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Everything posted by d3lta

  1. Thanks Furret. My temperature during full rendering is 60-65 degrees. No bitcoin mining here, idle temps is low (30-40). ARMA 3 is the only game with problem here. :confused:
  2. a lot of crashs today, now, crashing with fsaa off . crazy crazy crazy
  3. Yeahhh. Now i see, sorry by my mistake. Best regards and congrats for the xmedsys.
  4. Hi masters, I'm trying to populate a car with medic itens: _crate addMagazineCargo["x39_bandage",20]; _crate addMagazineCargo["x39_morphine",20]; _crate addMagazineCargo["x39_epinephrine",20]; _crate addMagazineCargo["x39_tourniquet",20]; _crate addMagazineCargo["x39_bloodbag",20]; _crate addMagazineCargo["x39_medikit",20]; _crate addBackPackCargo["X39_Defibrillator",1] But, the itens are breaking visually in the crate, see: http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/729/ove6.jpg (106 kB) What's wrong here? Best Regards UPDATE: SOLVED-> Change addMagazineCargo to addItemCargo
  5. thanks highhead by support, but I tried a lot of ways: - tiny marked area, the units are freezed on the map. - big marked area(1k), the units are freezed on the map. - huge marked area (2k), only ~10-20% of units is patrolling no patrolling is a serious problem for my missions, specially in tiny areas....=( How I force patrolling in example mission ALIVE_mission_2.Altis? any trick?
  6. Hi guys, How I do to force the soldiers (created by military civilian plac) to patrol the marked area? PS. (I put OPCOM linked with Logistics and military civilian plac)
  7. I Agree. I have a lot of script error too... same of the yours previous post. Wait for a two or three minutes, ALIVE exit's from death... :).
  8. I'm trying the tutorial (three) , but the ALIVE is failing (nothing happens) after I put the second Military Displacement on the map. What's wrong? UPDATE: The problem is that the time to populate the third area is much greater. The problem's gone. Thx guys
  9. Thx. Amazing Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk
  10. No problem here in BF4, ULTRA+MSAA4X run's fine.
  11. I doubt a little that bug is GPU architecture fail (others gamers dont have problem), I think that problem is bad support, I don't see BI and AMD with partnership to developing games (specific otimizations).
  12. Great Lala14, thx. Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk
  13. no, CCC is default. I'm not using ASUS utility. VGA Clock is default. The cooling system vga of mestoth is DirectCU2, the same of me.
  14. WOWWWW!! I'm tested on R9-280 here and no problem, ARMA3 run's fine with FSAA8X + All Tree+Glass..... But, R9 280X and 7970GHz uses Tahiti XT's GPUs, I think that FSAA has any bug running in GCN architecture. Please Bohemia, help us.... =(
  15. Update. I get to test a RAdeon R9 280X and the problem gone. back to HD 7970, the problem (BSOD) return's when a hit the MAP key sometimes. Now, I'm using Windows 8.1-64 bits. no other game gives problem with my ASUS HD 7970 , including BF4, Metro LL, BF3, FarCry3, Max Payne, Bioshock, AssCreed series, SplinterCellBlackList..... below the crash problem on my display. this is a great mystery.:mad: ---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ---------- Update 2. the problem happens only when I use FSAA and ATOC:
  16. Hi masters, this mod is great. I created a showcase mission about the uniforms. Download link Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=183865717 Image: http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/7624/00ec.jpg (101 kB)
  17. d3lta

    Mantle, SteamOS and Arma 3

    Cool , but I think that MANTLE is anything bigger than nv api. mantle condolidate pc and next gen consoles. Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk 4
  18. d3lta

    Mantle, SteamOS and Arma 3

    MANTLE , is the best approach to boost the performance of games, is open to NVIDIA cards too. Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk 4
  19. any alternatives? Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk 4
  20. d3lta

    Over all bad quality

    Where is the full editor documentation? Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk 4
  21. d3lta

    Over all bad quality

    great post. My problems with A3 are : * editor, same of A2. =( no power features for missiondevs... =( * No civilian populate module (see the live of a GTA) * multiplayer needs a server with a large broadband * content weak (where is the large ships, more cars, soldiers, jets to BluFOR and Red, airplane transport, etc) * no import from Arrowhead ( is insurgence theme killed on arma series? ) * rain effect is bad * bad documentation for A3 scripting. * IA is a dumb. create stealth missions is a big problem for missiondev.
  22. d3lta

    Urban Patrol Script

    Hi folks I have to modify the UPS.SQF to FIX a bug with last ARMA3 Dev Version: _usetrigger = "NOTRIGGER"; //if ("TRIGGER" in _UCthis) then {"TRIGGER"} else {if ("NOTRIGGER" in _UCthis) then {"NOTRIGGER"} else {"SILENTTRIGGER"}}; No problem more with kron_ variable.
  23. Very Very thanks guys!!! I'm using your tips. Best regards.
  24. Thx Kylania master, but, I already tested this way, is failing, the event don't start, or start and the module fail..... =(
  25. I tried to use the radio chat module (F7+Event), but I dont understand how to use it. Any ideas?