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Everything posted by TheHarvesteR

  1. TheHarvesteR

    Regular sporadic moments of low FPS

    Well, I updated my drivers, and was surprised to notice how long it had been since I last updated the drivers on my rig... I honestly wasn't expecting to see such an improvement! Solid steady performance all around, over an online Domi2 ACE session for about 45 minutes... and apparently the annoying sporadic lag has gone away!! Granted there were a few moments of lower FPS, but those were in the regular situations one would expect to have that, like under rain with 14x scopes pulled all the way... This is great! that means I don't have to spend money I don't have on a new GPU right now!!! Cheers
  2. TheHarvesteR

    Regular sporadic moments of low FPS

    I'm not sure if it's server-related... I was playing offline yesterday (in empty editor Utes), and had this problem... Just for reference, I'm on a Core i7 920, 6GB DDR3, Geforce 8800GTX 768MB, Win7 x64 ArmA is version 1.7 (steam latest) and ACE mod is v1.3 (latest stable) Just to note that this happens regardless of ACE being enabled or not. I'm going to update my drivers tonight (was on nVidia v190.xx) and do the Physx tweak... let's see how that goes. Cheers
  3. TheHarvesteR

    Flying while typing...

    I confirm this issue, I've had it happen to me a number of times too... I agree that the best solution is to just use VOIP... but that's not always possible... sometimes you need to communicate to players that aren't on TS, sometimes the server has the onboard VOIP turned off... there are a number of reasons why there are times when typing+flying is unavoidable... especially since this problem also occurs when opening the map. The quickest workaround then is to hit Q or Z before going into chat or map... but that's not only an unnecessary hassle, that's not a fix at all... it's a workaround that shouldn't be required... All inputs should be put to neutral when going into any mode that traps the normal game controls. It's as simple as that. Heck, in this case, joystick axes aren't even an input for chat... why not just let them float as they were? That would be even better if you're going to hit a mountain and can't get out of the chat in time. Cheers
  4. hello, When patch 1.03 came out, it added an analogue throttle control binding for those with HOTAS joysticks to be able to have full control over aircraft throttle. (up until then, the throttle input was filtered through some sort of AI that regulated the throttle for you) this improvement, however, somewhat failed to deliver for a number of reasons... first, the analogue throttle only works for fixed wing aircraft... meaning that to be able to fly helicopters as well, one needs to have both throttle bindings (old and new) set to the same joystick throttle axis, which inevitably causes a conflict. second, the old (AI-driven) throttle binding has priority over new analogue one when both are mapped to the same axis, meaning fixed-wing flight is still being controlled by the AI throttle. Needless to say, this renders the new binding useless for those not willing to re-map controls upon switching from fixed-wing to rotorcraft or vice-versa... patch 1.04 brought forth no change for this issue, and I was hoping to find out if a fix is due for any future release another point i'd like to suggest, if this is to be addressed in the near future, is that perhaps it might be possible to have separate bindings for the analogue thrust and the airbrakes. (currently they both dwell on the upper and bottom half of the mapped axis) ...although both actions do have separate bindings as of now, since they only exist on their respective halves of the axis range, mapping the throttle to one axis and the brakes to another means that only the upper half of the former and the lower half of the latter will have any effect... the rest of the ranges stay unused. I thank you in advance. ArmA II is a wonderful game, and addressing this rather small issue will only increase the enjoyment we "pilots" get from it. Cheers HarvesteR
  5. TheHarvesteR

    updates on the analogue throttle issue?

    Sure, here it is: http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=17902 Cheers
  6. TheHarvesteR

    updates on the analogue throttle issue?

    I spoke to the forum support... that was a long time ago, but they said that based on their schedule, this update was due in early 2010 I dropped a new post there inquiring about it, but it' hasn't been answered yet... When it finally comes though... it will be pure awesome!! Cheers
  7. TheHarvesteR

    Location of Chernarus in the world

    No part of the small map actually matches any of the highlighted area on the big map behind it... Ive looked at the area in Google Maps and there is nothing even closely resembling Chernarus there. I've seen myself the area north of Prague in the Czech Republic, and AFAIK, that is the real area from where BIS took the elevation data for Chernarus... its not 100% accurate, since BIS had to make modifications, including adding in 3 airports and clipping the other side of the river to have an ocean. That map you have there is either fake, or an attempt at illustrating the fictional geographical position of Chernarus... Anyways, assuming that the Caspian Sea is where Chernarus was intended to be, It's quite ridiculous that there would be an aircraft carrier there indeed... Well, maybe it's a new variant of carrier, with tank treads under the keel :p Maybe it just crawled out of the water and tanked it's way to the other side :rolleyes: Who can say it's not? the treads would be underwater :D Cheers
  8. TheHarvesteR

    updates on the analogue throttle issue?

    Yes indeed, version 1.05 fixed the whole analogue mapping debacle, so that's no longer a problem. Yes, that is still a problem with the ArmA 2 control mapping... all axis mapping are divided into a positive and negative binding (as in throttle up/down, pedal left/right, and so on). And, all axis inputs are also divided into a negative and positive range, as in X+/X-, Y+/Y- and so on... What this means is that it's impossible as of now, to map an entire axis range on your joystick into a single action of the game... for instance, a full range throttle instead of half throttle, half spoilers as it is now. BIS was a little shortsighted in this area, since they didn't leave an option for mapping an entire axis range to a single action... it probably never occurred to them, as most joysticks will only have 4 axes anyways... But for us flyboys with our HOTAS gear, we want to have our airbraks on a different lever than that of the throttle... we have a lot of axes and we want to use them... and right now, we can't do it really well... Even if you were to map just the 'throttle up' action to the Z+ axis, you would still have the bottom half of the throttle range unused, since bohemia assumed we would want our spoilers there... Well, right now I'm just biting the bullet and playing half range for throttle half range for spoilers... It's not very realistic, but I'm happy that the command mapping in ArmA has come a long way since the terrain-mapping, auto-accelerating arcadeness of OFP's controls :) The light at the end of this tunnel here will hopefully come soon... from Saitek. I spoke to them and they said they have an 'axis features pack' coming soon to an SST upgrade... this would hopefully enable us to tweak ranges, reverse outputs and all kinds of cool stuff within the SST, so we could bypass all these limitations the games throw at us :bounce3: Well, I've been waiting on it for quite a while now... but it must be getting closer ;) Cheers ---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ---------- oops, missed this one post If you mean tweaking the axis sensitivities on the controller menu, I'd advise against it... I've tried all possible setting on that thing... when the game doesn't straight out crash when tweaking that, you can set the responsiveness of the joystick axes there... But I'm afraid those settings won't change the enabled range of the axis... It just changes the sensitivity of the axis input... So even if you were to drag the throttle slider all the way down, so you'd get less input for any given movement and therefore a longer travel range, you would just get a throttle that doesn't max out when it reaches max range... you would be clipping it, not extending it... I guess we gotta wait for a new patch, or for Saitek's miracle update :p Cheers
  9. TheHarvesteR

    Addaction for one player

    No... I tried it too... apparently the addaction function can only call scripts... it won't call functions or run a single commandline I think that's how the addAction function is wired... which is too bad because it would be very handy in situations when all you need is a single line to be executed Cheers
  10. That would work... Also you could just sync the trigger with the officer, this way it will only trip for him (make sure activation mode is on VEHICLE) Cheers
  11. Yep. Same goes for _waypoint1, if you named it waypoint1 in the editor :) The underscore prefix is just a convention for naming local variables I think... Cheers
  12. I assume the chopper crew is not on your team right? MP missions have some limitations with that. All AI that's not on your team (and beneath you in rank) belongs to the server, while things you do are done locally. So, there might be problems ordering around a server-based crew from your local context... there are ways around that, but I don't really know how it works... but I did see a nice tutorial that explains all about these MP particularities and how to get around them... let me see if I can find it... Got it: http://www.ofpec.com/tutorials/index.php?action=show&id=44 Hope this helps... there are a lot more tutorials in that site as well... something there should clear it up for you :) Cheers
  13. TheHarvesteR

    Arma2 script editors

    I tried the N++ ArmA plugin but the program crashed immediately after installing the files... My brother made an sqf syntax profile for N++ and I've been using that for now... It's just a simple keyword filter to put the appropriate commands and keywords into a proper color Now I've downloaded ArmA Edit, but I couldn't get the autocomplete to show... whenever I type a keyword it just completes the line for me, but what I wanted was a drop down list with all possible keywords and a brief explanation (a la IntelliSense) Cheers
  14. TheHarvesteR

    Isla Duala

    Huh, it's true, there's no District 9 game... that's quite a shame since that movie offers so much room for additions... the whole movie appears to be just a snippet of the large alternative reality they created... Hmm... On second thought I guess it's a good thing there was no tie-in game... those are usually the worst games ever released, and the movie offers too much gaming potential to throw it away on a rushed run-and-gun shooter. We would be much better off with an ArmA mod set in duala ;) Cheers
  15. TheHarvesteR

    Isla Duala

    It just occurred to me that Duala would make a perfect setting for a District 9 mod :D All we need is an MNU and Prawns faction (and possibly the arms dealers too ;) ) Cheers
  16. Yeah, that would be a great feature... currently the only way to go from the boat to anywhere else is by taking off in a helicopter or a carrier-enabled fighter... Of course, there would be need for a way to get from the deck to this lower area where the boats are... this really could be anything from a modeled corridor to even a teleport script... whichever way is fine by me :) Cheers
  17. TheHarvesteR

    Terminating a script

    So basically, you've got two scripts running there... one to do stuff and another to kill the first one in case a condition is met or the script itself finishes right? So, what I'm not seeing here is a script that will actually set this termination condition to true... Will there be another script or a trigger that does it? and if I'm not mistaken, I think you would need to use globalVariable to get a script to change a variable in another script, wouldn't you? Just a few thoughts... I hope it helps :) Cheers
  18. If I'm not mistaken, there is a function called atan2, which takes two parameters as x and y coordinates and returns the angle from that point in relation to zero, or takes two points and returns the angle between them... in Flash at least it's the former, so it might be necessary to get the delta position from both points, and then calculate the angle from that delta... kinda like this: var deltaX = pos1X - pos2X; var deltaY = pos1Y - pos2Y; var angle = atan2(deltaX, deltaY) Cheers
  19. Well, I don't know much about ArmA syntax (I just started playing around with it), but I figure what you could do is determine the direction from the one doing the fleeing to the one he's fleeing from, then turning it a full 180º and placing it a few hundred meters away on that direction. So, this could be done using a little trig, and determining the sin and cos of the angle between them (again, I don't really know the syntax, so all my advice is theoretical)... I believe you could extract the angle between north and this direction, and from that get the sin and cos... then invert both values and multiply your distance by cos to get an x value and by sin to get a y value. that should be your target. I'm gonna try and explain this in pseudocode var position_1 = runner position var position_2 = attacker position var angle = get angle from position 1 to position 2 in relation to north var cos = cos(angle) var sin = sin(angle) var targetX = position_1.x + (distanceToRun * -cos) var targetY = position_1.y + (distanceToRun * -sin) runner doMove [targetX, targetY, 0] //XYZ right? Now, if anyone could put that I just said into sqf ;) I hope this helps (or at least makes sense) Cheers
  20. TheHarvesteR

    Day and Night cycle script?

    Ahh OK, I didn't think _skipspeed could be zero, then your first suggestion would be the best. I thought you were using the check just to keep an inifinite loop going, but if the check is really checking against a possibility, then it's the best approach. Cheers
  21. TheHarvesteR

    Day and Night cycle script?

    Actually, if all you want is an endless loop, there's really no need to check for anything. If I'm not mistaken, the _skipspeed variable should not change, so it will never be smaller than zero. The while condition was only set to check if _skipspeed was higher than zero precisely because of that, so the script will never stop iterating. That's why using while(true) will have the same effect. So, in the end, your script should look like this: while{true} do{ sleep 0.5; skipTime(_skipspeed/3600); }; just an endless loop, that iterates every .5 seconds, and changes the time of day every so often. Cheers
  22. TheHarvesteR

    Day and Night cycle script?

    while(true) { statements... } while(true) is a more explicit way of creating an endless loop... no checking, it just keeps going :bounce3: Cheers
  23. TheHarvesteR


    I assume it would be fairly straightforward to port DomiA2 over to Celle... IDK anything about the mission structure, so there may be scripts that are scenery-dependant... so that could make things a bit harder... (Has no one really done this already? I would figure this be the first mission to be ported over) Cheers
  24. TheHarvesteR

    Re-centering tank turret?

    Hi, I've spent a considerable amount of time making a tanking profile for my X52... this has made commanding a tank much more enjoyable... however, one thing is bugging me. The AI tank gunner apparently doesn't care where the turret is pointed when out of combat, and usually just leaves it swinging around as I move. It's very annoying trying to go one way while the gunner insists on having the turret face the exact opposite direction... So, what I want to know is: Is there a way to make the gunner "relax" and just keep the turret facing forward? Cheers
  25. Hello, Just wanted to drop a quick suggestion which in my opinion would make the whole game better. The in-game GPS is a great thing to have, but as I see it, it could use some features that would really make it shine. One - Manual Zooming. As of now, the GPS will zoom in and out depending on the speed you're moving... I suggest implementing manual control over the zoom using hotkeys. Two - Clicking This one is a little tougher, as it would require to have the mouse cursor enabled while the GPS is up... my suggestion would be to enable the mouse cursor when the GPS (hold) command is used, but not when the GPS (toggle) command is used, so people (like me) who use the GPS for reference when flying can still continue to do so, but yet have these features. Clicking the GPS, of course, would have the same effect as clicking over the map screen. You would be able to issue AI orders, set player waypoints and possibly markers(?) This feature would be unbelievably useful when tanking. Well, these are my suggestions. :) Cheers