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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. So SQF is bad because of dead links? There's tons of examples floating around and of course the wiki is a great help. Look at other peoples missions and see how things are done, this is the way a lot of people learned sqf including myself. Erhmm didn't you say: Because you haven't learned it yet, sure that makes it crap!
  2. Chernarus is a great map, with the enterable buildings from dayz it would AWESOME, i would most definitely pay for that :cool:
  3. jw custom

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    If that happens A3 is most definitely a no buy for me. I have nothing against the stats/achievements themself but the type of people they attract(cheaters).
  4. jw custom

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Could be bullshit could also be the same people you see sign up here whenever the face a problem with ArmA they can't solve on their own. Check IP's and ban accordingly! I voted freaking no because the poll is incomplete, it needs a 'maybe' option. Now stop whine and accept not everybody is in luuuuve with steam.
  5. jw custom

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Well that poll was bullshit but atleast the "i luuuve steam" / "i hate steam" text is removed, now we just need a "maybe" option. I voted NO as currently i'm leaning more towards no than yes. I recently sold my PS3 with 25 games, should i have thrown those games in the bin?
  6. jw custom

    Poll: Will you buy Arma III?

    I've read many posts about issues with updating and mod handling which is why i wanna see how things works out before buying. If things function properly i will buy, if not i'll wait and see if issues gets fixed. My last Q means that if kills/bullets fired/weapons used etc. etc. etc. is being tracked by steam i'm out(think i read steam had option for that).
  7. jw custom

    Poll: Will you buy Arma III?

    And that will answer my questions regarding A3 on steam :confused:
  8. jw custom

    Poll: Will you buy Arma III?

    I doub't A3 will be released with in a week which is how long you said your poll lasted. I don't own any 'steam' games so i currently have no problems with it. I base my "pre-judgements" on what i read on these forums, people bitching about updating/using mods etc. Voting NO would not make your poll very accurate as i'm sure i'm not the only one who has not decided yet. But ok if it's to difficult to add that option then well..
  9. jw custom

    Poll: Will you buy Arma III?

    Wheres the "I haven't decided yet" option? I will buy when i see: No problems with updating No problems with mod handling No stat tracking added(attracts cheaters like flies to a poop)
  10. jw custom

    Battleye client not responding !

    What changed on your system between being able to play and now?
  11. I was really looking forward to this title. Money not spent, money saved!
  12. jw custom

    Banned off Arma2 (sorry if in wrong section)

    Sure as always. Btw, the answer is in your own post: You were the only one using the key which is why you must be the one hacking/cheating. Have a nice day.
  13. Okay you wanna make an array of markers right? Try:
  14. Add to array like this: towns = towns + [_mkr];
  15. this is only custom logged positions, took some time doing :p
  16. jw custom

    Development Blog & Reveals

    "Check back soon" guess it means check back soon, just guessing though :)
  17. Well i have played Domination on full severs in all cities countless of times without a issue, pretty sure it must have been playable for a lot of the people i played along with. You must be doing something wrong when upgrading!!!
  18. True. No matter how you turn and twist this in the end a "loop" is done, it's just a matter of appearance!
  19. jw custom

    SQF Encryptor

    Agree. Yes there's some times where protection is "legit" (only referring to scripting/configs) but in general where would YOU be without having the chance of studying other peoples code(bis code)? I must admit (shamefully) that i've looked into bis pbo's to learn how things done :butbut:
  20. jw custom

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Hehe nice :D
  21. What does the BE "haters" suggest instead? PunkBuster? Easily bypassed just in user mode (BF3 implementation is a joke) VAC? lol HackShield? heh GameGuard? wee
  22. jw custom

    Will not Empty Ammo Crate ?

    Are you testing this as a client on a dedicated server? Try this: