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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Still warping / Network Lagging

    Gotta edit that, i just played on a PR server with a ping on 63ms and i was having a lot of rubber band effect not to mention yellow/red broken chain!
  2. They want alpha testing so they can test beta without errors :D
  3. I guess this is why bis don't have beta testing :o
  4. jw custom

    Still warping / Network Lagging

    I've been playing some PvP lately with around 60 players and with a ping about 60ms and never experienced any warping, i have experienced it with AI quite often though!
  5. LOL RobertHammer is bad news :D
  6. ...as always, have a nice day :p
  7. Still everybody have the exact same advantage which was the point, you made it sound like only some people had an advantage. But lets just blame the admins for being lazy, dumb or new to the game which is why crosshair/3rd person view is enabled :rolleyes:
  8. Well everybody have the exact same advantages.
  9. Yes and no, it all started with people wanted 3rd person removed then changed, now we at the "noob" argument :p Sure for all i care it could be disabled by default on all difficulties because it can be enabled just as it can be disabled now unless the admins dunno about the settings and then another group will be making polls about it for ArmA4 :D With ArmA3 the vehicles hopefully will be fixed so one can drive them without having 3rd person view enabled, so i guess that will make a few more servers(atleast PvP) disable it. P.S. i wonder how all these "hardcore" players will handle getting killed by a heli crash in Domination because 3rd person view is disabled
  10. Exactly as it is now, i prefere crosshair/3rd person off but the only public server i can find playing AAS PvP has crosshair enabled so i just play with it... guess what, it's still fun. The servers worth playing on(populated and monitored servers) does not have "noob" admins who don't know about the settings.
  11. Yes because some people find it hard to believe that theres actually people around here who prefere playing with crosshair and or 3rd person view. It must be a mistake now that they themself prefere not playing with those settings enabled!
  12. This poll is about default settings not about whats allowed or not, thats up to the server admins!
  13. Well this poll is not about removing features, 3rd person view and crosshair is still the server admins choice.
  14. Yeah add leaning like in BHD where everybody camps at every corner :p
  15. No i'm not. The whole discussion started in a another 3rd person poll thread because someone were annoyed he couldn't find any servers without 3rd person enabled. Going from remove 3rd person to change 3rd person and now to disable them by default. So people think that because so many servers has it enabled it's because they don't know about the settings or forget them, thats bs. For all i care sure let 3rd person/crosshair be off by default on all difficulties, it's not gonna change the fact that a lot of people like playing with crosshair and 3rd person view for whatever reasons they have. To make it clear i prefere 3rd person/crosshair off, but i like the idea of having the choice of how i play the game.
  16. Well the word force, but i guess you mean as a server setting. People think that setting stuff disabled as default magically makes people not wanna play without crosshair/3rd person view. Thats some peoples definition, not everybodys.
  17. Just because you prefere playing that way doesn't mean everybody else should.
  18. Those points a,b,c & d is only a issue for completely new server owners, it's not like we have 1000 random servers with people who knows nothing about arma. If a patch for ArmA2 was released and set 3rd/crosshair off by default i doub't it would change much. There's simply quite a few people who like playing with crosshair on, and 3rd person view though i think that mostly has to do with driving vehicles. Here we go again, let's force players into playing a certain way.
  19. Ask them if they could turn crosshair/3rd person off, if they won't they probably prefere it that way. Host your own server with your own settings.
  20. Does it really matters as long as it's optional :confused:
  21. Well if i can do it i'm sure you can aswell, so note down the servers that you like to save time next time you wanna play :) I'm aware this is done by simple scripting, for me thats acceptable to play with as some vehicles are (next to)impossible to drive in first person. And that has to do with ArmA :confused: Crosshair/3rd person is optional, for god sake let people decide themself how they wanna play.
  22. If that "experienced" player joined a vet server with 3rd person disabled he/she would probably find another server or just live with it. You could do the same but i guess you running a server is not an option... why is that? I don't play with 3rd person enabled, i usually play on servers where it's disabled or disabled for infantry. Pretty simple, i avoid servers with it enabled or simply just play along in 1st person..... it's a GAME!
  23. So people who plays in 3rd person view are unexperienced amateurs...uhh i'm sure you have pissed off a few people around here :rolleyes: Btw, one of the reasons that ArmA doesn't have the same number players as BF/COD etc. is because ArmA has a steep learning curve, not because of lack of servers with 3rd person view disabled.
  24. Argument :confused: it's a simple suggestion/solution. So why won't you host your own server where you are the boss over the settings?
  25. Seriously, host your own server :idea: I know it's a weird concept that the server owners(those who pay the bills) can decide which settings to play with....