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Everything posted by d3lta

  1. Hi Masters, How to disable Ace 3 Medical System? I want to use others features without ace medical system, I prefer farook's system.... Best Regards. D3lta.
  2. Amazing mission!!! I loved the scripts!!! Congratulations! My reference mission number one!
  3. But my problem is asking to all players to do this, no way... not practical. I need to remove at least the bandage e epinefrine from players/bots in start mission. I've already tried clean the inventory, but Ace insists on re-inserting the medical items. =( FYI Gunter, 99% of my questions I find in the forum using the tool search of Forum and Google, ok?. In this specific issue I found nothing useful, sorry. Thanks man.
  4. Hi Masters, I need to limit the vehicle cargo space (vanilla inventory itens) , but I don't want to make a mod or use "alien" mod, how I do this? It is possible using script only? Exceptionally, Can I do this with ACE3 easily? Best regards D3lta
  5. very very thx harmdhast, I will try it! But It's disappointing the script ecosystem from bohemia don't give a easy way to do this, such a simple thing, . Best regards.
  6. That's Right! But my issue is about the vanilla system, not ace 3 cargo... =( I want to limit the system inventory of vehicle to hold only a specific number (or mass) of itens.... Thanx!
  7. Very Thanks M1ke_SK, but I'm spawning a O_MRAP_02_F and nothing happen's, the inventory space continue's the same. why? _tempveic = "O_MRAP_02_F" createVehicle _position; _tempveic setVariable ["ace_cargo_space", 1, true]; Using in object Initialization, nothing happen's too... why? this setVariable ["ace_cargo_space", 1, true]; Best Regards!
  8. Hi masters, How I create hidden MCC zones on the map?? Here, hiting M, the players are seeing the zones on the map. best regards
  9. Awesome! Fantastic!! I Love!! Thanks Thanks !!!
  10. d3lta

    laser marked target marker

    A little example api_MarcarLaserDesignator = { _param = _this; _uav = _param select 0; _position = position _uav; _xt = nearestobjects [position player,["LaserTarget"],6000]; if (! ( name_makergloball=="")) then { deleteMarker name_makergloball; }; { _position = _x; name_makergloball = format["laserpoint_%1", _position]; _marker = createmarker[name_makergloball, _position]; _marker setmarkeralpha 1; _marker setmarkershape "ICON"; _marker setmarkercolor "ColorRed"; _marker setmarkertype "selector_selectedEnemy"; _marker setMarkerText ""; } foreach _xt; };
  11. HI masters, How I remove or change my briefing texts? I'm using MCCv7. Best regards
  12. d3lta

    Revive Script?

    try csemod.com, not script, but good
  13. http://forums.csemod.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=194 Same problem here! =(
  14. Hi GlowBal, beautiful mod! How I can to put a time to death? Best regards!!
  15. Hi shay_gman "- Added: Change object name, Init line and MCC's init presets are now availabe in Zeus when editing a unit. " why can't change object name or init line using the r7 version and Zeus GUI? Great work!
  16. d3lta

    Tanks...are you kidding me???

    back up?
  17. Hi Masters from TaskForce, I wonder what is the purpose of the task_force_radio_pipe.dll? Best Regards
  18. can someone help me?
  19. Hi masters, I playing with Zeus a few weeks, and eventually I receive in Task form creator the message: https://plus.google.com/109069995425122243171/posts/8ci14saWxhJ After the message, I cannot create another task more. What's the problem, Bandwidth limitations or bug? Best regards
  20. Deactivating the plugin is bugging for me, not deactivate. =( ---------- Post added at 03:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 AM ---------- Hi masters of Task Force, first, Fantastic mod, we love it. But I have a question, It's possible a unit incorporated by Zeus to use the 3D speaking correctly? Best regards
  21. Hi all First, thanks bohemia, I loved Arma3. I'm using a Radeon 7970 and I get multiple crashes during gameplay or using editor. Crash with black screen. I change for a gtx 480 and the crashing stopped. I'm using last driver version on both. Is this problem general with Radeons and Alfa? best regards. Enviado de meu MZ604 usando o Tapatalk 2
  22. Using this parameter the game crashes too. for me, the solution is set to 900 mhz the clock speed under arma 3. #sad Enviado de meu GT-N7100 usando Tapatalk
  23. Hi mestoth, Do you need to do a test, Play the game with the card downclocked a bit. Here, my clock stock is 1 GHz, but I'm running ARMA3 with 900 MHz. No problems at the moment. Latest catalyst beta driver too. Best regards