in the middle of editing a Deathmatch mission that will consist on several random elements happening around the map. So far I have managed to sort some of them but one of the most important ones would be RESPAWNING performing a halo jump from 500m altitude or so with custom loadout and uniform... I know how to make the players START the mission in this way, the problem is after anyone dies they respawn on the ground with the default loadout/clothes regardless of what I have put in each players init field. Please can anyone suggest a solution for this? I am using civilians dress with military uniforms... is this the best way for a deathmatch? Thanks
  6. Since Iron Front uses the same engine ARMA2 uses, yes... scripts from ARMA2 would work in iron front... however, things like class names and stuff like that will change since the objects, units and other things are not the same, which is the problem I have now with this script, which is actually from ARMA2, but scripting for Iron Front is the same as scripting for ARMA2
  7. Ok, I have looked around and the problem seems to be that the script i'm using for the parachute drop it's actually calling a halo file from ARMA2 files themselves, so it is using ARMA2's halo file... which explains why the script works without playing the animation in Iron Front, cause Iron Front doesn't have a file called HALO_init.sqs in it. The bad news is that even while trying to search for the file within ARMA2 directories, i can't find it... and to be honest, the ideal solution would be to know Iron Front's parachute script so i can call it with this script and replace HALO_init.sqs with whatever iron front uses for such purpose. The question now is, does anyone know what file could that be? Thank again...
  8. Hi guys, I found this script that I used once in ARMA2 for halo jump. It was linked to the flag, basically you were to run to the base flag, select from the menu the option "halo" and then click on the map a location... this would activate the script and para drop animation etc etc. I have tried this inside Iron Front and it works, but it won't play an animation, it basically just teleports you to the spot you clicked on the map.... does anyone knows how to look for the parachute animation in Iron Front? I know there is one cause as I said before, i played a server with this function. Please any help? SCRIPTS ARE: _first = _this select 0 _text = "Halo by single-clicking on the map.You start at a height of 1000 above your current location." ?(format["%1",_first] == "Again"): TitleText [_text,"Plain"] ;forceMap true #Marker_1 onMapSingleClick "_StartLocation = player setPos _pos;[_StartLocation] exec ""Halo1.sqs"";onMapSingleClick """"" ; exit the one above, calls this one: [Player,1000]exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs" exit and inside the editor, you put this code in the init field of the object you plan to use as a trigger for this script this addaction ["(Halo)","halo.sqs"]; As I said before, this script works, but no animation is displayed, you just appear in the spot you selected in the map and it shows an error sating: Could not find: HALO_init.sqs Please guys any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hello People, I purchased Iron Front not long ago and I entered a few multiplayer servers that actually have parachute insertion functions (linked to a table with a map usually) that allows you to select a spot on your map to para-drop to that location. I was wondering how to add this functionality to a mission via the editor. I have worked with arma2 scripts before even though I'm a bit rusty. If it's a script (which I suppose it might be) can anyone point me to the right direction? hopefully even the right script Thanks a lot!
  10. Hello guys! I'm making a mission for multiplayer, and i'm using this script for a save gear or weapons that I found around these forums: #start @ (! alive player) _weapons = weapons player _magazines = magazines player @ (alive player) removeallweapons player {player addMagazine _x} foreach _magazines {player addWeapon _x} foreach _weapons goto "start"; My question is: Can I edit that somehow, so the things a player has inside a ruck he had when he died, respawn as well inside the ruck? or is there another script I can use? Any help would be appreciated Thanks!
  11. Hello guys... I was wondering how can I make my characters in arma2 play animations by adding the option in my actions menu. Example... I want my character to play the hand stand when I select it in my actions menu (mouse wheel menu). is it possible? how can I script it? Please let me know the full way to script it :j: Thanks guys!
  12. colonel_paz

    HELP!! Triggers

    not really sure but you'll have to set variable for the event of the alarm going on like "alarm1" then create a trigger that sets when alarm1 = TRUE then alarm2 = FALSE... So you'll have to set variables for both alarm events and make it like condition: alarm1; on act: alarm2 = FALSE; see if you can make it work like that, not sure about the scripting though Good luck
  13. Ahhh I see now! Thank you very much, it works beautifully now :bounce3:
  14. Hello guys, I'm making a brienfing file, trying to make it as simple as possible, i found a video in youtube from PCLIPSE, explaining the process for making a brienfing file that looks quite simple... in his case and example it worked, but I can't make it work in my mission... it shows the TASKS option in the map menu, but when clicked, only shows 1 of my objectives and the one that shows, shows with no description in it... just the option of "SET AS CURRENT TASK". Anyone can help? the init file piece of code for this is: execVM "briefing.sqf"; briefing file code i'm using is: player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Operation Lightning", "description of mission here in stand by"]]; tskobj_3 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy the Control Tower"]; tskobj_3 = setSimpleTaskDescription ["Finally, to interrupt the enemy's ability to scramble more airplanes in the area, we need to destroy the control tower at the <marker name='objective_3'>main airfield,</marker> be careful for it is very well guarded by enemy troops and vehicles", "Destroy the Control Tower", "Control Tower"]; tskobj_3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "objective_3"); tskobj_2 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy the Nuclear Capable Aircraft"]; tskobj_2 = setSimpleTaskDescription ["Intel confirms the presence of 2 Su-25s being loaded out with small nueclear weapons in the <marker name='objective_2'>hangars</marker> of the small airfield. Destroy them before they accomplish this task.", "Destroy the Nuclear Capable Aircraft", "Enemy Airplanes"]; tskobj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "objective_2"); tskobj_1 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy the Communications Tower"]; tskobj_1 = setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy the communications tower to sever all communication between both enemy airfields, the tower is <marker name='objective_1'>located</marker> on the hill, north east from the small airfield.", "Destroy the Communications Tower", "Communications Tower"]; tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "objective_1"); all of my objectives are defined and scripted already inside the mission editor. Thanks for your help!
  15. Hello guys, I've been playing ARMA since the very first game, however i'm quite new to editing missions. I have a couple of questions for anyone who can help please!! 1.- How can I make a ship object appear on the water? every time I try to place a static ship it goes down the water :( I suppose I must use setPosATL... but how? 2.- Does anyone knows a simple script for self healing? I'm basically looking for something you can activate from your mause wheel menu. Thanks for your help! :bounce3: