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Everything posted by dimitri_harkov

  1. dimitri_harkov

    Spritz Island 1.0 released

    Congrats on the release!
  2. dimitri_harkov

    31st Normandy mod for ArmA2: WW2

    Ah, ok. Sorry! I thought weapon classnames were in this list too. Here you go (Class Name / Display Name / Magazine Class Names): Extracted with a little modification of the script posted by Doolittle above: Cheers, D.
  3. dimitri_harkov

    31st Normandy mod for ArmA2: WW2

    pff... how about a search? This question has been asked 1000 times here. Anyway -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1590347&postcount=804 D.
  4. @Gnat no. You CAN use your existing ArmA 2 install without problems. The resulting combination is called "Combined Operations". Cheers, D. EDIT: shezan was faster :)
  5. dimitri_harkov

    Return Value From .SQF File?

    Or you just compile your script into a function and use 'call' with it. like: That's basically the same as Joshii proposed above, with the difference that you don't need to re-write your script to match the structure of a function (not that that would be a lot of work, but still...). D.
  6. dimitri_harkov

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    ? I have not tried to put down anyone. I said 'It's a nice model'. And a nice model it is for sure.
  7. dimitri_harkov

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    Oh, cool. Yet another Vintorez. Well, variety never hurts I guess. And it's a nice model. D.
  8. dimitri_harkov

    co51 Frontline

    Great! Many thanks Oden :)
  9. dimitri_harkov

    arrowhead warfare ??

    It IS being out straight away - there are multiple warfare missions in OA.
  10. dimitri_harkov

    31st Normandy mod for ArmA2: WW2

    Uh-oh... I hope data loss was not too high. Fingers crossed. D.
  11. dimitri_harkov

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    @Boris Balzer Great idea! The fact that Takistan is on the western border of that map could make for some great 'when ArmA 2 & ArmA 2 : OA meet' scenarios. Good luck! Cheers, D.
  12. dimitri_harkov

    World tools 1.0 released

    A little suggestion: Could you add a feature that automatically & mathematically rounds any coordinate-output to numbers with no more than 6 digits? That's at least better than letting Visitor just cut off everything that is too long. Cheers, D. EDIT: oh well, forget it. In fact, that doesn't really help at all.
  13. dimitri_harkov

    Save My Ax 0.9 released

    :) Thanks Shezan74!
  14. I guess he has to add his weapon classnames to the weapons array in cfgPatches.
  15. dimitri_harkov

    World tools 1.0 released

    Sure, just a moment... EDIT: Funny thing: WITH MoveCursor: WITHOUT MoveCursor: It has ignored the decimal dot and added/deducted meters instead of centimeters. BUT: if I use "," instead of ".", it is correct: Ok, but in Visitor it's wrong again. Visitor cuts the 1/1000 parts of the coordinates and rounds the 1/100s in a strange way... See: coordinates of the curved rail after import in Visitor: X: 2071.01 Z:10517.9 EDIT 2: Visitor simply cuts every number that exceeds 6 digits! Crap, that... so no railroads in areas where any coordinates are larger than 9999.99... Oh well - So everything's alright with the World Tools.
  16. dimitri_harkov

    World tools 1.0 released

    And many thanks for the great tools and your fast response :) And yes, at first I tried the normal fence generator function - it returned the same result as the first script I posted. Cheers, D.
  17. dimitri_harkov

    World tools 1.0 released

    Hello Shezan74, I have a little question: I've written a very small script to place a set of rails: two straights and three curved sections. it looks like this: begin InsertObject(f31a6c08-e87f-4150-8d95-cd4c7a912507;0;0;40;Red) //rail dam 40m InsertObject(f31a6c08-e87f-4150-8d95-cd4c7a912507;0;0;40;Red) //rail dam 40m InsertObject(6a264b23-1d4f-47e3-b71e-14cf37c99a4d;5;0;20;Red) //rail dam curve right r30 20m InsertObject(6a264b23-1d4f-47e3-b71e-14cf37c99a4d;10;0;20;Red) //rail dam curve right r30 20m InsertObject(6a264b23-1d4f-47e3-b71e-14cf37c99a4d;10;0;20;Red) //rail dam curve right r30 20m end The result is quite nice at first: But close up, one notices that the straight and the curve don't fit: Now I thought: No problem, I'll just use the 'MoveCursor' command. I know that the deviation is +0.14 and -0.05, so: begin InsertObject(f31a6c08-e87f-4150-8d95-cd4c7a912507;0;0;40;Red) //rail dam 40m InsertObject(f31a6c08-e87f-4150-8d95-cd4c7a912507;0;0;40;Red) //rail dam 40m MoveCursor(0.14;-0.05) InsertObject(6a264b23-1d4f-47e3-b71e-14cf37c99a4d;5;0;20;Red) //rail dam curve right r30 20m InsertObject(6a264b23-1d4f-47e3-b71e-14cf37c99a4d;10;0;20;Red) //rail dam curve right r30 20m InsertObject(6a264b23-1d4f-47e3-b71e-14cf37c99a4d;10;0;20;Red) //rail dam curve right r30 20m end Unfortunately, the MoveCursor command seems to ignore the decimal places. All values smaller than 1 are ignored. btw: I tried it both with "," and "." as decimal point. Final world size is 12288x12288, preview size is 2048, world size multiplier is 6. What am I doing wrong? :confused: Cheers, D.
  18. I think so, yes. Maybe you could cook something up with CBA/XEH. D.
  19. I guess that's the old problem with custom 'put' and 'throw' weapons. Try my grenade bug fix posted here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1653303&postcount=1012 Just replace any references to "Throw" with "Put" and "P85_Throw" with "ad_Put" in the script. That script is more a workaround than a fix. I don't know why custom throw/put weapons don't work :( Cheers, D.
  20. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    Not really. It's a bit quiet in Vilas' forums right now. EDIT: A helpful user just posted an even better solution for put/throw problems: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1653489&postcount=5
  21. dimitri_harkov

    VILAS addons release thread

    A little update on the good olde grenade bug: It's definitly caused by the custom "P85_Throw" weapon. Now that I know that for sure, the workaround script for this has been simplified quite a bit. Here's the new script for the mission makers out there: Put this in your init.sqf: if (isServer) THEN { sleep 0.1; { [nil,_x,"loc" + "per",rEXECVM,"DIH_grenade_fix.sqf",_x] call RE; } forEach playableUnits; //or: allUnits }; And this is the DIH_grenade_fix.sqf, that you need to put in the same folder: private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; _unit removeWeapon "Throw"; _unit removeWeapon "P85_Throw"; sleep 0.1; _unit addweapon "Throw"; _unit addweapon "P85_Throw"; if (isPlayer _unit) THEN {hint "Grenade Bug fixed";}; NOTES: -Functions Module has to be present in the mission. -This fix works for the 31st Normandy grenade bug too (Just with "rw_Throw" instead of "P85_Throw") Cheers, D.
  22. dimitri_harkov

    31st Normandy mod for ArmA2: WW2

    We at FHW had some great time in a nice little Caen CQB COOP-Battle yesterday. If anyone is interested in the mission, get it here: http://www.filefront.com/16786877/DIH_CO10_Caen_v15.rip31st_normandy2.pbo/ Nothing big, just a small mission to kick the Allies back out of Caen's train station (max 16 players, with a modified revive system). -------------- On a sidenote: While I made this mission, I came across some bugs/work arounds for bugs (I guess you'll know most of them already, but still...): -The Panzerfaust does not work in a Dedicated Server environment - it never has ammo at game start. Workaround: Remove PF - add PF magazine - re-add PF after game start by script (see the mission for an example). -The aforetime mentioned Grenade bug is caused by the custom rw_Throw weapon. The 'solution' script I posted before (the one you included in your first patch) has been replaced by a much simpler and more performance-friendly script. Here it is: Put this in your init.sqf: if (isServer) THEN { sleep 0.1; { [nil,_x,"loc" + "per",rEXECVM,"DIH_grenade_fix.sqf",_x] call RE; } forEach playableUnits; //or: allUnits }; And this is the DIH_grenade_fix.sqf, that you need to put in the same folder: private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; _unit removeWeapon "Throw"; _unit removeWeapon "rw_Throw"; sleep 0.1; _unit addweapon "Throw"; _unit addweapon "rw_Throw"; if (isPlayer _unit) THEN {hint "Grenade Bug fixed";}; NOTES: -Functions Module has to be present in the mission. -This fix works for the Project '85 grenade bug too (Just with "P85_Throw" instead of "rw_Throw") Thanks again for bringing WW2 to ArmA2 :) Cheers, D. EDIT: A helpful user just posted an even better solution for put/throw problems: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1653489&postcount=5
  23. dimitri_harkov


    The DAM object is in roads2, but not in the roads2 that comes with the tools, you have to unpack the roads2 that comes with ArmA2. And all pond objects I know are in structures\pond Cheers, D.
  24. dimitri_harkov

    Spritz Island rev. 0.3.0

    I like your island. It will become a nice playground for the community. :) Many thanks for your great world tools by the way... (any chance to add railroads to it? ... well a man may dream :)) Cheers, D.