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About Major_Mayhem

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  1. Major_Mayhem

    ACE 2 Evolution

    MHQ and teleporters are there for people who want to get to the front quickly, and dont want to wait on a pilot that may or may not come!
  2. Major_Mayhem


    Same with me, as i saw it and was wondering how, as im not active at all here!
  3. Hi I am looking for SQF scripters with experience connecting and using MySQL with armalib, someone who has experience with proceedural databases and and armalib specifically. We will be working on missions for both Arma and Arma 2. Anyone wanting to reply should post here or send
  4. Hi I am looking for SQF scripters with experience connecting and using MySQL with armalib, someone who has experience with proceedural databases and and armalib specifically. We will be working on missions for both Arma and Arma 2. Anyone wanting to reply should post here or send
  5. Hi I am looking for SQF scripters with experience connecting and using MySQL with armalib, someone who has experience with proceedural databases and and armalib specifically. We will be working on missions for both Arma and Arma 2. Anyone wanting to reply should post here or send me a PM.
  6. Major_Mayhem

    My Finest Hour

    By far the best momment for mein Arma 2 was on a multi server co-op, the team had just captured Chernagorsk (sp?) and the troops on the ground were running for evac, when suddenly, appears a russian chopper,which damages our first chopper and turns around to pass over again. People were running for cover like rabits, having left stingers at home. I spot a UAZ with a grenade launcher sitting abandoned by the roadside. I make a dash for it and jumpon the gun,chopper flies over and gets a gut fullof nades, it then crashes into one of our tanks. Cheers and aclimations of my skilll follow, and i disconnect feeling proud.
  7. Major_Mayhem

    Chernarus Life (RPG)

    They were saying something about activating your profile, but there are so many people signed up Could the devs just put the passcode up now?
  8. Major_Mayhem

    Chernarus Life (RPG)

    Still having problems registering atm