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About Tennouheika

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    Private First Class
  1. Edit: Nevermind, just delete this. It was just being screwy and I don't know what was causing the issue, but it works now. So... moving on...
  2. Whenever I try to play MP I feel like I'm running around with no idea where to go, and when I finally do get to some action I die from some random enemy a mile away. I have more fun playing in the editor and creating scenarios (Note: Scenarios I've created are too awful to share with the community)
  3. There's a column about ARMA 2 in the backpage section of PC Gamer. Basically saying the game represents everything that makes PC gaming great. Not sure I want to go and retype the whole column though so if anyone could find it online...
  4. Here's a few action-ish shots I took recently http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1503-15-43-01.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1503-09-03-20.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1500-05-40-62.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1423-49-34-13.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1422-07-51-57.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1503-20-05-95.jpg (the last pic obviously looks bad, but just kind of shows the battlefield the tanks were on)
  5. I'll try that, but it works fine as it is until I move it into certain positions, where it will randomly freeze until I can get away from the spot. Will do and report results though. *Update* That seemed to do the trick. I was able to fly the camera all over the place with no problem. Thanks. Here are a few highlights from the scene I shot: http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1503-08-25-41.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1503-09-03-20.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/Tennouheika/arma22009-08-1503-15-43-01.jpg
  6. I followed this guide posted here: http://www.arma-cp-tutorials.de.am/ Following the guide, I set a trigger to Radio Alpha to perform
  7. Tennouheika


    That worked. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks <3
  8. Tennouheika


    Thanks some_kind_of_guy. Turns out all I had to do was save it. Now it works. Two questions though: Is there a way to boost the volume of the sound, or make other sounds quiet? I kind of made the pilot speak the line, but he does it at a time when music is playing and the helicopter is cranking it's engine. Also, I can't seem to find it in the ARMA 2 script commands, but what is the command to sort of set a delay? Such that after 10 seconds the pilot will speak, for example?
  9. Tennouheika


    Ok I feel retarded. I literally copy and pasted what you said, placed the .ogg in the right place (plus another .ogg just so I have a track2). When it executes the script it tells me "Sound track1 not found." What could this be? :confused:
  10. Tennouheika

    Alt-f4 . . . :(

    I do this all the time.
  11. That works perfectly. I've never made a script before, but I guess that was the key. I was messing with the thing for about an hour, getting frustrated when I realized I had the target too close to the artillery pieces (on the other end of Utes island...). I threw the marker in the ocean and suddenly the artillery pieces were firing. Thanks a ton. Now I'll just work with it, do some tweaking, and have fun.
  12. Tennouheika

    Script gibirish

    When I first started playing with the editor I didn't know how to do much more than place some good guys and some bad guys and make them fight eachother. Since then I've been able to do some more complex stuff. Sometimes I sit down at the game and say "I'm going to figure out how to make a unit, like an airplane, move from point A to point B repeatedly so as to give the affect of airplanes flying over every once in awhile." Eventually you'll get the hang of it.
  13. I kind of feel retarded, but I can't figure out how to follow the ARTY Quick Start you posted. The SecOps works fine. Basically this is what I do: 1) Place rifleman as me, the player. 2) Place m119. I tried 1, or 3. If 3 I set one of them as the group leader and the other guys in his group. 3) Place artillery module 4) Sync to ARTY leader 5) Place a target some place. Either it is a tank or a location. This is where I think I'm screwing up. The guide says "To set up a fire mission template, create an array consisting of the following elements, in respective order..." then it gives the example "_heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15];" Now where do I place that template? I threw it in the Arty module init field, as well as the init field of some game logic. Next it says to set a target unit. "The easiest way to test this is to set a target vehicle or unit, and then use: _targetPos = getPosASL _targetUnit;" Obviously _targetUnit is the name of the tank or location I've placed. But where do I place that line? I tried doing it in the trigger for radio alpha. Finally, the guide says "Then call the fire mission in on the position by using: [_myBattery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;" I place this line in a trigger for radio alpha. _mybattery is the name of the group leader, right? Anyway, I do this and nothing happens. I've spent an hour looking at it and tweaking stuff and I feel stupid. I'm sure you can help me and point out the simple mistake I must be making! Thanks.
  14. Tennouheika

    Are there any Flying/Bombing missions ?

    Also if you play in the Armory and finally unlock some airplanes you can fly those around and receive missions like "Go to target area and kill/destroy all hostiles" and "survive being hunted by the enemy." Those can be pretty fun. Only thing is I pretty much always have to eject and kill the last guy with an MP5 on the "destroy all hostiles" missions. It's also funny when I shoot down an enemy plane and the pilot ejects and runs to that area so I have to track him down.
  15. Tennouheika

    How does the laser designator work?

    Well.. is there a way to place a lasertarget on an object? How would I get an airplane to just come in and bomb a specific building without me marking it with my own laserdesignator?