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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I haven't tested it but try remove the FLAG_BASE addAction ["Teleport","dlg\teleport.sqf"]; entries from the x_setupplayer.sqf.
  2. Mission updated! v1.1 - Removed dependency of mysterious CAA1 files(hopefully) - Added better sound files
  3. I'm gonna remove those files and compile mission without them to avoid problems, also i have no idea where they actually come from and who made them :s
  4. jw custom

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    Turn ratio.. you can not just sweep your mouse from one side of your mouse mat to the other and then expect the character to spin around. Simulation of carrying many kilos of gear i believe it is. Have you tried adjusting the ingame mouse settings:
  5. jw custom

    Maybe in 5 years we'll have...

    At 3 min in this video they talk about a random city generator:
  6. I have a GTX285 and having PhysX enabled/disabled didn't make any difference what-so-ever :)
  7. 1. Town Contact converted from ArmA 1 by zipper 5 is one example. 2. Did use BIS first aid modules, or ACE wounding system or perhaps revive script? If you use BIS first aid modules then when your down press space and from action menu select "Injured" that will call for a medic. It can take time due some issues that a beta patch brought on to patch 1.05 before the medic actually helps you! 3. It depends on skill settings and how you move, if your standing up chances of getting seen is of course greater. But AI does see much better than players in the dark. 4. Yes grass is a problem at times, specially on Chernarus where it's more like knee high weeds than grass. You'll adobt to issues like this with time and practice. 5. This could be you needing practice or your difficulty settings being too high for your current skill level. If you get frustrated then lower AI skills in your game settings.
  8. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    You should try it anyway, it's really amazing :cool:
  9. jw custom

    Are you a vet?

    LOL i thought the thread title was "Are you wet", damn no porn this time :D
  10. Some files made to fix issues with Avgani, afghan village etc. They was posted in this thread. I haven't been able to those exact files anywhere, similar files was posted on dev heaven but they doesn't match.
  11. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Thanks for the awesome update :cool:
  12. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    I know... but i really am a sad shot thats why my fave gun is the M249 haha :p You just need: if (!isDedicated) then { nul = execVM "muezzin.sqf"; nul = execVM "battle.sqf"; };
  13. jw custom

    Init line Removing things

    this removeWeapon "NVGoggles"; You should post these questions here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=93
  14. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    You have defined that track as "track1" not "Battle" :)
  15. jw custom

    Fix soldiers clipping thru sandbags/objects

    Yep sure is annoying when AI walks and shoot through objects :o
  16. jw custom

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    My box: Core i7 920 @ 2.6ghz GTX 285 8GB DDR3 WinXP 32Bit(so my ram doesn't mean much) I don't play the campaign but i do make huge battles with the editor which runs perfectly ;) So nahh it doesn't have a LONG way, but maybe they should look into the scripting in the campaign. You dont get BF/COD fps in ArmA 2, having a huge & detailed world is not for free.
  17. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    Yes except you need playMusic instead of playSound as you have it defined as music.
  18. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    Make a file named music.sqf(or whatever you like it to be called). In that file put: (change the sleep 180 to how many seconds your sound file last) In your init.sqf put this:
  19. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    With a simple sleep command :) while {true} do { playSound "mysound.ogg"; sleep 180; (sleep the length of sound in seconds) }; Also remember to translate text triggers etc. :)
  20. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Sounds great, glad to hear your still continuing making islands :cool:
  21. Ohh then it's okay that you can't order your squad to do anything while under fire or a enemy position is known far away.... this is how it is in real life, but what do i know :)
  22. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    @Mike-USA I didn't play your mission but it seemed really nice, 2 things though: 1. 84mb of music/sounds is a bit much specially considered it's a coop. 2. All info is in german(or something) and there's many people around here that dont understand that including me :p Your welcome to play along next time CAP plays(see my sig) and then you can judge my shooting skill
  23. In the updater suite main menu above the execute button set action to intall or update.
  24. Which is useless when you don't want them in combat mode eventhough they think they are in extreme danger because they saw a shadow move 800m away :p
  25. jw custom

    Guy looking to buy concealed weapons :)

    Funny shit :p