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Everything posted by Stagler

  1. Another thing Fogu, are you using arrowhead rocks or A2 rocks. The rocks seem to stand out very starkly against the terrain they are part of. Id recommend talking to McNools about his rocks on Aliabad or Hazarkot because they blend better with the terrain. Thanks for appreciating the feedback. Ill go looking for rocks in the road tonight :)
  2. Nice Island Fogu. Ground texture is a bit orange, and those brown chernarus bushes look a bit odd against such other green lush foliage, but its amazing for someones first island well done.
  3. You will need to make a replacement config for it. Its pretty simple. Just find someone elses replacement config for the US Delta Force. Unpack it with unpbo, or pboview, then alter it to use the classnames of the SJB SAS pack. You might find that there is some problems however because the SJB SAS pack is not fully compatible with ARMA 2 Arrowhead features. You might be better off with the better and updated TF86 Temp SF pack, which includes SAS in DPM and Multicam desert made by the same guy.
  4. what class of unit is this on?
  5. Stagler

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I assume one of the templates will be a Czech Secops, and what are the other two?
  6. You need to look in the description.ext. Celery, that sig is the best thing I have ever seen.
  7. Stagler

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    You guys done happen to have a Challenger 1 do you? Shoot us a PM if you do lads. Thanks. Stag.
  8. Stagler

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    THAT is something I would also like to know. From what I can guess, if they are parts of Cherno kitbashed together they will be like 10km by 10km maximum, and 5km by 5km minimum. I do hope there are new places and object placements so its not just exactly the same. I can run the summer veg pack and just play the missions Cherno if they are like that.
  9. SanderLAD with his usual mission magic.
  10. KingNothing has alot on his plate atm, im sure he'll get around to fixing stuff soon ;)
  11. Sorry for the double post, but case in point talking to a mate of mine on steam last night.
  12. Sounds like your milsim group is still working as if it was 1918 mate. The ones I have rolled with value small unit leadership, everybodies opinion, shared squad command roles, and good cheer, even when on serious operations, or when playing a fuck about game for a laugh of a weekday.
  13. Mr Murrays editing guide is indeed the best place to start. Start making basic missions, then expand on it. Destroy the helicopter then get to a safe place, or destroy the ammunition truck, or clear the village. Stuff like that, then work in more complicated concepts such as insertion and extraction. Its all in the guide how to get these simple things working. Thats where I started when ARMA 2 first came out and I never imagined id be such a dab hand at the editor as I am now. Briefings are another matter, id recommend a briefing editor. Just google search ARMA 2 breifing manager/creator and you should be set. If you are having any trouble just PM me. Stag.
  14. Stagler approves of this valid point. Lad who I havent spoke to since leaving college (a long time ago) messages me on steam. "Hey nick, have you got that great new Zombie game Operation Arrowhead, I heard the Zombie mode is better than L4D2." I almost cried.
  15. Stagler

    Stagler's FSB v2.0

    Funny you should say that bro. Because the updated version I have I took the shovels off the packs and made a special shovel pack that you have to put on so not everybody has them If you dont want to wait however, you could always just use removebackpack this;
  16. Desert Marpat suited to the environment, backpack compatability, utter awesomeness. Ill fix doze bugs ASAP lads. Thanks for playing.
  17. UPDATE: [COOP 12 + SP] Cache Prize v1.1 Added ACR version, will update when ACR DLC arrives. Moved medic to the players squad so he can command him, makes it easier for SP play. Fixed bugs in description ext with missing weapons classnames. Fixed BAF menu overview text. Corrected small errors in briefing. Added Stryker ICV to US version instead of 2x M240 HMMWV. Moved Mortar from under the camo net. Rapidshare Download Link v1.1
  18. Stagler

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I think this DLC will have new guerillas, or reskinned guerillas, to represent the insurgents at large in the two new maps, if they are apart from Chernarus that is in the Armaverse. They may just be other parts of Chernarus, not South Zagoria.
  19. I have not been granted a key access yet no. Although I sent Mlacix my source files I had been working on for the IF guys to look at upon request. I have however made progress with my mod without them because after unpacking the files I discovered many textures are changeable via hiddenselection. I do intend to release as an addon however if IF are willing to cooperate.
  20. Does anyone know/know where I can find the classnames for the OA object compositions? Thanks.
  21. After some laddish banter with Mlacix on their forum. I sent a formal request for the lib bisign along with the files for my SS retexture of the German Scouts. I got this swift, polite and informative message in reply.
  22. Sorry Raptor I meant Russiandong. Haha. Anyway, I have done the texturework. It seems that we are unable to get our addons ingame however.
  23. Regarding one of your suggestions Raptor. What I will be doing soon. For either private or public use depending on if it is legal to release. Will be reskinning the Camo Germans to SS Dot-Pea. I shall keep people informed.